Coffee Enemas!!


Senior Member
Coffee enemas have been core to my 4 years of healing. My liver was always my weak point. I no longer need to see an acupuncturist to help me. I feel confident in my detox efforts. It's a pity to be so disparaging of methods that are helpful for some.

At least this thread has not been disappeared, as some have. A recent thread on turpentine was disappeared. When I followed up the references, I found it has nothing to do w/ what we know as turpentine. Rather, it's pine oil. I've now been using it in tiny doses, it's been an excellent Candida buster. But that info is now unavailable to anyone else, because it didn't conform to some norm. a pity.

No non-breach (added 'non-breach' as I f0rgot about a thread that was removed due to advertising) threads on turpentine has disappeared or been removed.There has been one non-breach thread on turpentine --

We only remove threads if there is some kind of legal issue related to them, or sensitive embargoed information, or they are outright rule breaches. We have moved a total of 5 threads to staff forums since 2011. We do not delete threads unless they are duplicates with no posts on them Or they are outright rule breaches.
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Senior Member
We only remove threads if there is some kind of legal issue related to them, or sensitive embargoed information, or they are outright rule breaches. We have moved a total of 5 threads to staff forums since 2011. We do not delete threads unless they are duplicates with no posts on them Or they are outright rule breaches.

Are you sure about that? The turpentine thread that @ahmo is referring to is this one:

This turpentine thread was started in May 2016. I can vouch for the fact that this thread disappeared, because I was following that thread, and the thread was there one day, but gone on the following day when I tried to find it. In my email client, I still have some of the comments posted on that thread.

I assumed that someone on PR deleted that thread due to it being a controversial subject, but I did not raise any issues with the mods at the time.

Another thread on a controversial subject that mysteriously disappeared was the following thread on miracle mineral (MMS) supplement:

Again, one day this thread was there, and the next day when I looked for it, it appeared to have been deleted.

This thread was started in October 2015. I still have many of the comments posted on that MMS thread in my email client. Again, I assumed that someone on PR deleted it due to the thread being a controversial subject.

I don't doubt your word, @Kina, when you say you have not deleted these threads; but for some reason, they are not there now.
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Senior Member
I don't doubt your word, @Kina, when you say you have not deleted these threads; but for some reason, they are not there now.

You are correct, there was another thread that I had forgotten about. I apologize for that. Your quote taken from what I said does not reflect what I said as I edited the post a few minutes after I posted it to amend it to say that we do delete threads/posts that are outright rule breaches. I have corrected your post to include my edit. Like I said we delete threads that are outright rule breaches -- the 'turpentine' thread in question was a rule breach in the form of spam found on multiple other forums/websites and posted by a 'health coach' looking to drum up business. A simple search revealed this information. The post was not related to ME in any way. The breach fell under our No Advertising rule. I get tired of the innuendo around what goes on at Phoenix Rising re: threads disappearing for nefarious reasons etc. In fact, this might just be the final straw for me.

The thread on mms was not deleted, it was removed to a private forum related to legal issues which I am not going to discuss here. We don't delete threads related to 'controversial' subject matter.

This is not the place to discuss moderation issues so please stop taking the thread any further off-topic and any further off-topic comments will be removed.

Again, we only remove/delete threads related to rule breaches, or for legal reasons, or related to embargoed information and I should add for privacy issues. If you see a thread has been removed, it would be for one of those reasons and the proper channel is to contact a moderator if you would like to discuss a thread being removed.
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I agree. Enemas stimulate that colonic muscle to contract. If the wall is weak or the gut partially obstructed it can rupture. You then have faeces throughout the abdomen and no matter how clever a surgeon you have you are dead by tomorrow night. I have seen it happen in A and E. In fact, a past dean of our medical school died this way. He was an anesthetist and after having a colon washout he had he said to his wife - 'I know I have faecal peritonitis - I have seen it so often before - it is time for us to say goodbye.' He was dead by the next night.
This is frightening


Senior Member
Yes, physicians kill a lot of people and, occasionally, themselves. But I think you'll find enemas pretty far down on the list of procedures that kill among otherwise reasonably healthy people without obstructions and some semblance of muscle tone. :eek: Colonics are also a LOT more invasive.

One doesn't have to decide all the arguments for or against Gerson and cancer before simply trying CEs and seeing if they help you with detox symptoms.
Wow, this is the most hostile thread I've seen on this website. I don't spend much time on this website and I'm usually browsing over in the genetics/methylation sections and have never seen the kind of hostility over there as I see here. I'm also shocked that this thread is recent. I thought the arguments over coffee enemas were long since dead. Some people love them, some people are terrified of them. I thought that got settled ages ago.

Anyway, my experience with coffee enemas - I've used them for about 10 years and think they're absolutely fantastic. I don't use them regularly, only when I go through "detox" phases, maybe a couple times a year for periods of a month or two.

I have horrendous genetics and a double bind situation where I'm CBS ++ but also a "pathological detoxifier" (fast phase 1, slow phase 2 liver), so as much as my liver needs sulfur amino acids to detox phase 2, the more they cause a buildup of ammonia in my body. I have many other genetic problems, but I mention the liver one because that is what coffee enemas are designed to address. And they do. If you have liver issues at all, they are worth trying. My usually very high (since I was a child) liver enzymes go down immediately when I start a CE protocol. So you can argue about lack of scientific evidence all you want, but sometimes it's better just to look at your own lab reports.

Here are some tips I've gained from my 10 years of experience:

Drinking coffee has nothing to do with using it as an enema. Zero. I cannot emphasize this enough. I react strongly negatively to drinking coffee (both physically and on labs) but the opposite happens with using it as an enema. The theory is that it raises glutathione as an enema, but it doesn't do that by drinking it. You can't isolate a singular mechanism like caffeine as the "factor", so it's misleading, misguided and reductive to do that.

Make sure you are not using acidic water to start with. Test the pH to make sure it's neutral or better, slightly alkaline. I don't know why this matters since the coffee likely changes the pH, but it does. Starting with acidic water makes it physically uncomfortable, difficult to maintain, and not as effective. And possibly dangerous because of over-acidity.

Try to get mold-free coffee. A few sources sell this. If you can't find this, get organic at the very least and not a dark or espresso roast (low quality beans are used for those since they get charred in processing anyway)

Do not drink coffee and do coffee enemas. You will deplete your electrolytes/minerals. You really have to avoid drinking coffee and do juicing to make it work. It's better to be in a clean living phase when you do CE's. It's very hard on the body otherwise. My juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, whole lemon, green apple.

Don't do more than two in one day unless you are in a clinical setting. Initially two can help for a day or two, but then one a day is plenty. I generally don't do it for longer than about 30 days in a row.

Follow Gerson's instructions for preparing the coffee.

Coffee enemas are no fun - they're time consuming and messy and unpleasant. But if you are in a double bind with your liver and can't raise glutathione without negative side effects by any other method, including glutathione IV's (hello all you CBS ++ out there, I feel your pain), CE's are the best thing out there.


Senior Member
A few quibbles, though it's nice to see arguments pro this procedure from experienced users yet to die of septicemia or fecal implosions...

A lot of confusion out there about what side to lie on. Right side, folks. I have accepted that from Gerson's decades of clinical experience going back to WW1.

I have detox SNPs so heartily concur. People with compromised liver clearance are going to find the greatest relief from CEs. Since most people on the methylation threads are forearmed with their genetic mutations they seem better informed about what to target and what to expect than others.

I don't monkey with pH but simply use distilled or RO water as per Gerson.

I would not try to get mold-free coffee but avoid molds like the plague. Simplest way is to order blonde organic from s.a.Wilson specially formulated for CEs, though some CE "connoiseurs" prefer medium roast organic.

Gerson patients tell me they never talk about electrolyte loss at the clinic, excepting those patients with chemo courses who come already very depleted. They mostly use the juicing to trigger cleansing, and then CEs to clear. I have low/imbalanced electrolytes (as most AF people do) and use the Trace Minerals because it has a decent balance of over 80 electrolytes. It is really hard to get anywhere near RDA in most of these from vegetables. Just try getting the RDA in sodium if you avoid processed foods!

Many recommend 2 CEs (back to back) in preference to one a day and I agree. Just doing one will act as a glorified bowel flush and not give you good absorption. I have been detoxing metals for months (actually we all do daily) and have done two a day for almost 12 months. Will drop down to one or two a week when symptoms abate. They are currently ramping up with a methylation protocol I've started. One CE also seems to trigger a cleansing process and the second follow-up reduces reabsorption of toxins / metals...anecdotally speaking.

For me a few weeks practice with CEs were not messy or "no fun"--they are actually now a meditative time of my day that I look forward to. Sounded bizarre when I read others say this, but it's true for me...


Senior Member
Make sure you are not using acidic water to start with. Test the pH to make sure it's neutral or better, slightly alkaline. I don't know why this matters since the coffee likely changes the pH, but it does. Starting with acidic water makes it physically uncomfortable, difficult to maintain, and not as effective. And possibly dangerous because of over-acidity.

That seems like a very valuable piece of information for anyone considering a coffee enema.

Would you thus recommend adding a very small amount of sodium bicarbonate (eg 300 mg per liter of water) to help ensure that the coffee solution is on the alkaline side?

Do people ever add salt to the coffee enema solution, to make it into a physiological solution (aka normal solution)? Physiological solution contains the same level of sodium as is found in the blood and extracellular fluid. It is the level of sodium human cells are used to. You can make physiological solution by adding 9 grams of sodium chloride (salt) to 1 liter of water.

Using physiological solution rather than plain water in a coffee enemas should put less strain on the intestinal mucous membranes, I would have thought. For example, sometimes I make up my own nasal sprays, and if I use just plain water, it creates an uncomfortable sensation when I spray into my nose. The mucous membranes of the nose don't like plain water. But if I use physiological solution instead, it sprays into the nose very comfortably.

The theory is that it raises glutathione as an enema, but it doesn't do that by drinking it.

I believe coffee enemas raise glutathione S-transferase rather than glutathione. Although I have not been able to find the study which established this.
I'd love to be able to use Trace Minerals but all the ones I know of are high in sulfur, which CBS++ will turn into ammonia and create more liver toxicity. Do you know of any that are very low or sulfur free?

I tried sodium bicarbonate once but decided against it (I use a ph balancer/mineralizer that a biochemist I trust created). But sodium bicarbonate in enemas was used by a 1930's Hollywood doctor and many women celebrities throughout the golden Hollywood era did it, it was a real health trend. Just an interesting factoid.

There was a study on rabbit intestines having damage from acidic water in enemas. Sorry I don't know the link but it was on PubMed. That's why I adjust the pH but I do that with all my water so I just use the RO pH adjusted/mineralized water I usually drink.


Senior Member
I'd love to be able to use Trace Minerals but all the ones I know of are high in sulfur,

When you make up physiological solution by adding 9 grams of salt to 1 liter of water, it just contains the minerals sodium and chloride that exist in salt. It does not contain any other minerals, apart from the small amounts of minerals already present in your tap water.

@da2020, how much coffee or caffeine goes into one enema? I read that you use 1 liter of water for an enema, but how much coffee goes into that?

If you are making coffee from an espresso machine, a mug of espresso coffee probably contains around 100 to 200 mg of caffeine.

How many such cups of coffee, or how many mg of caffeine, goes into the 1 liter of water used for an enema?
I tried coffee enemas years ago. I found them to be very helpful for migraines. However i had to stop because they were causing intestinal irritation. I was using the common recipie1L distilled water with 3 tablespoons organic coffee.

I was reading on another site a doctor saying that times have changed since 1950 and our bodies are much weaker. He said to use 500ml with 1-2TBSP coffee.

It is very annoying as they really helped my migraines but ended up causing irritation. The case studies of coffee enema induced colitis are very worrying.

@da2020 @Aerowallah Any tips? I would really like to start them again as they were very helpful but i do not want to cause inflammation in my colon. I tried adding chamomile tea and it helped a little bit but still not satisfied. Maybe aloe vera?

I was thinking of maybe using caffeine drops in an enema to get the same effect. I am currently chelating mercury and i would like my detox pathways to be running as best as possible. Any idea on where to find caffeine drops? It was my understanding that Gerson used Caffeine benzoate in potassium citrate but i am not sure.

Regarding Max Gerson, i think he was a very good scientist and physician but couldn't compete with the political pressures at the time. Going off his case studies the therapy worked well, but nowadays it does not seem to work very well. Alot of things have changed in 80 years and if Gerson was still alive he would have cringed at how much worse agriculture had gotten.

I guess the problem is the Gerson Institute does not keep records very well. But i do not think they are scammers preying on sick people. I contacted them years ago about CFS and they told me up front they have no idea if it will help me or not, and that i should consult with my physician. However they gave me contacts of recovered patients and some case reports of success with CFS and other diseases. Regarding cancer, they do not accept brain cancer patients at all and for many other cancers they recommend orthodox treatments. So they are clearly looking out for peoples best interests and not guilt tripping vulnerable people into trying a fake treatment. To me it seems like an organization trying to help people by keeping the Gerson Therapy alive and allowing people to know it exists, but not pressuring people into doing something that has no solid evidence behind it.
I'd love to be able to use Trace Minerals but all the ones I know of are high in sulfur, which CBS++ will turn into ammonia and create more liver toxicity. Do you know of any that are very low or sulfur free?

I tried sodium bicarbonate once but decided against it (I use a ph balancer/mineralizer that a biochemist I trust created). But sodium bicarbonate in enemas was used by a 1930's Hollywood doctor and many women celebrities throughout the golden Hollywood era did it, it was a real health trend. Just an interesting factoid.

There was a study on rabbit intestines having damage from acidic water in enemas. Sorry I don't know the link but it was on PubMed. That's why I adjust the pH but I do that with all my water so I just use the RO pH adjusted/mineralized water I usually drink.

Relationship between the pH of enema solutions and intestinal damage in rabbits.

Mechanical enemas can lead to intestinal mucosal injuries and bowel barrier damage, presenting as electrolyte disturbances and functional intestinal disorders. Most researchers believe that the mechanism of injury is related to osmolality, volume and temperature of the solution, infusion pressure, and the composition of the enema tube. We hypothesized that the pH of the enema solution may also contribute to intestinal damage. We administered enema solutions--normal saline, soapsuds, or vinegar (neutral, alkaline, or acidic solutions, respectively)--to three groups of rabbits (n = 20 per group). The solutions were standardized for volume and temperature and the soapsuds and vinegar solutions were adjusted to be isotonic with normal saline or deionized water. We also included a control group (n = 20) in which the enema tubes were inserted but no solution was administered. We biopsied 3 sites (rectum and distal and proximal colon). Damage to intestinal mucosa was observed by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In order to explore the detection of damage using noninvasive methods, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 gene expression was measured in the exfoliated cells gathered from postenema defecation. Epithelial loss, inflammatory reaction, and cellular microstructure damage was increased in the vinegar and soapsuds groups. Also, exfoliated cells in these groups had higher COX-2 expression than the normal saline group. The acidic and alkaline enema solutions thus caused more severe damage to the intestinal mucosa compared to the neutral liquid, supporting our hypothesis. Further, the detection of COX-2 expression shows promise as a noninvasive method for estimating enema-induced damage.

Also read this on the paleo site

"Case studies have reported incidences of proctocolitis and polymicrobial enteric septicemia,not associated with burns from too-hot enemas.

While the exact mechanisms of these adverse reactions remains unknown, scientists speculate they are “chemical-induced”, i.e., caused by overall acidity of coffee as well as the complex slurry of chemicals that coffee is made up of, including the above-mentioned chlorogenic acid, caffeine (a known gut irritant), cafestol, and kahweol. The upper digestive tract is more equipped to handle things like acidic foods/beverages that the lower digestive tract."
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Senior Member
I have horrendous genetics and a double bind situation where I'm CBS ++ but also a "pathological detoxifier" (fast phase 1, slow phase 2 liver), so as much as my liver needs sulfur amino acids to detox phase 2, the more they cause a buildup of ammonia in my body.
The only Yasko CBS SNP which has any impact is C699T, and it's a very mild and beneficial one. It doesn't cause sulfur problems, or the build-up of ammonia.


Senior Member
The case studies of coffee enema induced colitis are very worrying.

There is an interesting account of a case of proctocolitis caused by coffee enema here:

Proctocolitis Caused by Coffee Enemas (pdf version here).

I think this case was one of several in Korea.

The acidic and alkaline enema solutions thus caused more severe damage to the intestinal mucosa compared to the neutral liquid

So it looks like in order to be as safe as possible, you would want to ensure that the pH of your enema solution was neural (pH 7).

The pH of a cup of black coffee is 5 (ref: 1), although when this cup is diluted into 1 liter of water, it will become a little less acidic.

So it might be an idea to test the pH of your coffee enema solution with high accuracy pH strips, and if it is on the acidic side (ie, less than pH 7), then you could add pinches of sodium bicarbonate, until the pH become neutral (pH 7).

If you live in a hard water area, your tap water is going to be on the alkaline side (pH greater than 7), so this will act to neutralize the acidity in coffee a bit. But you will not have this benefit in a soft water area.

I wonder whether the enema might also be best made with physiological solution (= 9 grams of sodium chloride in 1 liter of water) rather than ordinary water, to reduce the osmotic shock on the cells in your intestinal lining. When there is a difference in salt concentration between the inside and outside of a cell, it puts strain on a cell, and can even rupture and kill the cell.

In fact, it is well known that if you were to drink around 3 to 5 liters of plain water in one go, the osmotic shock would kill you by rupturing all the cells in your body,

While the exact mechanisms of these adverse reactions remains unknown, scientists speculate they are “chemical-induced”, i.e., caused by overall acidity of coffee as well as the complex slurry of chemicals that coffee is made up of, including the above-mentioned chlorogenic acid, caffeine (a known gut irritant), cafestol, and kahweol. The upper digestive tract is more equipped to handle things like acidic foods/beverages that the lower digestive tract."

I can vouch for the fact that chlorogenic acid is irritating to the gut: I recently bought a chlorogenic acid supplement (sold as green coffee bean, with 50% chlorogenic acid), because chlorogenic acid has been shown to have strong antiviral effects against coxsackievirus B (see my enterovirus antivirals post here).

When I took an oral dose of 2400 mg of chlorogenic acid on an empty stomach, I could feel some stomach discomfort and irritation (though when taking chlorogenic acid on a full stomach, I did not get this problem).

Roasted coffee contains around 6% chlorogenic acid.
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Senior Member
Thanks, Barb!

da2020, do you have CBS A360A +/+? Remember the recommendation is not to treat CBS unless the defect is expressed. You FEEL a difference after a teaspoon of trace minerals? At lower doses? After avoiding high sulfur foods generally? If you are not feeling anything you may not have a problem, but you can always test with sulfate strips to see if sulfur levels are boosted. I just wonder what your reference is when you say the Trace Minerals are high in sulfur. The only thing my Trace Minerals is high in is Mg at 50% of the RDA in a tsp. The percentages fall to low single digits after that.

The Rabbit abstract is useless without specifying pHs used. The stomach and colon are acidic anyway and, water pH being sensitive (stripped of minerals), it adopts to your body's pH. Your body doesn't adjust to water's pH. Yes, the "Mae West" method of a tbsp of salt and bicarb is still popular today, and some speculate the alkalinity kills fungus and candida, even cancer, but newer studies disprove this alkalinity fetish, and suggest a more acid environment kills cancer. There are a lot of anecdotes about chamomile and bicarb making CEs more "manageable" but that seems to have more to do with peristalsis than a negative effect of acidity.

jengonwin, if you have some preexisting intestinal inflammation that CEs exacerbate, even at lower doses, you might want to quieten that down first. At 3 tbsps. you are using a Gerson dosage which is 50% stronger than the 2tbsps. most recommend. And you can go lower. And you can play with the darker vs lighter roast. Some say darker is gentler. If this happened years ago maybe you have done some healing meantime!

I love my CEs but no way am I carrying water for Gerson Therapy. I think he was onto something but research seems to have ended with his death. His daughter is a booster, not carrying on his studies which are very dated. BTW here are some of the things they still forbid - all salt, blueberries, ginger, avocados, coconuts, olive oil, cucumbers, oregano, sprouts, nuts…It was a big deal recently that they started allowing turmeric. People on their chat boards constantly stress over “cheating” and being unable to keep the schedule because it is impossible for those with a life or a job. Some say there are simpler ways to fight cancer that don’t induce chronic stress, and many alternative protocols adopt some of his tenets like coffee enemas, juicing and clean food.
When you make up physiological solution by adding 9 grams of salt to 1 liter of water, it just contains the minerals sodium and chloride that exist in salt. It does not contain any other minerals, apart from the small amounts of minerals already present in your tap water.

@da2020, how much coffee or caffeine goes into one enema? I read that you use 1 liter of water for an enema, but how much coffee goes into that?

If you are making coffee from an espresso machine, a mug of espresso coffee probably contains around 100 to 200 mg of caffeine.

How many such cups of coffee, or how many mg of caffeine, goes into the 1 liter of water used for an enema?

re: Trace Minerals, sorry I didn't quote, I was referring to another commenter who said that Trace Minerals could substitute juices for mineral/electrolyte replacement, and I assume by capitalizing it they meant the brands that are sourced in Utah and are high sulfur. Anyway I disagree with that and find the juices essential (for me the apple is essential for its malic acid content, the parsley for magnesium, etc etc).

Anyway, according to Charlotte Gerson, extracting the oils from the beans is essential, and to do that you have to boil/simmer the coffee. No filters, no coffee machine, etc. This is essential. I bring 3 T ground coffee in 1 L water to a boil then reduce heat to simmer around 10-15 minutes. Then I strain it with a stainless steel strainer and put it in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes to cool. Sometimes I use a grill thermometer with wires and set it to beep when the temp reaches around 100 degrees because it's annoying to have to reheat if it gets too cold.

The overall pH of the final result I actually don't worry about. It's so effective as it is that's it's good enough for me and has never done me any harm. When I bought my RO machine I used untreated water straight from the RO machine and found it painful, so looked into why and from then on use mineralized/pH balanced water.

It's dangerous just crossing the street, you could fret all day and never leave the house. Everything involves risk. If the payoff is worth it then the risk is beside the point. I've gotten far more out of this cheap, easy treatment than I ever did from spending tons of money on conventional treatments (some of which seriously harmed me).
Thanks, Barb!

da2020, do you have CBS A360A +/+? Remember the recommendation is not to treat CBS unless the defect is expressed. You FEEL a difference after a teaspoon of trace minerals? At lower doses? After avoiding high sulfur foods generally? If you are not feeling anything you may not have a problem, but you can always test with sulfate strips to see if sulfur levels are boosted. I just wonder what your reference is when you say the Trace Minerals are high in sulfur. The only thing my Trace Minerals is high in is Mg at 50% of the RDA in a tsp. The percentages fall to low single digits after that.

The Rabbit abstract is useless without specifying pHs used. The stomach and colon are acidic anyway and, water pH being sensitive (stripped of minerals), it adopts to your body's pH. Your body doesn't adjust to water's pH. Yes, the "Mae West" method of a tbsp of salt and bicarb is still popular today, and some speculate the alkalinity kills fungus and candida, even cancer, but newer studies disprove this alkalinity fetish, and suggest a more acid environment kills cancer. There are a lot of anecdotes about chamomile and bicarb making CEs more "manageable" but that seems to have more to do with peristalsis than a negative effect of acidity.

jengonwin, if you have some preexisting intestinal inflammation that CEs exacerbate, even at lower doses, you might want to quieten that down first. At 3 tbsps. you are using a Gerson dosage which is 50% stronger than the 2tbsps. most recommend. And you can go lower. And you can play with the darker vs lighter roast. Some say darker is gentler. If this happened years ago maybe you have done some healing meantime!

I love my CEs but no way am I carrying water for Gerson Therapy. I think he was onto something but research seems to have ended with his death. His daughter is a booster, not carrying on his studies which are very dated. BTW here are some of the things they still forbid - all salt, blueberries, ginger, avocados, coconuts, olive oil, cucumbers, oregano, sprouts, nuts…It was a big deal recently that they started allowing turmeric. People on their chat boards constantly stress over “cheating” and being unable to keep the schedule because it is impossible for those with a life or a job. Some say there are simpler ways to fight cancer that don’t induce chronic stress, and many alternative protocols adopt some of his tenets like coffee enemas, juicing and clean food.

I'm ++ in CBS C699T, BHMT2, BHMT4, BHMT8, VDR/Taq1, MAO A/R297R and +- in 10 others on the Doctor's Data Methylation blood spot test, which only looks at 30.

If you look at the Trace Minerals label it says "Sulfate 40mg" per serving:

I will pass out, literally, if I get a methyl b12 shot (it's happened) (not sulfur but same reaction - ammonia). I will be sick for weeks if I get a glutathione IV, I will be sick for days from taking a NAC supplement. So yes, fully expressioning. A small amount of sulfate/sulfur will have a stimulant effect (it pushes someone like me into fight or flight), but more than that and I'm bedridden. It literally takes me 2 weeks to recover from a glass of wine. Does not apply to meat though, as the sulfur is bound to amino acids in a way that's not toxic to me, and actually beneficial. Some people think CBS people should be vegetarian but I was never sicker than when I was vegetarian and vegan.

I don't know where the idea that CBS should not be "treated" comes from. Anyone can go on a low sulfur (thiol) diet for 10 days and see if they feel better. That's hardly dangerous and potentially positively life altering. And in a nutshell, that is the "treatment", at least it has been for me.

So, for anyone avoiding thiols, coffee enemas don't count (but drinking coffee does). They relieve ammonia buildup in the liver, they don't contribute to it.


Senior Member
Charlotte Gerson, extracting the oils from the beans is essential, and to do that you have to boil/simmer the coffee. No filters, no coffee machine, etc. This is essential. I bring 3 T ground coffee in 1 L water to a boil then reduce heat to simmer around 10-15 minutes. Then I strain it with a stainless steel strainer and put it in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes to cool.

Are there any particular reasons given why coffee from a filter machine, or instant coffee for that matter, would not work? Because someone here says: "I've used ground organic coffee and instant organic coffee for enemas and I don't notice any difference in their effect."

The overall pH of the final result I actually don't worry about. It's so effective as it is that's it's good enough for me and has never done me any harm.

Obviously the risks of intestinal damage from coffee enemas are low, otherwise the Internet would be full of stories about such damage. However, the risks are not zero, so I think it might be sensible to try to minimize them. From the above study posted by @jengonwin, it appears that pH, osmolality (the saline concentration) and water pressure are factors that are linked to intestinal damage.

So ensuring the solution is pH neutral by buffering with sodium bicarbonate using pH strips would probably reduce the risks. I am not sure if this buffering might have a negative impact on the beneficial effect of the enema though.

And using physiological solution would seem like a good bet too. Using physiological solution for an enema also has the advantage of not pulling electrolytes out from the body:
Normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride) is an isotonic solution, so it does not pull electrolytes from the body. Using this solution [for enemas] reduces the risk of electrolyte imbalance.
Source: here.
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