Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Did you experimented fever at a time or another?
Hi @pattismith , good to see you again !!! You're still one of my heroes....

Yes, fever was the third or fourth sign. The first was nausea and diarrhea, which I sort of ignored, assuming that I was reacting badly to .... something. Then came headachy stuff, then I felt just totally crap, but still didnt connect the dots.

It wasn't til I noticed I was having a little trouble breathing on the stairs here, which I have to negotiate over and over again all day that the light bulb flashed on over my head ....

That's when I realized that I felt warm and took my temp, which is difficult to evaluate because my 'normal' temp, due to thyroid issues, is about 97.4 or 97.6, but when I saw a reading of 99.8 and did the math, I realized that I was dealing with something other than the often shifting symptoms of the ME.

DB hopefully suggsted hat maybe this was just a flu? Huh? Please? Maybe?

But I've had all sorts of flu's down the years, and these symptoms were different, more intense, included some that weren't from the flu unless you had three different strains at the same time, which isn;t impossible tho it is unlikely, and the sequential symptoms came on more quickly, tumbling over each other in their headlong rush.

So far, it hasn't been deadly awful, just .... crappy. No pun intended. And pretty debilitating. I've been somewhat incapacitated, but not totally wiped out. Just struggling pretty badly, and more than usual.

I'm guessing that the fact that, on an intuitive leap, I put DB and myself on an immune boosting supp about 10-11 months ago and have a daily regimen that includes large amounts of mag gly and Vit C, may have inhibited the advance of the viral armies, or dug a moat too deep for them to quickly cross.

I'm thankful every day that, if I had to have this, I've had a mild / low-moderate version that allows a lot of room for hope.

I read recently, very early this AM I think, that while some 'experts' say that getting COVID doesn't grant immunity to further assaults, there's strong opinions on the other side of that as well: there's no proof that it doesn't, and since this is a 'novel' corona virus, meaning no one on earth has ever had it before and no one on earth is currently immunized against, it seems logical to assume that like many other viruses, once your immune system takes this virus's weight and measure, it will be prepared if the enemy appears at the gates again.

At least I hope so ....

EDITED ... for gross error n temp .....
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Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I'm having fairly sudden onset and severe shortness of breath and tachycardia /worsening pots, along w heaviness in lungs. Very worried.

Nooooo! Praying that it isn't anything. I'm hoping it is the same as what happened to my daughter. Her and her boyfriend woke up coughing, tight chest. They have been driving to Tucson from the SanFrancisco bay general area. It passed in a couple of days, so they decided they must have driven through bad air. But they initially thought they had Covid.....

Please take care of yourselves. Both of you! Lots of vitamin C! And keep us posted!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm having fairly sudden onset and severe shortness of breath and tachycardia /worsening pots, along w heaviness in lungs. Very worried.
From what I know about your extreme sensitivity to mold and chemicals, I wouldnt jump to dire conclusions just yet.

As @Inara suggested, stay calm, drink masses of water, and @Strawberry was right about pumping Vit C and anything else that's helped you in the past with bad reactions.

Wait to worry ....


Senior Member
From what I know about your extreme sensitivity to mold and chemicals, I wouldnt jump to dire conclusions just yet.
This is the first time in six months ive been this sick and especially in this specific way... shortness of breath, fever, tachycardia

im actually pretty sure about this now (today sx way worse and way more obvious)

it has been relatively unresponsive to environmental changes, which makes it basically unlike anything else ive experienced in the past few months


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
My boss keeps saying we can work from home if needed. I now have GoToMyPC installed and can work from home on my computer, but I can do very little from home without my check scanner, my incoming checks (mail), and my statement and check printer. He won't let me take those home. So in other words, I CAN'T WORK FROM HOME. Dr Kaufman is very irritated that I am still driving to work every day. My daughter wants me staying home.

I really don't like my boss much..... But not ready to quit. I'm 53, chances are slim I will get rehired somewhere. And we have children coming to work now as school is closed. Gripe gripe gripe..... Have a great weekend y'all....


Senior Member
What I’m interested in is this: if one has some other acute symptoms of another disease that could be fatal or very dangerous, like ruling out cancer or serious abdominal pain that won’t go away, stroke, need a blood test to monitor serious illness, new lumps that are growing what point would u stay home or go hospital? Especially if u have cfs (and esp if u are severe!)and it’s way worse for u to get covid unlike for a healthy person??

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I assume that the 'one' that you're talking about is you, yes?

I think you're asking a question that no one here, or anyplace else, can answer for you.

Hospitals are functioning like battlefield triage tents, so you probably won't get much traction there. If you have a Dr you go to who might be willing to see you, or, more likely, do a phone or Skype consult, you might try that.

This is a very very very extremely totally really very bad time to go to a hospital with any sort of multi-symptom illness that hasn't already been diagnosed. Under the best of conditions, we usually get short shrift, under thse, we'd get close to no shrift at all.

You'll have to decide if the effort of gettng to the hospital, which will be considerable taking into account what you've stated is a severe ME condition, along with the risks you run once you get there of either being told to go home, or being warehoused in a busy corridor for hours on end with who knows how many viral sheddings blowing around, is really worth it.

No one can undertake that analysis or decision for you.

Good luck, Tella, and I truly hope things even out for you, or even get a little better ....


Senior Member
I assume that the 'one' that you're talking about is you, yes?

I think you're asking a question that no one here, or anyplace else, can answer for you.

Hospitals are functioning like battlefield triage tents, so you probably won't get much traction there. If you have a Dr you go to who might be willing to see you, or, more likely, do a phone or Skype consult, you might try that.

This is a very very very extremely totally really very bad time to go to a hospital with any sort of multi-symptom illness that hasn't already been diagnosed. Under the best of conditions, we usually get short shrift, under thse, we'd get close to no shrift at all.

You'll have to decide if the effort of gettng to the hospital, which will be considerable taking into account what you've stated is a severe ME condition, along with the risks you run once you get there of either being told to go home, or being warehoused in a busy corridor for hours on end with who knows how many viral sheddings blowing around, is really worth it.

No one can undertake that analysis or decision for you.

Good luck, Tella, and I truly hope things even out for you, or even get a little better ....
Thank u! Yes I agree. It’s the worst time to be in hospitals.
but I’m taking about some people I know. Some with severe ME and other new worrying symptoms that may need attention. Some other ‘healthy’ people who still seem to be in a risky group but have had symptoms that very much suggest cancer for months and are now sadly getting even more obvious and extreme. They have a predisposition to such illnesses too cos of various factors. That’s why they’re in a predicament and I wanted to help them...the healthy persons doc said they can run a blood test first and then rule out cancer with other tests. So their trip to hospital shouldn’t be long but it’s still risky. We are worried for them but not sure what advise to give. As surely one doesn’t want to miss cancer...but doesn’t wanna get and then spread corona either :/

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
in a risky group but have had symptoms that very much suggest cancer for months and are now sadly getting even more obvious and extreme.
Oh dear ..... you really have a heart-bending conundrum, as do they.

There couldnt be a worse time to really need the services of a hospital and a decent Dr ...
Some with severe ME and other new worrying symptoms that may need attention.
I don;t know how emergent the other worrying symptoms are, and there's no telling how long this calamity of mis-administration and ill-preparedness is going to last, but it's going to be a lot longer, I think, than anyone previously thought.

If there's anyway to get an initial screening from a private Dr before going into a hospital it would be a good idea. And going into hospital right now without your own Dr attached might be even more problematic than usual, and it's never a good idea.

On the other hand, finding a Dr willing to expose himself to those risks ..... oh God, it just gets worse and worse. I'm so sorry that I can't come up with any easier, more workable ansers. The truth is that right now, there aren't any. We've been battered into tight, nescapable corners by an administration that ..... well, best not to go there.....
So their trip to hospital shouldn’t be long but it’s still risky
Any trip to a hospital right now is going to be long. And very risky. I know that's not the answer that you want or really need right now.
We are worried for them but not sure what advise to give.
I don't know if this will help or not, but I was misdiagnose, dis-diagnosed, and dismissed by 5 different Drs for a little over two years while lugging around a pretty aggressive cancer, and when I was finally diagnosed in the local hospital's ER and started treatment, I pulled thru.

But that was a different time, one that seems as far away as top hats and opera glasses.

With no knowledge of how long this global pandemic crisis is going to last, and with the fair certainty that the decisions made at the very top aren;t going to improve anything and may well make things even worse, maybe your friends should just bite the bullet, go to a Dr or a hospital, and see what help they can get now, before things get worse. Although it's hard to imagine what 'worse' could possibly look like ...

I'm so very, very sorry you and your friends are going thru this at this particularly nightmarish time. I wish I could help. Hang in.


Senior Member
@Tella I agree with what @YippeeKi YOW !! has said. I don’t know where exactly you live, but i thought I would just tell you what’s happening in the UK re healthcare.

I live in an area in the UK that has been hit very hard by the coronavirus. A scientist has said 1 on 25 people here would have it now. Our hospitals are over run- a doctor has said Covid-19 patients are being mixed with non Covid-19 patients and lack of protective equipment etc.

I had a relatively urgent surgery booked - I’m in a lot of pain with other symptoms too. However last week when I saw the anesthetist, they told me it’s not safe for me to have the surgery, because no one knows who has the coronavirus and who doesn’t, lots of healthcare workers and doctors may potentially have it, and if I were to get infected it would be very serious. A lot of my friends have had their surgeries cancelled. This is also to free up beds because we don’t have enough beds. our appts have all been moved to phone appointments, GPs want us to do video calls/phone calls only but will only come out to do home visits if it’s very serious.

So for me right now, if I were to go into hospital, I would do it knowing that there’s a high chance I would catch coronavirus, even if I personally was super careful. There’s a high chance of me catching it even venturing out and about.

I think the only things people are being asked to go to hospital for are extremely urgent, life saving things. Because others, even critical care, is being swamped now. Like a battlefield triage, as was said above. That’s my understanding. The problem with this is, we don’t know how long it will go on for. As @YippeeKi YOW !! Said, there are ways around this - Everything that can be done over the phone, is being done on the phone. Or at the very least, we are allowed to ask for phone appointments. Perhaps there are blood tests that can be arranged at home / in a clinic outside of hospital, speaking to your GP over the phone and getting those blood tests arranged, there may be clinics outside of hospital that do imaging like X-rays etc, as you mentioned a suspected cancer diagnosis. Some of these services may still be functioning. Best wishes to you and your friends. <3


Senior Member
Hi @pattismith , good to see you again !!! You're still one of my heroes....

Yes, fever was the third or fourth sign. The first was nausea and diarrhea, which I sort of ignored, assuming that I was reacting badly to .... something. Then came headachy stuff, then I felt just totally crap, but still didnt connect the dots.

It wasn't til I noticed I was having a little trouble breathing on the stairs here, which I have to negotiate over and over again all day that the light bulb flashed on over my head ....

That's when I realized that I felt warm and took my temp, which is difficult to evaluate because my 'normal' temp, due to thyroid issues, is about 97.4 or 97.6, but when I saw a reading of 99.8 and did the math, I realized that I was dealing with something other than the often shifting symptoms of the ME.

DB hopefully suggsted hat maybe this was just a flu? Huh? Please? Maybe?

But I've had all sorts of flu's down the years, and these symptoms were different, more intense, included some that weren't from the flu unless you had three different strains at the same time, which isn;t impossible tho it is unlikely, and the sequential symptoms came on more quickly, tumbling over each other in their headlong rush.

So far, it hasn't been deadly awful, just .... crappy. No pun intended. And pretty debilitating. I've been somewhat incapacitated, but not totally wiped out. Just struggling pretty badly, and more than usual.

I'm guessing that the fact that, on an intuitive leap, I put DB and myself on an immune boosting supp about 10-11 months ago and have a daily regimen that includes large amounts of mag gly and Vit C, may have inhibited the advance of the viral armies, or dug a moat too deep for them to quickly cross.

I'm thankful every day that, if I had to have this, I've had a mild / low-moderate version that allows a lot of room for hope.

I read recently, very early this AM I think, that while some 'experts' say that getting COVID doesn't grant immunity to further assaults, there's strong opinions on the other side of that as well: there's no proof that it doesn't, and since this is a 'novel' corona virus, meaning no one on earth has ever had it before and no one on earth is currently immunized against, it seems logical to assume that like many other viruses, once your immune system takes this virus's weight and measure, it will be prepared if the enemy appears at the gates again.

At least I hope so ....

EDITED ... for gross error n temp .....

Thanks a lot for your thorough description. May I ask how bad your ME normally is? Apologies if I have missed that from an earlier post


Senior Member
Ok so 4 days ago I was in contact with someone who was confirmed to have had contact with Covid-19 patients. He’s an anaesthetist, who had been treating coronavirus patients just before seeing me. Under normal circumstances I would feel safe but right now I am aware that in London, doctors aren’t given proper protective equipment. I sat less than 1m away from him, while we talked for about 45mins to an hour.

Yesterday I had chills all night and woke up with a sore throat. During the day was ok. Last night, chills came back and I’ve had chills today during the day as well. Had sore throat. Slight cough sometimes but wouldn’t say proper cough. Throat feels kinda phlegmy but not proper “chesty”, just more of a sore throat. No change in taste/smell though. no temperature.

so because no change in temperature, this is unlikely to be the coronavirus? I feel ok. Feel more fatigue than usual. I have severe ME. But the chills are really quite bad, constantly have hot water bottle on my chest and arms. One good thing possibly is that I take hydroxychloroquine anyway every day, due to other health conditions.

My mum also says she doesn’t feel too great. Just general feeling ill.


Senior Member
Oh dear ..... you really have a heart-bending conundrum, as do they.

There couldnt be a worse time to really need the services of a hospital and a decent Dr ...

I don;t know how emergent the other worrying symptoms are, and there's no telling how long this calamity of mis-administration and ill-preparedness is going to last, but it's going to be a lot longer, I think, than anyone previously thought.

If there's anyway to get an initial screening from a private Dr before going into a hospital it would be a good idea. And going into hospital right now without your own Dr attached might be even more problematic than usual, and it's never a good idea.

On the other hand, finding a Dr willing to expose himself to those risks ..... oh God, it just gets worse and worse. I'm so sorry that I can't come up with any easier, more workable ansers. The truth is that right now, there aren't any. We've been battered into tight, nescapable corners by an administration that ..... well, best not to go there.....

Any trip to a hospital right now is going to be long. And very risky. I know that's not the answer that you want or really need right now.

I don't know if this will help or not, but I was misdiagnose, dis-diagnosed, and dismissed by 5 different Drs for a little over two years while lugging around a pretty aggressive cancer, and when I was finally diagnosed in the local hospital's ER and started treatment, I pulled thru.

But that was a different time, one that seems as far away as top hats and opera glasses.

With no knowledge of how long this global pandemic crisis is going to last, and with the fair certainty that the decisions made at the very top aren;t going to improve anything and may well make things even worse, maybe your friends should just bite the bullet, go to a Dr or a hospital, and see what help they can get now, before things get worse. Although it's hard to imagine what 'worse' could possibly look like ...

I'm so very, very sorry you and your friends are going thru this at this particularly nightmarish time. I wish I could help. Hang in.
Thank u! May I ask what type of cancer did u have? Sorry can’t read all posts but just saw u were poorly. Do u think u have the virus? How are u now? Stay safe n thnx for all the advice!


Because everyday is Caturday...
Yesterday I had chills all night and woke up with a sore throat. During the day was ok. Last night, chills came back and I’ve had chills today during the day as well. Had sore throat. Slight cough sometimes but wouldn’t say proper cough. Throat feels kinda phlegmy but not proper “chesty”, just more of a sore throat. No change in taste/smell though. no temperature.
This is pretty much me everyday. I hope you don't have it. An ME friend of mine too had an appointment with an anesthetist, they ended up with a flu. Seems it is dangerous to visit medical facilities right now.


Senior Member
This is pretty much me everyday. I hope you don't have it. An ME friend of mine too had an appointment with an anesthetist, they ended up with a flu. Seems it is dangerous to visit medical facilities right now.

When you say, this is you every day.. you mean these are your symptoms of ME?
This is what I was thinking, perhaps these are just symptoms of ME. As I also used to sometimes get chills with ME. And sometimes sore throat. Although haven’t had chills for a while. And this feels a bit different. Although I can’t be sure.. as ME is so unpredictable as well.


Senior Member
The first was nausea and diarrhea, which I sort of ignored, assuming that I was reacting badly to .... something. Then came headachy stuff, then I felt just totally crap, but still didnt connect the dots.

It wasn't til I noticed I was having a little trouble breathing on the stairs here,
That sounds comparable to my case. Dry cough, then breathing problems with severe nausea and mild diarrhea (like you I thought my stomach and always...good for surprises), headaches, some mild nose stuff, slightly elevated temp (in 5 years I didn't have a fever - so I expect none now). Nothing severe.
I now started my O2 generator and I'm breathing O2. It helps immensely with my breathing problems.

Here's a news article with 4 individual stories from Italy:

Some excerpts:

Michela Zanchi, 34, has lost her uncle to the corona virus. She lives in Zogno, a village near Bergamo. Six to seven people die in the 9000-inhabitant town every day. In times of times the church bell is ringed for every deceased in town. The local priest belongs to the many dead that the bells are only to be rung once a day.
Monsignor Giulio Dellavite is Secretary General of the Bergamo Diocese. 16 priests in his diocese have died of Corona since March 1, 20 more are in hospital. The survivors and the healthy have their hands full looking after the dying and their relatives under the most difficult conditions. For weeks, Dellavite has been trying to somehow manage death in his communities.
"In one week as many corpses as in the whole year" Vittorio Natangeli is a funeral director in Rome. He is concerned about what his colleagues in Northern Italy are going through. But his everyday life has also changed dramatically.
The day before Fabio came to the hospital, I called him again. I didn't hear from him after that. This is unfortunately the case with the corona virus: as soon as an infected person is admitted to the hospital, you are no longer allowed to visit them. Not even when she dies. That is the reality in Italy right now, it is terrible for everyone. Fabio died in the hospital in Sondalo. He was there alone for ten days.