Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!


Senior Member
Hello, I felt that this might be the right thread for my concern. Unfortunately, I've developed new symptoms in recent weeks. My heart rate is now over 100 when I'm standing, which is completely new for me. Another issue, which is probably the cause, is a constant feeling of anxiety, as if my body is constantly releasing adrenaline. I also have cold extremities.

The thread is quite long, so I’m asking again: what are the best methods to manage this problem? I think sleep would be helpful, but it's almost impossible to sleep when feeling so wired. Additionally, my resting heart rate sitting is 104, and my blood pressure is 97, which worries me a bit. I’ve already considered taking propranolol. Unfortunately, physical activity is quite limited for me; on good days, I manage around 3,000 steps. Does anyone else have any tips or has experienced this feeling?


Senior Member
Another issue, which is probably the cause, is a constant feeling of anxiety, as if my body is constantly releasing adrenaline.

Most of the info from this thread has been summarised in the first two posts, so no need to read the whole thread.

If you have generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), then N-acetyl glucosamine (detailed in the first post) often works very well. And if you like you can add in other supplements I found effective for anxiety, such as flaxseed oil, turmeric, and others, to get a strong anti-anxiety effect.

If you have high heart rate, and suspected adrenaline surges, then this is reminiscent of panic disorder (PD), which usually involves short-live anxiety and adrenaline surges in the form of panic attack, which typically last for 5 to 20 minutes. I am not sure if N-acetyl glucosamine will help PD.


Senior Member
Which supplements did you find helped the most the racing thoughts ?
If you had any

I don't have racing thoughts, but if I had, I would probably try something like kava kava, as I find this generally quells my thought processes. It is the heady kavas which calm the mind, whereas the heavy kavas relax the body and are sedating.
After carefully reading about anxiety and brain inflammation on this topic, I made some connections and decided to give NAG, NAC, and glycine a try. And WOW. I am now completely cured of anxiety and have stopped the psychiatric medication. Full story is on my "Introduce Yourself" topic. My gastritis was induces by my anxiety and anxiety was induced by latent lumbar inflammation and didn't knew this until took the aminoacids.
Has anyone noticed any gut side effects? I saw another thread about NAG feeding candida and mutating it to a virulent state but at the end of the thread it was inconclusive, and another about NAG causing nausea. Thanks!