People with rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as SCID, homozygous sickle cell).
We are sort of in this category? They treat us like our disease is rare (ignore, no clue, stare, sent home, no treatment etc).
We dont' really yet know- how ME folks will respond to corona....without more time and observation....(I'm encouraged by our small PR sample...).
Too bad we couldn't: create a data set for Corona and ME. Like a site to report various categories and severity and...we keep track. Including: never got it. (or don't seem to have).
My lung improvement experiment is going well: serrapeptase...and chinese herbs to moisten the lung and throat. I feel far more: prepared should this thing appear. If the mucous linings are too dry (a not uncommon condition with ME...)it may be harder to clear the lungs.
I also got some slippery elm.... if I try this i will start with a very low dose...