emergency report from China


Senior Member
Sth Australia
taniaaust1 how did u get this problem? is your problem similar to us with the hiv like infection?

Today`s doctors ie most of them are focused on profit, so if it was not taught to them, it has to be in the mind. Yes i believe only a researcher or a virologist can help me, the 3-5 weeks patient is indeed very rare if not impossible to find. But that is the key to knowing what is causing this infection

I myself didnt catch it sexually (I got sick when I was in collage but have passed it to others via saliva (one could recover and the one couldnt and remains not well).

I dont think I have the HIV like infection as it has manifested in me just like the patient group Dr Cheney is most familiar with and writes about (he was one of the drs from the big Lake Tahoe outbreak) and my illness has followed the course he describes... so I see it as typical ME as seen in outbreaks (not CFS).

The only thing like HIV i have is with my illness my white blood cell count only just stay in range (at times have been right on the very border of what is normal any lower and would be out of range). Indicates chronic infection of some kind going on (according to the Dr Sarah Myhill info).

The one thing I have which dont fit with most who have ME is .. Ive almost been out of normal range with my ESR with it being high (that has sat on border of normal range at times).. while Ive heard that most with ME have low ESR. My ESR is linked in with D somehow.. and if my D "naturally" improves some and heads up more towards normal range.. my ESR falls. (so whatever raises my ESR must lower my D or visa versa).

Ive never managed to get anyone to do a NKC function test so no idea if that is abnormal (thou I'd expect mine would be).


Senior Member
Hi Tania. When you say you passed it on to others via saliva, do you mean during the acute infection when you were in college, or even years later?

thank you!
The only thing like HIV i have is with my illness my white blood cell count only just stay in range (at times have been right on the very border of what is normal any lower and would be out of range). Indicates chronic infection of some kind going on (according to the Dr Sarah Myhill info).
Are you talking about Leukopenia? That's exactly my most noticeable value on blood tests. I had it as low as 2500 per cubic millimeter, and most times marginally lower than 4000, while before I used to have about 5000.

I had Immunoferon (AM3) for two months and the symptoms became much worse. I guess that was because of the immunological system fight increased and thus my body suffered the war.

I think that the AIDS-Like virus and the Hip's virus are the same.
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Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi Tania. When you say you passed it on to others via saliva, do you mean during the acute infection when you were in college, or even years later?

thank you!

Over 13 years later .. I had the first incident in which I seemed to pass it onto another.. and then several years after that, the same again.

I dont think I was dating anyone when I first got sick in my early years of this illness. I went about 10-11 years somewhere along the time I had this illness with no relationships (so not much chance of any saliva transmission going on).

There is a regular at this site who believes she's given this illness to over 20 people.. I wonder if my case would be similar if I wasnt being soo careful eg I dont share glasses, only kiss my lovers on the lips etc


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Are you talking about Leukopenia? That's exactly my most noticeable value on blood tests. I had it as low as 2500 per cubic millimeter, and most times marginally lower than 4000, while before I used to have about 5000.

I had Immunoferon (AM3) for two months and the symptoms became much worse. I guess that was because of the immunological system fight increased and thus my body suffered the war.

I think that the AIDS-Like virus and the Hip's virus are the same.

The terms leukopenia and neutropenia may occasionally be used interchangeably, as the neutrophil count is the most important indicator of infection risk.

It was my neutrophils which were affected (borderline) so that dropped my over all white blood cell count. 7+ years it was afftected by the ME.

Ive now thou got my neutrophils back up (it doubled them) by taking lithium orotate for a year (I dont know at what point due to taking this I got them up). If you look up lithium you will see there has been various studies done showing it helps increase white blood cells
The initial report and countless others I've seen mentioned people dieing or getting cancer after 4 or 5 years and as they have both vanished without even a good bye it is perfectly reasonable to assume the worse.
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Senior Member
I had email correspondence with Hanchuchu in December 2012, some 3 years after he first posted this thread, where he told me he was pretty much recovered? See this post from a few pages back in this thread. And I also had further email correspondence from Hanchuchu, up until March 2013, where he was still in good health and in recovery.

And all you have to do is go to Omar's member page, and you can see that he posted recently, in September 2018.

I've not come across one account of anyone with the Chinese virus dying. I am not sure where you are getting your information from, but it sounds like you are listening to unfounded Internet hearsay, rather than any reliable sources.
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It just seems odd all the old timers suddenly stop posting after around five years. I've heard on another board you feel better but then the wasting exponentially increases over the next few years. I hope you are right hip but I cannot belive it.

Posted by The Epoch Times
Read us at Zen
A new AIDS-like disease has appeared in China

Posters in Beijing to help stop the spread of HIV / AIDS. In China, the problem of “negative AIDS” may be added to the AIDS problem.(Liu Jin / AFP / Getty Images)
Authorities pass it off as a phobia, but patients die
Forty-nine-year-old Lin Feng from Shanghai suddenly fell ill in May 2008. He said that he suddenly felt a sharp pain inside, ringing in the ears, convulsive muscle twitching and cracking in the joints. In addition, he had a symptom of “flying flies” (dark spots in front of his eyes). And also during examination, he found the disappearance of the most important immune organ - the thymus gland.
Линь пошел в больницу на обследование, где ему поставили диагноз — заболевание печени, гепатит В, герпетический гастрит (воспаление желудка, вызванное вирусом герпеса). Его рвало после каждого приема пищи. Через 6 месяцев его вес уменьшился с 82 кг до 52 кг.
Через 18 месяцев Линь сообщил, что его внутренние органы стали жесткими, ему трудно было передвигаться из-за боли в суставах, кожа стала волокнистой, он испытывал лимфатические и мышечные боли. Кожа оставалась липкой, даже после многочисленных приемов душа. «Я чувствую, что умираю», — говорил Линь. Он совсем отчаялся. Пин Ань, сорока лет, бывший военнослужащий, внезапно заболел после встречи со своими бывшими сослуживцами в 2009 году.«Никогда у меня не было такой сильной головной боли и головокружения. Потом начался дерматит и грибок на коже. Лимфатические узлы в горле распухли. Я был госпитализирован 5 раз, но мне не стало лучше», — рассказал он.
Пин тоже страдал от острой боли в суставах, и сказал, что некоторые его внутренние органы стали жесткими. «Мне больно. Мои кости болят и трещат. Язык стал белым». Он также сообщил, что у него увеличилось сердце, а кожа выглядит багрянистой. Он пережил сердечный приступ и «мышечные судороги по всему телу».
«Это чудо, что я все еще жив», — сказал он.
Подобно этим двум, сотни жителей Китая сообщили о симптомах, похожих на симптомы СПИДа, когда иммунная система выходит из строя, но анализы не подтверждают ВИЧ-инфекции. Наши корреспонденты обнаружили множество форумов в Интернете, с числом от десятков до сотен участников, которые сообщили, что страдают от тех же симптомов.
Многие сказали, что симптомы у них появились после полового акта. И только Линь Фэнь и Пин Ань сообщили, что их симптомы не вызваны половыми актами.
Китайский центр по контролю заболеваний (CDC) отклоняет претензии пациентов и классифицирует их как «ВИЧ-фобию».
По данным CDC, поскольку они боятся заразиться СПИДом, у них появились психологические проблемы, которые привели к появлению симптомов СПИДа.
Независимо от причины, все больше людей сообщают, что они заболели загадочной болезнью, похожей на СПИД, но не получили эффективного лечения.
Человек, пожелавший остаться неизвестным, рассказал: «В нашей группе в Интернете многие из тех, у кого проявились такие симптомы, уже умерли. Новые люди продолжают вступать в нашу группу. Мы совершенно уверены, что это не психологические проблемы, а вирусная инфекция. Но больше мы ничего не знаем об этой болезни. Я догадываюсь, что миллионы людей в Китае болеют этой болезнью».
Эту болезнь называют «отрицательным ВИЧ», так как проявляются симптомы, похожие на симптомы СПИДа, но анализы не показывают положительную реакцию.
Некоторые больные говорят, что это очень заразно и может легко распространиться половым путем, через поцелуи, через пользование одной посудой и через соприкосновение с потными руками других людей. Они сказали, что после заражения их иммунная система стала сдавать.
На сегодняшний день известно 5 типичных симптомов, которые не наблюдаются у тех, у кого была положительная реакция на ВИЧ: белый налет на языке, неэластичная кожа, острая боль в суставах, мышечные судороги и ощущение движения под кожей.
На ранней стадии болезни наблюдается небольшая температура и кашель, сопровождающиеся другими видами симптомов. По сообщению с форумов, многие такие больные умерли в течение 2-5 лет после появления первых симптомов.
Они говорят, что с начала появления этой болезни в Китае в 2000 году, не было зафиксировано ни одного случая выздоровления.
Болезнь легко может распространиться на всю семью, увеличивая опасения тех, кто уже заболел. В основном, эти симптомы наблюдаются у молодых людей и людей среднего возраста, но также и у их детей. Один ребенок был заражен еще в утробе матери.
Типичным ранним симптомом является распухание лимфатических узлов. Лимфатическая система является важной частью иммунной системы, и увеличение лимфоузлов может означать вирусную инфекцию.

Что сначала: страх или заражение?

В Китае ведутся споры, является ли «ВИЧ-фобия» вирусной инфекцией или же это психологическая проблема.
Случай Линь Фэна может пролить некоторый свет на этот вопрос. В 2008 году его матери сделали переливание крови, в ходе операции на желудке, в больнице в Шанхае. Домой она вернулась с распухшими лимфоузлами и пораженной кожей. Ее суставы стали хрупкими и мягкими, а все тело ослабло. После этого, ее состояние сильно ухудшилось.
Однажды его мать порезала руку осколками разбившегося стакана, и Линь порезался тоже, убирая осколки.
«Я пошел в больницу провериться. Мне сказали, что у меня больная печень, а позже выяснилось, что и желудок тоже», — вспомнил он.
Так как он не знал, какой болезнью он болен, он стал искать в Интернете и нашел форумы «СПИД фобия» — рассказы больных, пораженных отчаянием и горем. «Я сказал им, чтобы они не беспокоились и не боялись, что эту болезнь скоро изучат и определят. После этого многие подумали, что я был подослан Центром контроля и предупреждения болезней, и выгнали меня из группы», — рассказал Линь.
Позже, когда его болезнь обострилась, и даже китайская медицина не смогла ему помочь, Линь испугался и отчаялся.
Один бывший военнослужащий сообщил в Интернете, что он не болел гриппом несколько десятков лет, но недавно у него проявились симптомы, похожие на симптомы СПИД.
«В 2009 году, на вечеринке, один знакомый плюнул в мой стакан. Когда вернулся домой, я почувствовал, что подхватил инфекцию. Потом стали проявляться симптомы один за другим. В течение нескольких месяцев я непреднамеренно заразил членов моей семьи, родственников, коллег и друзей. У многих из них высокий социальный статус», — рассказал он.
«Я сообщил об этом в министерство здравоохранения. Там мне сказали, что они никогда не слышали о такой болезни. В национальном Центре контроля заболеваний мне сказали, что болезнь не должна быть заразной, иначе были бы сообщения о ней и за границей, а не только в Китае. Таким образом, они считают, что у больных не в порядке с психикой. Этот вирус распространяется незаметно, и люди не думают о предохранительных мерах.

В поисках мести
One anonymous author said that in 2008, one of these Harbor Internet groups, which included more than 240 AIDS phobia patients, organized a blood donor travel group traveling to different cities between Shenzhen and Shanghai. They intended to spread the virus and increase the number of infected people in order to draw the attention of the authorities to this problem.
Since there is no positive reaction to AIDS and other known viruses with this disease, they easily passed a blood test. Later, blood containing this unknown virus spread in the blood transfusion system. Therefore, Lin Feng's mother, who was injected with infected blood at a hospital in Shanghai, infected her entire family.
Members of the Harbor group roam the busiest streets. They infected all the prostitutes they met. In 2009, many night club prostitutes were also infected.
One woman from Shenzhen, under a pseudonym on the Internet, reported that all members of her family died from the disease. She also said that she intentionally had sexual intercourse with men in order to infect them.
Another, under the pseudonym “Fear,” from Xiangfang City in Hubei Province, still continues to infect people. One of the fifty patients examined at the Center admitted that he donated blood and spat in the glasses of his work colleagues to infect them.
These patients hide their illness. In addition to discussing their symptoms on the Internet, they do not tell anyone about their condition, even to their relatives whom they have infected. They are afraid of being discriminated against, and those around them out of hatred will abandon them.
It is difficult to determine the size of this group because of the blocking of information in China and the desire of these people to self-isolation. Members of groups on the Internet live in different cities of the country, have different social status, most of them are young people.
“I take all kinds of medications and follow different tips to get cured. I am looking for a way out of the situation when my time comes, I will leave it to my children, my family. If this disease is incurable, it will be a disaster for all mankind, ”said Ping An.
English version


Transplantologist Jacob Lavi: “If a country reports that there are no cases of organ trafficking on its territory, this means only one thing: they’ve searched poorly.” Exclusive interview

Professor Jakob Lavi, a cardiologist and surgeon * in an interview with EpochTimes at the 13th National Congress of the Romanian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, said:

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Hi stressed 85
I feel with you. I have this chines virus too...and i cant seem to get rid of it as well...yes i have heard that some people develope cancer from this disease because it suppresses your immune system...this virus is highly contageous i gave this virus to my whole family even friends i noticed tiny irregual bumps on everyones skin that vibrates.. However dr chia things this chinese virus is an enterovirus. But some people immune system is able to fight it off so far im still suffering from the symphtoms and im as worried as you are. The worst thing is that the government is not doing anything about it.
Where are you from? This is a huge pandemic in Asia but the Chinese government has denied it. How long you suffered from this? There's a large group of us from all around the world desperate for help.
Im from los angeles..i got this from someone back in 2015..i got the flu like symphroms then fatigue came along muscle aches my neurologist recommender that i take botox for neck pain in april 2018 one month after my botox my whe body went into spasm. Couldnt figure out whats going on .Dr chia said this virus spreads becomes stronger when u take cortisone chemo or botox.. I also developed cancer because it suppresed my immune system now dr chia put me on lemivudine i feel just a little better but cant excercise dont enjoy life anymore worried about my cancer because of my low natural killer cell. I gave it to my whole family i think including my son were just hoping try to get better.. Were on equilibriant and lamivudine...dr chia said there is no other medication for now that works for enteroviruses...im hoping he knows what his talking about. Because i told him i gave it to my son he used my nasal spray he told me its not very easily transmissible..i think his wrong. One of the classical symphtoms i noticed on everyone is the skin when you look at it from a different angle u notice bumps and press on it with your nail bed it vibrates thats how i know its highly contagious even through skin to skin. Is contagious. I havent encountered with anyone that has this disease however the person i got it from they have no symphtoms just noticed the T and B lymphocyte are towards the low end..lot of people has this disease but they dont know about it. Some people get very sick like me. and some get sick mild symphtoms. I dont know the long term side effect but i know you have to take something to either control the virus or im hoping your immune system eventually will fight the virus but when your sick you must take something to push your wbc up. Otherwise this virus is very deadly to certain individuals. While i was sick i saw 5 infectious dz dr from ucla usc and olive view no one new what was going on with me except dr chia.
I think this dz has vague symphtoms and some pepple are not sick as others are are so the goverment is not taking it seriously like the aids epedemic.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
It just seems odd all the old timers suddenly stop posting after around five years. I've heard on another board you feel better but then the wasting exponentially increases over the next few years. I hope you are right hip but I cannot belive it.

It is very normal for people just to stop going to websites for various reasons, they find a better site, they recover etc etc. Unless one is a very good friend of theirs and then have that person just strangely vanish, it is not strange at all for someone to just stop going to a website.

I cant imagine Hip lying to you.
Im from los angeles..i got this from someone back in 2015..i got the flu like symphroms then fatigue came along muscle aches my neurologist recommender that i take botox for neck pain in april 2018 one month after my botox my whe body went into spasm. Couldnt figure out whats going on .Dr chia said this virus spreads becomes stronger when u take cortisone chemo or botox.. I also developed cancer because it suppresed my immune system now dr chia put me on lemivudine i feel just a little better but cant excercise dont enjoy life anymore worried about my cancer because of my low natural killer cell. I gave it to my whole family i think including my son were just hoping try to get better.. Were on equilibriant and lamivudine...dr chia said there is no other medication for now that works for enteroviruses...im hoping he knows what his talking about. Because i told him i gave it to my son he used my nasal spray he told me its not very easily transmissible..i think his wrong. One of the classical symphtoms i noticed on everyone is the skin when you look at it from a different angle u notice bumps and press on it with your nail bed it vibrates thats how i know its highly contagious even through skin to skin. Is contagious. I havent encountered with anyone that has this disease however the person i got it from they have no symphtoms just noticed the T and B lymphocyte are towards the low end..lot of people has this disease but they dont know about it. Some people get very sick like me. and some get sick mild symphtoms. I dont know the long term side effect but i know you have to take something to either control the virus or im hoping your immune system eventually will fight the virus but when your sick you must take something to push your wbc up. Otherwise this virus is very deadly to certain individuals. While i was sick i saw 5 infectious dz dr from ucla usc and olive view no one new what was going on with me except dr chia.
I think this dz has vague symphtoms and some pepple are not sick as others are are so the goverment is not taking it seriously like the aids epedemic.
Sorry to hear you have cancer can I ask what type? I have heard the wasting gets worse have a few years and you lose all body fat. Have you experienced this? Does Dr chia think them new drugs he has in development may be effective? Check your pms I sent you one.
Its breast ..i did have some wasting but recovered from that..if this is a realy enterovirus as per dr chia saying next year there going to come up with a nrw medication. I read an article saying that this os a man made virus originated from china to kill it overpopulated population becaise this is not your standard virus it has weird symphtoms. What is pms?
A private message on here with some information have you see it? I believe it is something along those lines too as it does not show up on any test and the symptoms are very harsh. Do you think the cancer is related to this?