Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
@rainbowbluebells and @Inara - The videos I just posted (Reply No. 397) provide some insight into the issues created when trying to manage an infectious disease, especially if the tools chosen to manage the disease could end up hurting many more than those who would have been hurt (either severely disabled or killed) by the disease itself.

Both videos are long, but I think the discussions/questions raised by these individuals are the ones that we all might need to be thinking about. I recommend watching the video titled “Coronavirus Quarantine” first and make sure that you watch to the end. Or if you want to just get the flavor* of each video then watch 1) the first video starting at the hour marker 1:18 to the end and 2) the second video titled “COVID-19: Is Our Cure Worst Than The Disease?” from minute marker 4:22 to 13:00. (*Caveat to only watching part of these videos is that there are a lot of other facts, questions, hypotheses/opinions elsewhere in the videos that you may need to hear to fully understand what they are discussing in each of the selected clips.)
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Senior Member
I live in a town in Scotland, there have been everything apart from hand sanitizer in our local shops. I know a few people too who have had a note through their door from someone on their street saying to call them if they need anything. There is a feeling of people pulling together, ... while keeping their distance. I am not able to be active, but have told 2 elderly neighbours to call me if they need to, ... even just to know we are not alone.
This is so lovely, Annie T. It really warms my heart :) Im glad your 2 elderly neighbours have you.


Because everyday is Caturday...
Don't read/watch the news for hours on end making yourself sick, just do your part, which is to stay safe at home out of harms way. We've got this, many of us don't leave our homes much/ever anyway. We can help others by spreading the message to keep calm and stay inside.

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Senior Member
I'm having fairly sudden onset and severe shortness of breath and tachycardia /worsening pots, along w heaviness in lungs. Very worried. We don't even have adequate testing so unsure what going to hospital would do , wish I had a good spo2 monitor and wasn't homeless. Also wish I had meds that could help. Want to get a dnr , living will and healthcare proxy finalized quickly but don't have the brainpower to fill out forms.


Senior Member
I'm having fairly sudden onset and severe shortness of breath and tachycardia /worsening pots, along w heaviness in lungs. Very worried. We don't even have adequate testing so unsure what going to hospital would do , wish I had a good spo2 monitor and wasn't homeless. Also wish I had meds that could help. Want to get a dnr , living will and healthcare proxy finalized quickly but don't have the brainpower to fill out forms.
Keep calm. It sounds stupid, but it helps (especially with breathing issues, I have asthma). I have trouble with breathing since Saturday; before, I had the flu and then a dry cough developed. Then other symptoms (severe nausea, mild diarrhea) occurred, yesterday throat pain and nose started. Maybe COVID, who knows. It is not too bad yet, even if the breathing problems annoy. I know sth like that from my time before the asthma treatment. The first effective help was keeping calm and relaxing. That won't cure you of course.
And then watching the symptoms...If it gets worse call an emergency line. Here we have "Corona hotlines".

If it's possible for you, please keep us updated? I hope the best for you.


Senior Member
I've just understood now that if you click on that link, that map shows the mortality rate of 2017. If you click on the time line to 2020, the most recent data is from week 10. We are in week 12 - I get no data for week 12. In week 10, the corona pandemy in Europe was at the beginning, i.e. it was at the beginning of the exponential growth. No higher mortality rate expected at that point of time.
From Asia, data.

Actually for me it defaults on the last week recorded when clicking on the link and without touching the slider. The reporting of mortality and adding of data of all countries is of course delayed, and might still get adjusted if numbers have to be corrected later. And it is true that the last graphic of week 10 couldn't already show, since by the end of that week on 8th of March only 166 had died of Covid19 in Italy. Thats why I repeatedly said, the coming weeks will show. Now week 11 has been updated, ending on 15th of March, at which time deaths in Italy had risen to 1089 (wikipedia source). Still not conclusive.


No change to last week. When one goes back with the slider, the worst week seems to be the first recorded, week 5 of 2017 posted here for a worse case comparison.


Seems for the last 4 years always around the 5th week there is worse. Except this year, with much less excess then the preceeding years.


Senior Member
Whenever I search it, only Prof. Wodarg comes. And I don't view him as a serious source.

Me not either. However, his youtube was the last kick in my ass - after finding out from a Chinese study that the used PCR-testing would produce ~50% false-possitives results (meaning infection rates, beside not being widely tested, mean very little) - for me to check the numbers myself. This is his wikipedia page with alledged refutations of his proposals:
Here his page with his response:

For none-German speaking, this online-translation service is best for precise German to English translations:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
but the cough is getting resistant to cough suppressants.
I avoid suppressants of any kind, since I operate on the assumption that the body knows what it's doing and suppressing stuff, no matter how unpleasant, may make things worse ...
I would have a pot of honey next to my bed.
Like @ShepherdK, I have that infuriating, miserable, and often painful cough.

Several years ago, during a bad bout of whatever flu was waddling thru at the time, I was introduced to BRONCOLIN, a honey-and-herb formula that not only tastes great (I cut it with about 30% water cause, really sweet) but, in addition to coating the throat nicely, it inhibits the cough for a bit.

Not a cure, but for me at least, a real life saver. I found it originally on Amzon, then found a better price at Walgreen's, particularly when they have their 25% off sales ....
Richmond, VA
Another update! I decided to put it in timeline form. Context: 28 y/o male, fluctuating mild-moderate ME/CFS for 2yrs. Still on the Virginia Department of Health waiting list for an official COVID19 test - looks like I'll be largely recovered by the time they get around to testing me. Symptoms/timeline/exposure definitely line up to confirmed mild cases. Respiratory rate is monitored via an Oura Ring - tracks overnight vitals - has been mildly useful in monitoring my ME/CFS.

My ME/CFS + COVID19 TImeline:
  • (E+0) March 11th: Confirmed exposure to COVID19 from someone at work.
  • (E+3) March 14th: Mild cough develops. Overnight respiratory rate at baseline of 14.5 breaths/min.
  • (E+4, S+0) March 15th: Mild cough, general unwell feeling toward evening, headaches.
  • (S+1) March 16th: Cough worsens, mild chest tightness, transient flu-like fatigue (different feeling from typical ME/CFS), transient headaches. Overnight respiratory rate increases to 15.2 breaths/min until night of the 19th.
  • (S+2) March 17th: Coughing all day, moderate chest tightness, tingling sensation in chest, flu-like fatigue, constant headaches.
  • (S+3) March 18th: Same as previous day.
  • (S+4) March 19th: Same as above, except: Cough getting deeper, experiencing shortness of breath, however less flu-like fatigue. Wife starts experiencing flu-like fatigue and sore throat. Overnight respiratory rate increased to 16 breaths/min.
  • (S+5) March 20th: Less coughing so far today, chest tightness downgraded to mild-moderate, no shortness of breath, decreasing flu-like fatigue, still have "chest tingles', headaches downgraded to "transient". Wife has flu-like fatigue and sore throat still.
SPO2, resting heart rate, and HRV were all largely normal during this course. Resting heart rate was unusually high on March 19th, but that is really the only outlier. Tylenol works really well for the headaches, but cough medicines are only mildly effective against this cough. Looks like I'm over the peak and should be recovered within 3-5 days with any luck.


Senior Member
At last our Government in the UK has actually ACTED just a shame its at least a week or more too late.

(for those of you outside the UK basically all pubs, clubs, bars, theatres, restaurants, leisure centres and gyms to close from midnight tonight).


Thank god for that.
Plus the paying 80% of wages.
A lot more than I was expecting. I think probably more measures will come in due course. :)


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