emergency report from China

It is not that unthinkable that this is a man made virus. Why after 10 years are we still non the wiser as to what this is.
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Senior Member
In ME/CFS, it was shown in the 1980s that ME/CFS patients have enterovirus infections in their tissues, but even today it has not been proven this virus causes ME/CFS. Science is hard, and answers take a long time coming.

Also, sometimes scientists have their own views, and they like to stick to their views. I tried to communicate with the researchers in China who are studying the Chinese HIV-like virus, and I suggested that they look at enterovirus as a possible candidate. But they were fixated on herpesviruses, because of the herpesvirus reactivations that the studies on the Chinese virus found. So I could not get them interested in enterovirus. But that's how things go: individual scientists have their own ideas and research preferences.
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Hi Melissa do you think you have the China virus? There's a group of us who speak on discord a chat app if you would like to join send me a message on here.
The unknown std site, this thread, omars thread, undiagnosed thread , many other places and many years have passed and still its seems we have Come no where. Has this not gotten any attention from the medical community lately ? Does anybody know? Anyone from old times or New from china that post here ? Its just hard To wrap ones mind around it. It takes a great mental toll. For me especially because i have wife and kids, i see things that worries me they have it. Its hard comprehend How something can be so contagious and Give so many symptoms, exist for so long without it being much more known and causing havoc. It just doesnt add up, it doesnt.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
My friends wherever you may live. Finding ways to better health has been my life. I have seen people succeed and seen some who didn't survive. Sometimes what I figure out took 7 years to solve. Sometimes I read several things which just coincidentally work out to an inspiration.

The unknown std site, this thread, omars thread, undiagnosed thread , many other places and many years have passed and still its seems we have Come no where. Has this not gotten any attention from the medical community lately ? Does anybody know? Anyone from old times or New from china that post here ? Its just hard To wrap ones mind around it. It takes a great mental toll. For me especially because i have wife and kids, i see things that worries me they have it. Its hard comprehend How something can be so contagious and Give so many symptoms, exist for so long without it being much more known and causing havoc. It just doesnt add up, it doesnt.

Mrunknown, today is one of those days. I have had too many coincident occurrences all happen in the past few days that just happened to converge some possibilities.

Somebody the other day mentioned mono and how it lasted him two years to recover. Me too. I know people who have had FMS and CFS for decades. I know people with, so far, life long FMS from getting hit by a car or truck. Me too. Some people have had a sore throat and followed up by half a dozen pneumonias. So have I. Many start with IBS in grade school a have it all their life. I used ti have IBS from 1st grade to age 62, 10 yesrs so far without IBS,. I've known people with Polio and those who had Post Polio syndrome (essentially the same symptoms as FMS. And coincidentally the same symptoms show up coincidentally from long term Lyme disease, long term mono, and as one doc called it "miscellaneous endo virus" like echo virus.

Now with Covid-19 we have another virus, another virus with a post viral syndrome of symptoms that are not surprisingly similar with other post viral syndromes.

Some friends had Covid-19. They were doing well and suddenly on the 10th day they felt awful They had been doing some nutrients for some symptoms. They had used potassium and that helped, then they added more methylfolate and the inflammation went down and they felt even bettter.. In a few days they were better.

There is no guarantee of any kind. Many people when sick go short of nutrition which makes them feel worse. The second list of refeeding syndrome quick symptoms lets you see the difference in hours usually that you have found the right thing and switch to another need as different symptoms come up.

All the articles I have found in internet are saying that this chinese aides like virus gives people organic diseases after 5 to 7 years especially cancers in the lungs and colon
So What you confirm is in opposition to the studies on the internet. I m very scared because I have a son of 4 years who has all my symptoms


Senior Member
All the articles I have found in internet are saying that this chinese aides like virus gives people organic diseases after 5 to 7 years especially cancers in the lungs and colon

Can you provide links to these articles?