After searching in google and on their site, i would say that there isn't a single review about ME/CFS treatment in doctor Markov's clinic. Only other diseases. CBIS only mentioned in positive review about treatment of short-sightedness (myopia).
Negative reviews on google:
1. I do not recommend this clinic with homemade vaccines, which finally finished off my immunity. The tests did not confirm any staphylococcus aureus, but Markov said that it was not important that the vaccine was needed, it was simply necessary. After the first injection, I felt bad, but they thought that this was a normal explanatory reaction of the body. I went through the whole course - it didn't get better. After the treatment, it became difficult, edema appeared, the feeling that you were ill. Several years have passed. I feel disgusting. Don't settle for such treatment!
2. I was not too lazy to write a review in order to save people from mistakes, which can be very expensive. Were with the child at this "doctor" Markov. They came with a preliminary diagnosis - mononucleosis. Markov heard that the child had a history of cystitis, and immediately announced that she had staphylococcus aureus and, without confirmation of tests, suggested the first injection of vaccination. Then he offered to take tests for 220$
(converted from 5900 uah) right now in his clinic. He was not concerned that the child had a hearty lunch an hour ago. Uses manipulative techniques in speech. Speaks very confidently and convincingly. I almost agreed, but common sense and maternal intuition won out. A child with a fever should be given an unknown autovaccine against what has not been proven by analyzes .... At the reception, a plump blonde with a short haircut, in response to my questions, was almost indignant. Nervously, hastily poked her fingers on the sheet. It seems that the people in the Sovdepovskoy polyclinic are friendlier. As a result, we passed some of his tests, but not at his clinic. Staphylococcus aureus was not detected either in the pharynx or in the urine !!!! Our diagnosis is Epstein-Barr reactivation. The liver and spleen are doubled. It's hard to imagine what would happen from his homemade vaccines in our case. Take care of yourself and your children from such charlatan businessmen.
But reviews are mostly positive, yet they talk more about how helpful was gynecologist there.
Here is link, should probably work.
Here is vitacell (Markov's clinic) reviews on their site.