Votes from midnight eastern time/10pm Mountain time last night - incl. increase over previous 24 hours.
As long as the WPI is only getting in the region of 1000, I don't think it is going to have any chance of winning overall. So I think I'm going to report for a while anyway on more of the people in pacific to see if there are groups further down making any moves.
Whittemore Peterson Institute: 20588 + 1034 = 21622
Be Perfect Foundation: 8257 + 158 = 8415
Conejo Valley Friendship Circle: 6824 + 141 = 6965
Surfers Healing 5486 +143 = 5629
The Hailey Mayz Foundation 3520 + 136 = 3656
NextGen Academy 3103 +108 = 3211
Invisible Children 2989 +71 = 3060
Jumpstart 2763 + 44 = 2807
Kingdom Causes Bellflower 2474 + 76 = 2550
Sean Vernon Feliciano Amazing Day Foundation Inc. 1785 + 62 = 1847
Partnerships in Community Living, Inc. 1556 + 41 = 1595
Shared Hope International 1516 + 34 = 1550
Austin's House 1260 + 43 = 1303
Light and Love Home- Vancouver 12139+560= 12699
Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation 5557 + 252 = 5811
3rd: National ME/FM Action Network 2403 + 167 = 2570
(So they have gone up to 3rd place in their region. However, as Shania Twain would say, "that don't impress me much": they have still not gone over 200)
Votes from midnight eastern time/10pm Mountain time last night - incl. increase over previous 24 hours.
As long as the WPI is only getting in the region of 1000, I don't think it is going to have any chance of winning overall. So I think I'm going to report for a while anyway on more of the groups in pacific to see if there are groups further down making any moves.
(Summary: none of the others got over 200 votes)
Whittemore Peterson Institute: 21622 + 1071 = 22693
Be Perfect Foundation: 8415 + 197 = 8612
Conejo Valley Friendship Circle: 6965 + 128 = 7093
Surfers Healing 5629 +147 = 5776
The Hailey Mayz Foundation 3656 + 133 = 3789
NextGen Academy 3211 +117 = 3328
Invisible Children 3060 +85 = 3145
Jumpstart 2807 + 112 = 2919
Kingdom Causes Bellflower 2550 + 123 = 2673
Sean Vernon Feliciano Amazing Day Foundation Inc. 1847 + 51 = 1898
Partnerships in Community Living, Inc. 1595 + 41 = 1636
Shared Hope International 1550 + 65 = 1615
Austin's House 1303 + 74 = 1377
Light and Love Home- Vancouver 12699+574= 13273
Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation 5811 + 268 = 6079
3rd: National ME/FM Action Network 2570 + 181 = 2751