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Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Seems to me that the safest approach might be to supplement with a probiotic that competes with CB. I can't really think of one off hand though. Maybe someone else has some input they can offer.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I took 6 pills 2 hours ago.
am praying that the CB caused this because if i have ANOTHER problem i am screwed.
From what some of the others of us experienced I'd say it is pretty likely because of CB. I took 1/24th of the dose you took and still got gastroparesis. I was able to slowly get over it by eating tiny amounts of things I knew I digested easily. For me, it took about 2 weeks to get over it. Good luck with this.


Senior Member
Thanks guys, will update later if i recover. For now im fasting on juice and honey, even that is giving me nausea.

Also doing 2g ginger a day because its apparently an antiemetic. I also started some oregano oil to kill off some bacteria


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
@Sidereal, rereading older parts of this thread, I came across this post you made...
I was doing great on CB for a few weeks and then it hit me out of nowhere. It felt like my entire GI tract had just stopped moving. Developed gastroparesis which lasted a few weeks. It all cleared up with small doses of brown algae but until it did it was a bloody nightmare.

Do you think it might be worth it for @douglasmich to try brown algae to help with his gastroparesis?


Senior Member
I wouldn't risk it. Brown algae helped me the first time I had GP but the second time the algae made things a lot worse. His condition sounds pretty serious. Probably best to consult a doctor instead of an internet forum.


Senior Member
Coconut oil helped me best when I had CB induced gastroparesis. The negative effects of CB did improve after I stopped, so I doubt other probiotics would be of much help unless CB has established persistence.

Anyway, this is exactly why I posted the warning here few days ago.


Senior Member
I think some people here are confusing colonic inertia with gastroparesis

Gastroparesis = stomach not emptying causing nausea/vomiting

Colonic inertia = everything works expect for large intestine.

Before i took CB i had colonic inertia so i did enemas 3x a week because without id probably go a month without a BM and end up in ER.

After CB i had this condition combined with gastroparesis which I've never had in my life (Usually always hungry )

Im juice fasting now and taking high dose oregano oil. All self inflicted by being impatient. I was frustrated with my illness i guess.

Also coconut oil is contraindicated with GP because fats slow stomach emptying


Senior Member
Okay so ive been taking 40 drops a day of oregano oil (600-800mg) and drinking juice and having white rice. Seem to be slowly recovering. won't eat meat until im 100% sure


Senior Member
If CB causes constipation then is it very unwise to take it if you already have this tendency? Also, are there any probiotics which tend to alleviate constipation. Surely common sense would suggest that anyone with this problem should take this kind of probiotic. But it's never that straight forward is it.


Senior Member
I spoke to someone that cured their constipation on CB when every other probitoic made them worse. That is why i tried it.

I am now fully recovered. Fasting and high dose oregano did the drug.