Coffee enemas have been core to my 4 years of healing. My liver was always my weak point. I no longer need to see an acupuncturist to help me. I feel confident in my detox efforts. It's a pity to be so disparaging of methods that are helpful for some.
At least this thread has not been disappeared, as some have. A recent thread on turpentine was disappeared. When I followed up the references, I found it has nothing to do w/ what we know as turpentine. Rather, it's pine oil. I've now been using it in tiny doses, it's been an excellent Candida buster. But that info is now unavailable to anyone else, because it didn't conform to some norm. a pity.
We only remove threads if there is some kind of legal issue related to them, or sensitive embargoed information, or they are outright rule breaches. We have moved a total of 5 threads to staff forums since 2011. We do not delete threads unless they are duplicates with no posts on them Or they are outright rule breaches.
I don't doubt your word, @Kina, when you say you have not deleted these threads; but for some reason, they are not there now.
This is frighteningI agree. Enemas stimulate that colonic muscle to contract. If the wall is weak or the gut partially obstructed it can rupture. You then have faeces throughout the abdomen and no matter how clever a surgeon you have you are dead by tomorrow night. I have seen it happen in A and E. In fact, a past dean of our medical school died this way. He was an anesthetist and after having a colon washout he had he said to his wife - 'I know I have faecal peritonitis - I have seen it so often before - it is time for us to say goodbye.' He was dead by the next night.
Make sure you are not using acidic water to start with. Test the pH to make sure it's neutral or better, slightly alkaline. I don't know why this matters since the coffee likely changes the pH, but it does. Starting with acidic water makes it physically uncomfortable, difficult to maintain, and not as effective. And possibly dangerous because of over-acidity.
The theory is that it raises glutathione as an enema, but it doesn't do that by drinking it.
I'd love to be able to use Trace Minerals but all the ones I know of are high in sulfur,
I'd love to be able to use Trace Minerals but all the ones I know of are high in sulfur, which CBS++ will turn into ammonia and create more liver toxicity. Do you know of any that are very low or sulfur free?
I tried sodium bicarbonate once but decided against it (I use a ph balancer/mineralizer that a biochemist I trust created). But sodium bicarbonate in enemas was used by a 1930's Hollywood doctor and many women celebrities throughout the golden Hollywood era did it, it was a real health trend. Just an interesting factoid.
There was a study on rabbit intestines having damage from acidic water in enemas. Sorry I don't know the link but it was on PubMed. That's why I adjust the pH but I do that with all my water so I just use the RO pH adjusted/mineralized water I usually drink.
The only Yasko CBS SNP which has any impact is C699T, and it's a very mild and beneficial one. It doesn't cause sulfur problems, or the build-up of ammonia.I have horrendous genetics and a double bind situation where I'm CBS ++ but also a "pathological detoxifier" (fast phase 1, slow phase 2 liver), so as much as my liver needs sulfur amino acids to detox phase 2, the more they cause a buildup of ammonia in my body.
The case studies of coffee enema induced colitis are very worrying.
The acidic and alkaline enema solutions thus caused more severe damage to the intestinal mucosa compared to the neutral liquid
While the exact mechanisms of these adverse reactions remains unknown, scientists speculate they are “chemical-induced”, i.e., caused by overall acidity of coffee as well as the complex slurry of chemicals that coffee is made up of, including the above-mentioned chlorogenic acid, caffeine (a known gut irritant), cafestol, and kahweol. The upper digestive tract is more equipped to handle things like acidic foods/beverages that the lower digestive tract."
When you make up physiological solution by adding 9 grams of salt to 1 liter of water, it just contains the minerals sodium and chloride that exist in salt. It does not contain any other minerals, apart from the small amounts of minerals already present in your tap water.
@da2020, how much coffee or caffeine goes into one enema? I read that you use 1 liter of water for an enema, but how much coffee goes into that?
If you are making coffee from an espresso machine, a mug of espresso coffee probably contains around 100 to 200 mg of caffeine.
How many such cups of coffee, or how many mg of caffeine, goes into the 1 liter of water used for an enema?
Thanks, Barb!
da2020, do you have CBS A360A +/+? Remember the recommendation is not to treat CBS unless the defect is expressed. You FEEL a difference after a teaspoon of trace minerals? At lower doses? After avoiding high sulfur foods generally? If you are not feeling anything you may not have a problem, but you can always test with sulfate strips to see if sulfur levels are boosted. I just wonder what your reference is when you say the Trace Minerals are high in sulfur. The only thing my Trace Minerals is high in is Mg at 50% of the RDA in a tsp. The percentages fall to low single digits after that.
The Rabbit abstract is useless without specifying pHs used. The stomach and colon are acidic anyway and, water pH being sensitive (stripped of minerals), it adopts to your body's pH. Your body doesn't adjust to water's pH. Yes, the "Mae West" method of a tbsp of salt and bicarb is still popular today, and some speculate the alkalinity kills fungus and candida, even cancer, but newer studies disprove this alkalinity fetish, and suggest a more acid environment kills cancer. There are a lot of anecdotes about chamomile and bicarb making CEs more "manageable" but that seems to have more to do with peristalsis than a negative effect of acidity.
jengonwin, if you have some preexisting intestinal inflammation that CEs exacerbate, even at lower doses, you might want to quieten that down first. At 3 tbsps. you are using a Gerson dosage which is 50% stronger than the 2tbsps. most recommend. And you can go lower. And you can play with the darker vs lighter roast. Some say darker is gentler. If this happened years ago maybe you have done some healing meantime!
I love my CEs but no way am I carrying water for Gerson Therapy. I think he was onto something but research seems to have ended with his death. His daughter is a booster, not carrying on his studies which are very dated. BTW here are some of the things they still forbid - all salt, blueberries, ginger, avocados, coconuts, olive oil, cucumbers, oregano, sprouts, nuts…It was a big deal recently that they started allowing turmeric. People on their chat boards constantly stress over “cheating” and being unable to keep the schedule because it is impossible for those with a life or a job. Some say there are simpler ways to fight cancer that don’t induce chronic stress, and many alternative protocols adopt some of his tenets like coffee enemas, juicing and clean food.
Charlotte Gerson, extracting the oils from the beans is essential, and to do that you have to boil/simmer the coffee. No filters, no coffee machine, etc. This is essential. I bring 3 T ground coffee in 1 L water to a boil then reduce heat to simmer around 10-15 minutes. Then I strain it with a stainless steel strainer and put it in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes to cool.
The overall pH of the final result I actually don't worry about. It's so effective as it is that's it's good enough for me and has never done me any harm.
Normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride) is an isotonic solution, so it does not pull electrolytes from the body. Using this solution [for enemas] reduces the risk of electrolyte imbalance.
Source: here.