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Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Senior Member
Sorry to hear that.

If CB doesn't help im trying the acetylcholine angle. I am so sick of having a paralyzed colon.

The center of digestive diseases in Sydney believe a pathogenic clostridia bacteria causes constipation. They have success with vancomycin and CB as a probiotic.

CB will probably do nothing but il try anyway. Acetylcholine seems more likely to be my problem however i don't have gastroparesis as i can eat huge amounts of food without nausea. It just seems to be the colon.


Senior Member
From my experience and that of others, I'd suggest considering taking less than a whole pill. I never made it past 1/4 pill.

I took 6 pills 2 hours ago. Felt some rumbling now nothing. WIll continue with 6 pills 3x a day. Dont think il be able to tell if it makes me worse because i do enemas 3x a week anyway because my colon is unable to move stools along.

Ive taken ever probiotic on the market, prescript assist you name it. i took 20 pills of prescript assist in one sitting and felt nothing. Im just sick of it so this is my last attempt. If i take this for a few months and i dont get better or worse i give up. I personally thing its something in my brain because the first time i took mefolate i had a functional colon. Then i crashed and ive stayed away from that stuff because its like going down a rabit hole.


Senior Member
So im getting some SIBO like bloating which is what i get from lactate probiotics and prescript assist when dosed orally. I think due to my colonic inertia oral ingestion is a no go.

However my brain fog has reduced 30% so i am going to continue the CB but i will use it in implant enemas after my 3x weekly enemas. Hopefully this improves my colon somewhat.

Next stop acetylcholine.

EDIT - By the way does anyone know how i can break the tablets into powder without killing the bacteria?
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Senior Member
Okay last 2 days ive been getting gastroparesis for the first time in my life. Food sitting in my stomach all day with bad nausea.

I only took this probiotic orally for a day then switched to enemas. Didn't make the connection untill today. Sorry i didn't listen to advice no probiotic has ever given me gastroparesis before.

Hope this goes away soon.....


Senior Member
Mine reversed slowly after stopping. I think some others had similar experiences--gastric shutdown slowly reversing on stopping the CB.

AH okay. I usually only have colon shut down but now the whole works have stopped. Im not 100% sure its the CB but the issues started 2 days ago which was when i took CB for 2 days lol. Guess i will water fast untill it stops. I took ginger and it helped the nausea somewhat but i can feel meat sitting in my stomach lol.

Powerful stuff. I see my gastro this week so il be on a new trek. Hopefully a run of antibitoics to see if i can kill of the flora in my gut that started all these issues

Sucks i thought this was going to help. Maybe thats why it is used for diarreah loll.

Maybe il tolerate it in the future when my pathogens are gone
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Senior Member
How did you guys get relief? Ive eaten like 200 calories today and its stil sitting in my stomach. Im on the verge of vomitting all day. I took ginger but it didnt work. I am praying that the CB caused this because if i have ANOTHER problem i am screwed.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I never had any problems like that but I also never took that much in one day. I started at 1 tablet a day and slowly worked up to 5 a day over a period of several months.

Maybe you can try megadosing magnesium. That generally seems to help most people with constipation.


Senior Member

It hasn't given me constipation as i already have intractable constipation. Its given me gastroparalisis (paralyzed stomach) which means i can't eat without vomiting.

I will water fast for a week hopefully it stops


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Wow, that's a bit alarming.

Well, Clostridium butyricum doesn't seem to take residence, so if that's the cause of the gastroparalisis, it should clear in a few days after you stop taking it.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Acetylcholine seems more likely to be my problem however i don't have gastroparesis as i can eat huge amounts of food without nausea.
I personally thing its something in my brain because the first time i took mefolate i had a functional colon. Then i crashed and ive stayed away from that stuff because its like going down a rabit hole.
You might want to check this thread out...

Acetylcholine caused crash

It's a discussion on how certain supplements seem to have the ability to permanently alter the Acetylcholine mechanisms in some people's systems.

I'm starting to think that some sort of dysfunction with Acetylcholinesterase is one of the main problems that I'm dealing with.

I was fortunate with CB in that it helped me quite a bit. Not to the level of counting as a remission but it improved my quality of life a good bit. Still looking to improve things even more and Acetylcholine seems to be the most likely direction for me to explore right now.
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Senior Member
That's even more alarming. Did you consider taking any antibotics or herbs to kill off the CB?

God no. Antibiotics is what got me here in the first place. Herbs are tricky, you never know what they're going to do to you.


Senior Member
Hi everyone! Do you think RS would allow be to have a better sleep? I did a sleep analysis and I have a very poor REM (like a lot of people here I guess) so I was wondering if you still have the benefit of RS regarding sleep, even after a while.


Senior Member
Hi everyone! Do you think RS would allow be to have a better sleep? I did a sleep analysis and I have a very poor REM (like a lot of people here I guess) so I was wondering if you still have the benefit of RS regarding sleep, even after a while.

Many people on the RS thread including me reported very vivid dreams. I wouldn't call it "better sleep", just a lot of really vivid, unusual, movie-like dreams.