Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


Senior Member
yep - as far as I can tell - any time you have the immune system exposed to bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoan surface proteins you generate micro clots - and they are also a known feature of many other chronic diseases - incl diabetes, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis etc -
in sepsis the idea of the immune system being in contact with bacterial proteins is a given
not so cut and dried in the others - but many people have speculated about an infectious cause in most of them


Senior Member
I continue to pursue this idea. The NPC19 (Russian Autovaccine Lysate) started again this week and once again I am getting a boost from it. Oddly the Near ultrasound therapy of my kidneys is seemingly slowly working and I am able to tolerate more and more time and getting less impact from it and I am having some really good days at the moment. My UTI issues are much reduced now. Given all I have thrown at the problem I don't think its the root of ME/CFS, I think its a common comorbidity likely due to leaky gut release of bacteria and probably making things a bit worse. But until I can clear the bacteria in my Kidney -> UT I can't really say what the complete impact might be.


Senior Member
Given all I have thrown at the problem I don't think its the root of ME/CFS,

interested to understand your reasoning there BrightCandle - what have you thrown at it and why does this make you think the root cause is not in the kidney as Markov theorises


Senior Member
interested to understand your reasoning there BrightCandle - what have you thrown at it and why does this make you think the root cause is not in the kidney as Markov theorises

I am tolerating increasing amounts of near ultrasound, I am on at my third set of autovaccine doses since January and the gains have been minor. I have less UTI issues and pain. The ultrasound has resulted in a big kick out of bacteria in my urine and to me that is a sure sign biofilms in the kidneys are likely present, the change in tolerance also suggests its having an impact, 2 minutes just a few days ago was bad, when I started 15 seconds was awful headaches and fatigue, now 4 minutes is mild impact and I am constantly increasing the treatment length. But I would have expected with each pass of autovaccines and this increasing biofilm breakdown from tolerating ultrasound I would anticipate more progress than I am seeing.

So either everything I am doing is not making a dent or it is and its not the core of the condition. Due to the reduction in UTI issues I am making some progress that I can tell and my kidneys hurt less as does my lower back. The autovaccines and the near ultrasound therapy are doing things and having some impact.

Its the impact on the core fatigue and PEM that concerns me, its very little. Its impossible to call it until we find/do/persist a treatment that produces clear dipsticks without cranberry intervention and the complete clearing of UTI's but my impression so far is I don't think it accounts for much of my disease. I feel like I am more than half way on clearing the bacteria, but its just 5% of my condition. My impression of progress could be completely wrong and really this is going to take a solid 8 hour near ultra sound treatment at peak volume and years of autovaccines. Maybe breaking the biofilm is not enough if the body can't handle the bacteria. All I can say for sure is that there is some impact but its not big yet on anything done so far but I don't know if there is a magic point to pass and suddenly I get mental clarity and the condition just fades away.


Senior Member
thanks for taking the time to explain your thought process BrightCandle

i guess there are still many unknown factors making it really quite difficult to interpret what is happening from the data we have so far.

for instance - though there are papers detailing that ultrasound breaks up biofilm in lab tests - we don't know how much of an established biofilm colony or colonies would be broken up by the doses of ultrasound experimented so far - or if this would always leave the "seed" of a colony there afterwards.

the immune modulation via autovaccines is another area we know very little about - from our earlier discussions - it seems this mechanism was discovered and used empirically - and its still not clear why or exactly how it works - other than in the general sense that it seems to raise the immune response to the organism concerned.

thus its very hard to know how much would be enough of either of these approaches.

from my own research into biofilms i have been amazed at how resilient they are to many forms of interventions. for example
  • they can form even in the storage containers of the concentrated cleaning chemicals used to supposedly remove them - eg in hospitals with MRSA
  • they can form and grow in water distribution systems flowing at speeds of several metres per second - where you might expect them to be torn away from the surface they are adhering to before they even got started - eg large buildings or chemical plants
  • they resist immune system breakdown - eg in chronic wounds or infected replacement replacement joints
  • they resist even multiple antibiotic combinations at doses many times those needed to kill their planktonic brethren - up to 1500x normal dose in lab experiments.
the list goes on

for these reasons i am not surprised that experimental treatments might be only partially effective - or take a long time with many repeated applications.

or that the systemic symptoms might not decrease dramatically in the short term - and may even increase in the short term ( weeks or months) especially if the condition took months or years to reach its current stage - and that these signs would not therefore necessarily mean the Markov theory is invalid as the root cause mechanism. As we have no way of knowing if 5% or 95% of the biofilm colonies remain. but given how tenacious biofilms in general are known to be i would lean towards a higher percentage rather than a lower one after a few weeks of treatment.

not to argue with you or invalidate your views - just to share my perspective

i do however think that whatever treatment modalities are used - the immune system has to finish the job of clearing every last bit of biofilm - as no other known treatment has a good chance of doing that. and clearly unless that is done it seems likely the condition would relapse. so i think the autovaccine approach is very much on target from that respect.

i also think multimodal treatment strategies are also likely to be more effective than monotherapies - such as your own combination - or even ones with more layers / modes.

potential candidates for additional modes might be:
  • -addition of enzymatic anti-biofilm agents
  • -other biofilm disrupting agents - sugar alcohols, EDTA, lactoferrin etc
  • -quorum sense (a mechanism for biofilm formation)disrupters - eg essential oils, allicin/garlic, etc
  • -antibiotics or combinations of
  • -hypothermia treatments - some papers suggest it helps degrade biofilms and aids microcirculation circulation
  • -plant based anti-microbials - some of which have been proven effective against even drug resistant bacteria
i suspect that in many cases - as in your own -and my own - the increased symptoms in response to treatment may become the limiting factor in terms of speed of treatment.

again i have been amazed how much pain is required in my own case - to get to meaningful gain - even though the trajectory is unmistakably upward.

the latest work on ischemia reperfusion injury in ME/CFS as a probable mechanism causing PEM is one explanation that seems to fit the facts well here
also the micro clots found to contain inflammatory compounds which when broken down also cause adverse reactions to treatment is another - so this speaks to a difficult to treat without incurring exaggerated symptoms type response - and may explain the apparent asymmetry between small treatment progress with disproportionately large adverse reactions.

all just intended as food for thought

if its of any solace - i am on a kind of parallel track with a biofilm forming infectious disease - layering of multiple treatments - and only gradual improvement with much short term exacerbation of symptoms after each treatment step - but i am now also undeniably past 50% recovered. so in my own N=1 trial seems at least consistent with the above.

good luck and thanks for continuing to share your ongoing experiments!


Senior Member
I am back severe now afrer making a mistake. But dr markovs treatment put into moderate/vert badly mild, from severe/bordering very severe. So my improvements were enormous. And i miss them. Not sure if that really is against anything said, but i thought i’d mention for another data point.

I think it was kind of clear from what i posted earlier, but its even more clear in my mind after going back to severe. My improvements were huge.

I honestly think i would have stayed at that level too, if i hadn’t worn that mask to garden. Almost certain, the improvements were very very solid.

I am going to do anotjer round with him in the coming months, but i dont think it’ll work like it did before, as they are not autovax strains. We’ll see though.
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Senior Member
just an update on the possibility of micro clotting being a common aetiology for many chronic diseases that have a high degree of symptom overlap with ME/CFS

e.g. fibromyalgia, long covid, post viral syndromes, chronic lyme disease etc.

ref studies here




the micro clotting mechanism may be triggered by different ultimate root causes (is documented as present in long Covid and more recently in ME/CFS) but flow down the same biological pathways converging in micro clotting and from there v similar symptoms can be expected. This is at least the theory I am working with – one that seems to fit the facts quite well.

These micro-clots can be triggered by bacterial infections as well as viral ones. The link with Markov’s theory is that ME/CFS is known to include micro clotting, and contact between the immune system and surface antigens of bacteria and their by-products, as are expected in a kidney biofilm community, would be expected to trigger this response.

I am interested in this topic as after 7 years of fatigue, illness and misdiagnosis – including CFS (I do suffer PEM), fibromyalgia and post viral fatigue, it is now clear I have a confirmed chronic bacterial infection visible on conventional microscopy blood smear tests (a direct testing method).

That is the preamble.

Today I took some time to read properly the above studies on these micro-clots to understand them better and see if there were further clues there.

The micro clots are formed of fibrin and amyloid and acc to the images in the study - in long covid patients are between 3uM and 20+ uM in diameter.


The small update I have to share is that unusual clotting deposits of the same size were also seen in my blood microscopy slides.

I was using Giemsa stain - a different stain to the stains used in the study above – but today I checked what colour amyloid stains with Giemsa stain (if it stains at all) - and found it stains purple

(See this link https://webpath.med.utah.edu/HISTHTML/STAINS/STAINS.html)

"One property of methylene blue and toluidine blue dyes is metachromasia. This means that a tissue component stains a different color than the dye itself. For example, mast cell granules, cartilage, mucin, and amyloid will stain purple and not blue, which is helpful in identifying these components."

- and indeed, many of the clots / abnormal deposits in my slides had stained purple and have the same irregular appearance as those in the long covid study.


(More details of my slides and experiments are posted here
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=4268122&p=4 )

This is evidence that micro clotting could be a factor in my “CFS like” disease state.

In my case driven by a known chronic bacterial infection.

Hopefully its of interest here as it demonstrates bacterial infections in the circulatory system can trigger this event – and that is also what the Markov theory postulates.

This could support the micro clotting phenomenon as the mechanism for such a high degree of symptom overlap between these various disease states.


Senior Member
Interesting stuff, @Garz. Though it may be best posted in one of the existing threads on microclots, or in a new thread on microclots, because discussion here may bring this thread off topic.


Senior Member
Interesting stuff, @Garz. Though it may be best posted in one of the existing threads on microclots, or in a new thread on microclots, because discussion here may bring this thread off topic.

sorry you feel that way Hip.

it wasn't my intention to take this thread off into a deep discussion of micro clotting - but only to add what seems to me to be highly relevant points to the current topic here.

to my mind - if Markov's theory is correct - then there has to be a mechanism involved - and that mechanism needs to explain why so many other illnesses share so much symptom overlap with CFS.

An understanding of the mechanisms by which the root cause in CFS makes people ill is likely to be necessary for finding more effective treatments.

I doubt that will be found by a reductionist or very narrow approach to the problem of CFS in itself - which lacks funding - but by forming links with what is already known in other conditions which share similarities.

that was my intent

so what i posted was done specifically because of its relevance to this topic - and I do not feel it would add much value as a stand alone one.

if its not welcome - I will not post further


Senior Member
it wasn't my intention to take this thread off into a deep discussion of micro clotting - but only to add what seems to me to be highly relevant points to the current topic here.

I think your points on microclots deserve a good discussion, that's why I am suggesting starting a thread about it. Not many people we notice your comment in this thread, whereas if you place it in a microclot thread it will get more attention.
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Senior Member
For those following (or who are interested in following) the Markov autovaccine protocol, I finally found an easy to use commercial bacterial detection service, using next-generation sequencing which can identify bacteria in the urine:

MicroGenDx offers a urine test for urinary tract infections for costing $199 in the US, or $215 internationally.

I am not sure if this test would be sensitive enough to detect the low levels of bacteria found in ME/CFS patients' urine.

However, it should be possible to concentrate the bacteria in the urine by the following method:

To make use of MicroGenDx, it may make sense to continue to employ Dr Markov's high-sensitivity urine dipslide tests to initially capture the bacteria in the urine, but once captured over several days of urine testing, using a sterile tool, transfer the bacteria growing on the dipslides into a fresh sample of your urine, and send off that sample to MicroGenDx.

That way, you will have concentrated your urinary bacteria, which should ensure that MicroGenDx will detect them and identify them.

EDIT: I am not sure how useful this MicroGenDx test will be, since it uses 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and according to this article, 16S can only identify bacteria at the genus level (eg Staphylococcus), but not at the species level (eg Staphylococcus aureus).

To detect at species level, it requires shotgun metagenomic sequencing.

Although a MicroGenDx sample report does show species-level identification.
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Senior Member
If you do what you're saying, you'll never be able to trust your results because of the high likelihood of contamination.

I did this test a while ago, and I can say the results showed specific bacteria and fungus species. Interested to see your results.

I would suggest doing the semen test as well, as you really don't know where in the urogenital tract the infection is, regardless of what Markov has theorized.



Senior Member
I did this test a while ago, and I can say the results showed specific bacteria and fungus species. Interested to see your results.

Can I ask, how many different species of bacteria did the MicroGenDx test find in your urine? And did the results provide a quantitative indication of their relative abundance?

For Dr Markov's treatment, he needs to identify the top 2 or 3 bacteria in your urinary tract microbiome. It's these bacteria that he then targets with vaccines.

So if the MicroGenDx test can identify the top 2 or 3 most abundant bacteria using a single urine sample, the method I described above would not be necessary.


Senior Member
2 bacteria, 1 fungus, with relative abundance and number of DNA copies per ml. I think it should work for your purposes.

Possibly. I guess the only way to tell is to do a side-by-side comparison of Dr Markov's standard dipslide method and MicroGenDx testing, and check that they get similar results. But we do not have the money to perform such a comparison.

In my own dipslide testing, I noticed that you do not get the same bacterial species on every day. On one day, you may capture a certain species, and the next day that species is absent on the dipslide test, but another species is captured. On other days you may capture more than one species on the same dipslide.

So perhaps one approach might be to take urine samples in sterile tubes each day, then mix the samples from 3 days in a row into one tube, and send to MicroGenDx.

However, I think dipslide approach might be more reliable. Bacterial contamination by the way is not an issue, provided you do not touch the agar. Bacteria do not float in the air, they only exists on surfaces (like you fingers, or on any non-sterile tool).

Was your MicroGenDx test performed whilst you had a urinary tract infection? Because during a UTI, the abundance of bacteria in the urine is much higher.


Senior Member
Possibly. I guess the only way to tell is to do a side-by-side comparison of Dr Markov's standard dipslide method and MicroGenDx testing, and check that they get similar results. But we do not have the money to perform such a comparison.

It is very reasonably priced as far as this type of testing goes. It's only $225.

Was your MicroGenDx test performed whilst you had a urinary tract infection?



Senior Member
@Garz thanks looks interesting. Are you going to try and do that micro clot therapy in europe then?

@Hipsman have logistics improved at all? Sorry to bug you. I am looking at growing my cultures again, but i just can’t imagine how exact the readings could be over image. I reallt want to get the cultures to markovs lab(he said its up again?) but i know the logistics are messed up indefinitely.


Senior Member
If you do what you're saying, you'll never be able to trust your results because of the high likelihood of contamination.

I did this test a while ago, and I can say the results showed specific bacteria and fungus species. Interested to see your results.

Interesting. I did the MicroGenDX blood test awhile ago and I found them a complete nightmare to work with and they found absolutely nothing (they claim). I wonder if they even ran the sample, as they made a big deal how it had to be sent overnight, then kept saying it would be available the next day…for almost a week. Then when it was available, it was just 'nothing found'. Then a year later they claimed insurance didn't cover (which they initially said it would).

Overall thought they were really unpleasant and unprofessional.


Senior Member
I did the MicroGenDX blood test awhile ago and I found them a complete nightmare to work with and they found absolutely nothing

Did you take this MicroGenDX test while you had an active UTI, or just when your urinary tract was normal? Because in the latter case, it might be expected that they found nothing. I believe a regular urine culture might also find nothing if there is no UTI.

My idea was to use Dr Markov's high sensitivity urine test, then after many days of this testing with dipslides, using a sterile tool, transfer the bacteria grown on the dipslides into a fresh urine sample. So that you are spiking the sample with lots of bacteria. And then send that to MicroGenDX for testing. In this case, they should detect one or more bacteria, as you have spiked your sample.

I also think this same technique might work if you send a spiked urine sample to a regular urine culture test service. These regular services I expect will use traditional methods to identify the bacteria, but I suspect they would be able to detect the species present.