Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Thank you Yippee! That's really interesting! You never know where you might strike gold and melatonin could be a big help with the virus!
It's still early days to tell, I've only been following the dosing protocol for 2 days so far, but my virus hasn;t gotten any worse and may be getting subtly better .....

At least I'm not, you know ...... uh, dead .

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Reporting from my chair- generally trying to stay sequestered.

I'm focusing on improving the condition of my very dry lungs and throat, which occurs daily. That feels like the weakest link here.

Its interesting I'm not taking anything currently to reduce those symptoms (off certain herbs)...and focused more on some of the other ME stuff....this is an example of ignoring a major part of the body to attend to some other theoretical major part (gut, mitos, neuro).

So I will be adding lung moistening herbs to my digestive mix and hope that might: give me a bit more advantage..

(chinese traditional herbs...)

The saline nose spray I got is really outstanding....a great new thing to address dry sinuses.


Senior Member
And soon the numbers are gonna get so much worse: that’s what I’m scared for. Without lockdown and the measures China, South Korea have taken and TESTING (of medical staff especially but also community as WHO says) - I don’t know where we will be soon.

For a reality check you could monitor, which reports weekly if there have been excess deaths.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Egad I can't believe I alMOST know someone! I've been sending thoughts your way, including admiring your doing so well.
Whaddaya mean 'almost' .... we're almost sisters by now !!!!

And I wish I could take credit for doing OK with this, but it's mostly the good luck of havng started on the Moducare almost a year ago .... well, about 10 months or so .... and the protection it gave my immune system, fingers crossed ..... this thing has a way of mutating it's way around, over, and thru whatever's thrown at it.

But I dont think it's come up against anything as flat-out stubborn and willful as me, so good luck with that. I'll fight'cha to the last mutating cell ....

Thank you so much for your kind and supportive thoughts :hug::hug:. I honestly believe that they can set up a sort of vortex that helps to pull in positive results and odd flashes of insight for the receiver there-of, so dont be stopping, yes? :woot::woot::woot: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :angel:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...

interesting... it appears that is will be very hard to create a successful vaccine b/c RNA viruses 1) replicate fast and 2) mutate so much..
I agree ..... this is going to be a hard nut to crack, particularly if they keep looking in the same places for answers .... which of course, they will.

Like the guy looking under a streetlight for the keys he dropped across the street by his car, because, you know, that's where the light was :xeyes::xeyes::xeyes:....


Senior Member
For a reality check you could monitor, which reports weekly if there have been excess deaths.

The only epidemic till today seems to be happening in Italy. But if Italy just drew the bad luck this year, as the UK did in 2017 with 23.01 flu-deaths per 100000, then still nothing out of the ordinary. Soon we'll know.

Huch, my calculation seems completely off. According to this webside there hasn’t been any abnormal excess-mortality in Italy thoughout this alledged ’epidemic’ at all, compared to the years before.

It appears corona takes it all! And leaves all other causes of deaths with less, in sum not increasing total mortality at all.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Thank you so much for your kind and supportive thoughts :hug::hug:. I honestly believe that they can set up a sort of vortex that helps to pull in positive results and odd flashes of insight for the receiver there-of, so dont be stopping, yes? :woot::woot::woot: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Yes, needing to work on and maintain positive outlook, despite these challenges, is important at the moment. I will continue to send May You Soon Be Well chants in your direction.

Meanwhile, I wish there was a summer camp for delinquent husband's who don't really believe THEY are supposed to isolate. Could I send this one there? Even tho its not summer yet?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
that does sound helpful...I will try to levitate some of that-....or order it online....we need MORE SUPPLIES.
You may have to do some searching ....., I spent 3 hours late AM, early aft today trying to get everything I could think of that we'd need after Amazon has shut down their warehouses to any future deliveries except for food, medical supplies, etc, and about 1/3 of everythng I tried to order was 'Currently Unavailable' ..... don;t despair, just keep trying ...

once the herd mentality panic wears off a bit, things might stabilize ....
Yes, needing to work on and maintain positive outlook, despite these challenges, is important at the moment.
It's hard right now. But it's absolutely essential or this will swamp your lttle craft .... find anyhting that you can be grateful for. Anything at all. It doesnt have to be impressive or life changing.

I have to admit that the knowledge thta Amazon was clawing back my ability to order whatever pops to mind and get it in 2 days was pretty soul-shaking ....
I will continue to send May You Soon Be Well chants in your direction.
And I'll continue to be tedious and annoying about reminding you to find something to be grateful for and positive about.
Meanwhile, I wish there was a summer camp for delinquent husband's who don't really believe THEY are supposed to isolate.
Yeah. It's called the garage and a blanket.

Mouse girl

Senior Member
I haven't read this whole thread. Wouldn't be able to. Thank goodness they have shut down alot of cities here in the US. I talked to a friend who heads a PR dept for a chain of hospitals. She is overwhelmed with work. The reason they aren't testing in the US mush is because they don't have enough testing kits and on top of that the labs are all backed up so it's taking weeks to get results. They are getting more and more to be available but they have to have guidelines to follow rather than just randomly testing everyone who wants one. Once they get millions of tests, they can test loads of people which will also be helpful to find out who is immune and can help out others.

The US won't have enough ventilators, the hospitals already know that and will have to triage patients so be very very careful if you are over 65. I worry what would happen to my cats if I got sick. And I worry how I'll take my kitty in to the vet as one is chronically ill. But, I can only do my best and see what happens.

I am so not prepared. I don't have enough food but I do have someone I can hire to shop for me who is healthy. He and his wife may have had it already but we don't know. It is really scary. I'm not too scared myself, I just have a bit of freaking out as I lay in bed in the morning when I wake up too early. People are stealing masks and oxygen from the hospitals too so they have to guard them. It's going to be serious. We can only hope that more cities will shut down and less people will be selfish and stupid. One good thing may be that this snaps some people out of the anti vaccine madness and embrace science and intelligence. But, than again, I think that might be hoping for too much from humanity.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
It's going to be serious
It's already deadly serious. Deaths from COVID are more than DOUBLING every day in NY, and nationwide, the numbers are soaring exponentially ..... this has been pretty serious for awhile now ....

And I won't even go into the financial and economic ramifications of this exercise in lunacy and ineffectual-ness that are going to start hitting pretty soon now, unless DC moves faster on the economy than it did on the pandemic.

It's bad enough that Amazon is closing off it's warehouses to anything that isn't vital to survival under the current conditions, like food, medical supplies, etc ....
The reason they aren't testing in the US mush is because they don't have enough testing kits
And they don;t have enough testing kits because this administration knee-capped the entire CDC, cut their budget to near nothing year after year, starting almost directly after the inauguration, kept firing staff right and left, drove off huge numbers of scientists and numbers crunchers (mathematicians) who resigned out of anger and protest and despair, and completely eradicated the Epidemic/Pandemic research and preparedness division. Gone. For a couple of years now or more, depending on where you start counting.

That's why we're in this predicament that's ' .....going to be serious ....'.

Sorry. I'm really angry about this and it all poured out on this post. Apologies for venting here.

Just know that this country has the strength and resilience to find its way thru this labyrinth of horror and stupidity, with or without political guidance, and that we're going to be hard-pressed, but OK. Maybe not all of us in this country, but most of us.

Under the prevailing conditions, that's pretty good news.
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Roy S

former DC ME/CFS lobbyist
Illinois, USA
"As bioethicists, we teach medical students, residents and fellows that every clinical encounter involves moral and ethical decision-making. As these three stories illustrate, the pandemic sharply focuses this paradigm and raises the stakes. What can clinicians do when faced with these kinds of moral dilemmas?

The answers are both undeniably simple and frighteningly difficult. Ask questions and speak up. Be brave. Stick your neck out."
