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Bad reaction high dose to vitamin D

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Yes, but my point is that its not the end of the world if PatJ cannot tolerate K2.
It's also not a particularly desirable destination, healthwise ....
They will end up at the same level as virtually all of the rest of humanity in that regard.
Not a particularly attractive recommendation ....
I'm no fan of them either, the risk of the jaw cracking is something like 1 in 20 iirc.
Not to mention jawbone cancers, among others .... all in all a real crepe medication ....
it helps the body absorb calcium form food and so forth.
While it does help the body absorb calcium from the gut, it does NOTHING in terms of determining where that calcium might wind up, ie, heart atria, blood vessels, aortas, etc, spin that chamber and hope for the best, or take MK-7 .... it's like giving a 4 year old a loaded gun and letting them choose the targets ....
My thoughts on this would fill a novel.
If i ever get some cognitive functioning i'll write it
If you do, and I ever get better cog function, I'll definitely read it :confused::confused: :eek::eek: :D :woot::woot: .....
I don't think tolerance to K2 has anything to do with vegetarianism.
That's not the issue .... as a vegetarian, the SOURCE of the MK would be important to @PatJ , irrespective of its healthful actions in his system ....

Get cracking on that book ... if you'd like, I can contribute a bile-filled, scatological, short but pungent chapter :lol::lol::lol: :rofl::rofl: :jaw-drop: ......

PS ...
On an unrelated note i came across this article recently, though the author should know about K2 yet seems to not be talking about it at all.
Very cool link .... will read it more closely after I make some more coffee and try to kick-start my three remaining brain cells ....

Thank you for posting it!!!!
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The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
It's also not a particularly desirable destination, healthwise ....
I agree.
Not a particularly attractive recommendation ....
Also agreed, the point being that K2 deficiency is not acutely dangerous as is deficiency of such things as Vitamin C, B12 or others.
One can go a lifetime without K2. Many do (unfortunately)

While it does help the body absorb calcium from the gut, it does NOTHING in terms of determining where that calcium might wind up, ie, heart atria, blood vessels, aortas, etc, spin that chamber and hope for the best, or take MK-7 .... it's like giving a 4 year old a loaded gun and letting them choose the targets ....
The body is capable of handling calcium without K2. Though not as well as with K2. Its not at all optimal to not have K2 and in my opinion K2 should be put in the water instead of fluoride, but if someone is intolerant to K2 they don't have to take it.

If you do, and I ever get better cog function, I'll definitely read it :confused::confused: :eek::eek: :D :woot::woot: .....
Sounds good.
That's not the issue .... as a vegetarian, the SOURCE of the MK would be important to @PatJ , irrespective of its healthful actions in his system ....
MK4 is almost universally made synthetically. There are very few if any natural sources in pill/liquid form and to find one you would have to go and look for it because its too expensive to create naturally and bottle.
I know of only one source of natural MK4, its hard to acquire and very expensive.
Get cracking on that book ... if you'd like, I can contribute a bile-filled, scatological, short but pungent chapter :lol::lol::lol: :rofl::rofl: :jaw-drop: ......
If i get some treatment that improves my cognition i will start writing.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Its not at all optimal to not have K2 and in my opinion K2 should be put in the water instead of fluoride,
GREAT idea !!!!

Unfortunately, we'd first have to find some way to have MK-7, MK-4 labeled as industrial waste, and then get the govt to pay for it's disposal (flouride is currently disposed of in toothpaste, water, and God knows what else), after which we can suggest removing the flouride from the water and replacing it with the MK's ....


Forum Support Assistant
as a vegetarian, the SOURCE of the MK would be important to @PatJ

It matters but I'm not as vegetarian as I would like. I have to take betaine HCl with pepsin which isn't vegetarian.

Quick update since the computer monitor is still bothering me so much:
* I'm back to the low calcium diet until I stabilize

* I've noticed that when I take K2, or magnesium, I get some mild calcium overdose symptoms similar to when I tried calcium carbonate.
* K2 plus magnesium at the same time seems to be a bad idea. I had an episode yesterday of 45 minutes of depression like I've never felt before. The day before I had about 45 minutes of feeling like I was half insane. Both of those episodes happened about 90 minutes after taking K2 with about 80mg of magnesium malate (I take it, and mag glycinate in small doses throughout the day.) Depression is a sign of excess calcium so maybe both together are too much for my body to handle with all the excess calcium floating around due to the vitamin D?

* My blood sugar control has improved a little. I mentioned in another post that vitamin D improves insulin sensitivity (I'm already too sensitive to it). Hopefully as the D is used up I'll have better blood sugar control.

* My computer monitor sensitivity has gotten much worse. I'm also more sensitive to sound at times, almost like sounds are too sharp. I'm wondering if my light, and sound sensitivities are due to calcium and glutamate since excess calcium paired with glutamate can cause excitotoxicity in the brain. I've noticed that the supplements that help reduce my light and sound sensitivities all act on glutamate in some way.


Forum Support Assistant
Quick update again of what I've confirmed:
* K2 stirs up the calcium
* Magnesium stirs up the calcium
* K2 plus magnesium magnifies the effects of stirring up the calcium. The night before last my BP went up 118/70 instead of the usual 90/60. This was from taking K2 and then 50mg of magnesium 90 minutes later.
* I've realized that my BP has probably been higher for months because of the extra calcium.
* No more K2 for me.
* I need a little magnesium sometimes to avoid bad mental side effects either from the excess calcium, or low magnesium, I'm not sure which.
* I'm having low magnesium symptoms at times such as leg tremors. Spray magnesium helps. I'm not sure if it's increasing the calcium the way that oral magnesium does.
* It's helpful to drink more to help lower calcium through urination and helps me to feel better in general, including better quality thinking.
* High calcium causes dizziness, higher BP and other symptoms.

I'm taking a break from this thread, and PR until my health stabilizes enough to tolerate the computer monitor more. If anyone wants to post my ME/CFS info for new users in the introduction threads, it can be found here.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm taking a break from this thread, and PR until my health stabilizes enough to tolerate the computer monitor more. If anyone wants to post my ME/CFS info for new users in the introduction threads, it can be found here.
I've been absent from these threads since late TH due to computer problems, and am still pretty jangled after my efforts to reverse them and restore my computer's functions, so will respond with some thoughts re: mag calcium, K2 etc later when my brain finds its way back.

In the meantime, I'm going to miss you, @PatJ ..... hurry back as circumstances permit, and know that I'm looking forward to your return, as I now we all are ....

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I've seen an individual on another forum who reacts bad to vit D and K2 but vit K1 helps him.
Is it possible you mean vit K-2?

K-1 is found exclusively in leafy green veggies, is hard to absorb and has a low bio-availability with a short half-life, and is primarily effective as a blood coagulator.

K-2, on the other hand, is more widely nutritionally available, has a long list of benefits, and a much longer half-life along with generally greater bioavailability.

If it was Vit K-2, the benefits the unknown poster experienced may have been from the Vit K-2, MK-7 form, and may have been from K-2's unique ability to escort calcium out of the blood stream and into areas where it's needed, like teeth and bones, and away from places where it's definitely not, like arteries and blood vessels ... a lot of free calcium can lead to deficiencies in magnesium (which is critical for the absorption and utilization of D-3), zinc, and copper, which could also have triggered a bad reaction to the D-3 ....

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I agree with @YippeeKi YOW !! Vid D is a hormone as well as a vitamin and has many functions. It is absolutely necessary and low levels are not good. That being said, I doubt very much that OP has a problem with too much D based on amounts taken. By the way, there are many forms of D, I recommend caliciferol which is vit D3. Other forms of D don't do quite as much from what I've heard. 12,000 iu a day might be too much but taking it one time is no big deal. I'd say don't go over 5000 iu daily unless you know you are deficient

D is hard to absorb, it is not water soluble so take it with food and the fats will help absorb it. I take about 5000 iu a day, I'm probably lucky if I absorb half of that. Any excess can be excreted though super high doses of anything are not good. What is super high dose? I've heard of people recommended by doctor to take 10,000 iu a day for long periods. Everyone is different and some don't absorb much D at all. If you get some sun and are worried about too much, just take 2000 iu a day. Taking none seems like asking for trouble. I've taken it for decades and all I see are benefits. Too much might cause nausea but many things can cause that

Magnesium was mentioned and once again Yippeeki Yow is right on the money. Mg is needed for some 400 processes in the body according to a medical paper I read years ago. It is very helpful for relaxation and sleep, and it helps with constipation. Most people are short on Mg and on D according to surveys. I take 2 cheap tabs with forms that are hard to absorb and it makes a great laxative with no side effect. I also take mg threonate which is supposed to be able to get into the brain. I take about 50 various caps or powders a day and I'm glad I do

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I see K2 was mentioned, that is also a great one to take. K1 is usually found in food in sufficient quantities but K2 often has to be supplemented for best results. As has been said, it keeps the calcium, which we all need, from settling in the arteries where it does harm and lets it go to the bones where its needed. Calcium is also used in other parts of the body in various processes.

If you were diagnosed with calcium build up in arteries, K2 is good to take but there are also other things. For example, nattokinase which is extracted from soy and other sources. Nattokinase will help dissolve fibrin which is what makes calcium deposits, excess cholesterol, and dead cells clump into a lump which can grow large enough to completely block an artery. You take it when you haven't eaten for an hour and don't eat for another hour to give it time to be absorbed and not broken down by digestion. I take one or two on an empty stomach with lots of water. Serrapeptase is another enzyme that can help reduce arterial calcification.