emergency report from China


Senior Member
A few years ago, we had a request from someone living in Canada (Toronto) who thought he was dying. I had never heard of this particular virus (although most claim it's from sexual activity....is that broadcast in your country?) and handed it over to @Hip. Perhaps he can add something to this present discussion.

I remember that this individual was terrified and claimed that many in Canada were affected with this virus. Of course I had no proof (or knowledge) one way or the other. Let's hope that @Hip will let us know what he told the gentleman. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
I sent you the links

The second link you sent does not mention anything about the Chinese HIV-like virus causing cancer, but just talks about cancer in general.

The first link (translated to English) says this:
After 5-7 years, some patients developed intestinal cancer or showed signs of intestinal cancer.

After 5-7 years, some patients developed or showed signs of lung cancer.

These seem imprecise statements. What does it mean to "show signs of lung cancer"? If someone is just speculating that they have lung cancer based on symptoms, that is not a reliable diagnosis.

I would not worry too much about this. First of all, there is no test for the Chinese HIV-like virus, so we cannot know for sure who has this virus. Other infections can cause similar symptoms, and there are likely many people who think they have the Chinese HIV-like virus, but may in fact have another infection. So all speculation about the Chinese HIV-like virus is a bit unreliable to begin with, because of the fact it is hard to know who has it.

Secondly, anecdotal reports in newspapers about patients getting cancer are no substitute for a proper epidemiological study. Cancer is very common, so naturally you are going to get a few people with the Chinese HIV-like virus getting cancer; but this may have happened anyway.

In the UK for example, there are 367,000 new cases of cancer every year. The UK has a population of about 67 million. Using that data, you can work out that over a 10 year period, in a group of 35 people, 2 will develop cancer, on average.

The virus I caught, which was quite similar to the Chinese HIV-like virus, infected about 35 of my friends and family. Over a 10 year period, 2 people in this group infected with my virus developed cancer. But that is no higher than the UK national average, which suggests my virus is not promoting cancer.
Hope so. Are you in touch with some chinese people with this disease for long time. I m very scared because my 4 years old baby boy was born with the disease.


Senior Member
Are you in touch with some chinese people with this disease for long time. I m very scared because my 4 years old baby boy was born with the disease.

When I started my chronic sore throat / mood virus blog website in 2007, there were a few people from China commenting on it, who said they had the Chinese HIV-like virus. Some were in a state of extreme desperation, not so much because of the physical effects of the virus, but because of the way this virus can affect the brain and cause horrible mental health symptoms like extreme anxiety and depression.

But after a few years, several from China reported on my website that they were feeling much better.

There is new research now showing that brain inflammation is linked to a variety of mental symptoms, from depression to anxiety to OCD. Well the virus I caught seemed to trigger long-lasting inflammation in the body, so this may be how it causes these mental symptoms of anxiety, etc.

I suffered from horrible moderate-to-severe generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for many years after catching my virus, as well as severe anhedonia, because of its effect on my brain. It was pure hell.

But I eventually found this treatment highly effective for my anxiety:

Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!

Understandably, if you and family members have an unknown virus, it can cause some worry.

But if you find you are worrying excessively, and if you find you are worried and mentally tense about many things, it could be that the virus has triggered GAD, which then makes you far too anxious about things.
Your virus doesn't cause the Loss of fat in the face + the loss of fat padding. I also suffer from hair loss so it s normal for me to become anxious and despred each time I see the chargés in my face and my body: more fat in abdomen and less in face. My skin is less elastic than it used to be


Senior Member
Your virus doesn't cause the Loss of fat in the face + the loss of fat padding. I also suffer from hair loss so it s normal for me to become anxious and despred each time I see the chargés in my face and my body: more fat in abdomen and less in face. My skin is less elastic than it used to be

My virus has triggered ME/CFS, which is one of the worst diseases you can get.

Like many on this forum, because of my ME/CFS illness, I have no life at all: no job, no girlfriend or wife, very little social life (I lost most of my friends because of my illness), I do not go on holidays, I do not travel, I am stuck in the house nearly every day, I am not able to read the books I once loved reading (because of brain fog). When my ME/CFS was severe, I was in bed or lying on the sofa nearly all day and night, because of the sheer exhaustion.

I have also put on 30 kg of weight (mostly on my abdomen) since catching the virus.

Yet the devastating effect this virus and the ME/CFS disease it triggered has had on my life does not itself lead to anxiety or depression. I only had anxiety and depression because of the physical effect of this virus on my brain.

I am not saying your symptoms are not worrying, but I am just pointing out that if you have GAD, it can make you worry more than you should. GAD can cause considerable suffering.

For hair loss, you can look into topical minoxidil and/or topical azelaic acid, and oral herbs such as saw palmetto.
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Still have the chest tightness and difficulty breathing until now 5 years after I got this infection. Do you have any idea about this chest tightness


Senior Member
Still have the chest tightness and difficulty breathing until now 5 years after I got this infection. Do you have any idea about this chest tightness

Chest tightness can have many causes, so it's something you may want to get checked by your doctor. You can tell the doctor your symptoms appeared after a virus, and let him do the regular tests.

Chest tightness can be caused by myocarditis (infection and inflammation of the heart muscles), which can become a chronic condition. Several people who caught my virus (coxsackievirus B4) developed myocarditis, and it is known that coxsackievirus B can infect the heart.

Coxsackievirus B can also infect the lining of the lungs (pleurisy), and infect the intercostal muscles (pleurodynia), though I am not sure if these can become chronic conditions; they are usually acute.
Hi @Hip

The first symptom I have had after catching this virus is a feeling of a burning nose and a sneeze much more than usual. Every time it gets a little cold or there is an air conditioning I feel a strong burning inside my nose and the sneezing starts then it is incessant thick mucus for more than 10 daysor 2 weeks. It is not an ordinary flu but this is a special thing about this virus that I have had for 5 years now. Same thing for my 4 year old son. I consulted the Ent doctor who puts a camera in my nose and said that all the lining of the nose is shiny and a little red.
Do you have this nasal problem or did people with hiv like Chinese virus have this ? Any remedy for this ?


Senior Member
The first symptom I have had after catching this virus is a feeling of a burning nose and a sneeze much more than usual.

Myself and others who caught my Coxsackie B4 virus developed chronic nasal and sinus issues: a mild but constant sense of inflammation in the nasal cavity, and producing more nasal mucous than normal (for example, when I wake up, I always have to blow my nose to clear the mucous that builds up overnight). This symptom is still present in me and other people now, even though we caught this virus over 15 years ago.

I found no solution, but supplements I found which reduce this nasal and sinus inflammation and mucous are listed in this post.

You might also like this: Advanced More Effective Nasal Irrigation Technique. A nasal irrigation clean out of you nose and sinuses can help if you have a bacterial infection.


Senior Member
@Insajad, I found the N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) supplement actually helps reduce anxiety as well as reduce nasal inflammation and congestion (NAG acts at the mucous membranes).

I actually suspect that nasal inflammation can cause or worsen anxiety, as the nasal and sinus cavities are close to the brain, and any inflammation in them is detected by nerves and signaled to the brain. When the brain receives such an inflammatory signal, it increases neuroinflammation levels in the brain, which in turn may cause anxiety and depression.
Please read the attached documents. Could it be real ? 😬😪


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Senior Member
Could it be real ?

I have no interest in discussing such conspiracy theories. People claim lots of pathogens are made deliberately, from Lyme disease to coronavirus, but I don't believe any of it.
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Hello I have internal Hemorrhoids grade 2 which are painful. I m more than sure that s also realeted to this virus. Do you have any idea if there are people with this chinese aides like disease who developped Hemorrhoids ?


Senior Member

Hello I have internal Hemorrhoids grade 2 which are painful. I m more than sure that s also realeted to this virus. Do you have any idea if there are people with this chinese aides like disease who developped Hemorrhoids ?

I have no idea, you'd have to Google search in Chinese.


Senior Member
Cant find in Google chinese forum to ask

First you use Google Translate to translate the terms into Chinese. Then you use standard Google to search for webpages containing those terms. Finally you use Google Translate to translate those webpages into English (or whatever language you prefer).

The Chinese term for the Chinese HIV-like virus is 阴滋病
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