So, I don't know where to post this, but I watched an infuriating ad trying to sell a weight loss drink from a Greek Island. They said that the culprit to weight gain is high ceramides and that some people can get rid of them faster than others. I actually use a ceramide cream so I thought, hm, well at least I can look into that. The first thing I found actually seems to implicate high ceramides in Me/CFS. Just thought maybe you all might want to investigate. One of things they said would counteract is milk thistle. Gonna check that next.
"While ceramides are necessary for normal mitochondrial functions, accumulation of excess ceramides have been shown to induce mitochondrial dysfunction (
52). Increased mitochondrial ceramide content has been shown to have numerous deleterious effects, including inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative capacity, depletion of ATP, inhibition of the electron transport chain, and enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (
55). Additionally, studies show that ceramides can alter or nearly eliminate the respiration-dependent mitochondrial membrane potential (
57). They disrupt the normal structure of the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes, increasing their permeability independent of cytochrome c and electron transfer activity (
51). One study in a mouse model of ischemia showed that ceramide accumulation leads to inhibition of the respiratory chain (
58). In mouse models of diet-induced obesity (DIO), pharmacologic or genetic depletion of ceramides increases mitochondrial complex activity [complex IV in subcutaneous white adipose tissue (sWAT), complexes II and IV in brown adipose tissue (BAT)], as well as respiration in sWAT, BAT, and brain (
Ok, obesity is not the same as ME/CFS, but I keyed in on "mitochondrial dysfunction". I have not kept up on here in years, so don't really know if this is old news to you all, or already debunked. Sorry, if so.