Please to hear that this anti-anxiety treatment is working for you. I am continually surprised at how these three supplements seem to benefit many people. Of course they do not work for everyone, but when they do work, they seem to be pretty effective.
And if those three do not fully eliminate your anxiety, you can further increase the anti-anxiety effect by adding on a few more supplements from my list given in
this post. Good additional anti-anxiety supplements include vinpocetine, high dose vitamin A, transdermal magnesium cream.
If like me you have intestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, then inflammation from this might be contributing to your anxiety, and I found that prebiotics, probiotics, and particularly the yeast probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii, further helps reduce or eliminate anxiety.
Is your anxiety of the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) type, by the way?
Note that the three main supplements are NAG, flaxseed oil and
turmeric, rather than
curcumin. Turmeric contains curcumin, but also contains many other compounds.