B2 I love you!


Senior Member
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
@stridor, In this case, did you determine that you were not absorbing it correctly because your urine did not change color or because it did change color? In my case, my urine color changes to bright yellow-ish/green fairly quickly after taking B2 which surprised me since I'm supposedly so low in B2.

To be clear, in my case, I was not absorbing it correctly according to the colour of my urine..


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario

Because my urine did not change colour. It took a while and some advice from others to realize that I was not reacting to methylation support but rather to a B2 crisis that they were magnifying. The confounder was that I was supplementing B2 at the time. I had not noticed that me urine was no longer changing. I decided to take B2 caps until it did. It was 18 capsules x 100 mg the first day and 16 the next. Probiotics allowed me to drop back to 300 mg.

Mycoplasma likes mucous membranes like the gut and h pylori does more than cause ulcers. Dealing with infections not only helped with B2, but also iron levels and absorption of folate.


Senior Member
Decided to try upping my b2 dosage because of angular cheilitis and some other stuff. It made me super relaxed and lethargic. Any chance I’m just really deficient and I’ll get used to it and won’t be so lethargic with continued use?
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Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
My recent NutrEval Test shows that my B2 still isn't working--extremely high Glutaric Acid-- and so I raised the amount I take daily to 200mg. I do and did pee bright yellow-green, but it seemed still not to have been enough. For me the initial increase caused watery eyes, but that seems to have resolved...

I would consider raising it again if I redo the test and find it still isn't working adequtely. I also raised my selenium to 300mcg/day, my iodine to about 400mcg/day, and held my molybdenum to about 150mcg/day--after having it be at about 300/day for some months. Functional B2 can be a problem for recycling B-12 and folate, I believe, which means that if it worked well, we wouldn't need such high doses of those.


Senior Member
@GreenMachineX Almost certainly you were deficient. Are you now peeing Vitamin B yellow or yellow-green?
Not really. I drink a lot of water though. I’m at 20mg supplemented daily now. How long until I get used to it? I can’t handle being too lethargic for 8 hours!

I had a Spectracell nutrient test done a couple weeks ago; results next Thursday.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@GreenMachineX When I was low on B2, I was in the depths of CFS. The symptoms of low B2 were brought on by starting B12. I had about 10 days when I did not feel well, as many do, when I started the B12 and then things got better. If there was any lethargy, it was burred in those symptoms.

The shortage in B2 was a tough nut to crack because I had been supplementing. Just not absorbing. Really look for that urine colour change the first pee after taking it. Do you drink a lot of water because you choose to? When I was short on B12, I had diabetes insipidus and was always drinking.

So, B2 was needed so I could take B12 and B12 took me from the depths of CFS to where I could return to work. Still had energy issues but able to stand and function again.


Senior Member
@GreenMachineX When I was low on B2, I was in the depths of CFS. The symptoms of low B2 were brought on by starting B12. I had about 10 days when I did not feel well, as many do, when I started the B12 and then things got better. If there was any lethargy, it was burred in those symptoms.

The shortage in B2 was a tough nut to crack because I had been supplementing. Just not absorbing. Really look for that urine colour change the first pee after taking it. Do you drink a lot of water because you choose to? When I was short on B12, I had diabetes insipidus and was always drinking.

So, B2 was needed so I could take B12 and B12 took me from the depths of CFS to where I could return to work. Still had energy issues but able to stand and function again.

So b12 brought out the b2 deficiency?? I wonder if this whole time I’ve been chasing folate deficiency has really been b2 deficiency. The more b12 I take, the worse the angular cheilitis gets, water retention, and other symptoms. But increasing folate with it doesn’t really improve anything. The one time I took extra folate and b2 I had the lowest blood pressure in a doctors office of 120/70. Record low for me.

I drink a lot of water because I like to. A habit I developed over 18 years when I first got into health and fitness. What does the urine color change mean?

Well, it’s in my multi. If I am able to get used to it I would prefer to keep taking it in the morning, but if not, then I’ll have to switch multis so I can take it at night.
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Senior Member
Not sure why, but already the lethargy from the extra b2 is improved today. But I did have an hour of breathlessness or rapid breathing (unable to convey the feeling better) again like I have all week. I’m sure it has to do with whatever vitamin deficiency I’m dealing with (or several deficiencies) but it eventually went away. Unsure what to do about it. I *think* it’s from unbalanced b2 and b6 but I don’t really know. Maybe I still need more methylfolate so ill try a little more tomorrow.

Another symptom I’ve been dealing since the beginning of all this, is the veins in my arms are popping like crazy. Granted, I love it because I’m into bodybuilding and all, but at my body fat level I shouldn’t have that benefit yet. I’ve never had that before until all these other symptoms like angular cheilitis, water retention, and body wide inflammation.
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Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@GreenMachineX Sorry, I rarely visit this site anymore as I no longer meet the criteria for CFS. My treatments seem to be working. Greg.....not sure of his last name is a man who sells topical B12 oils etc in Australia. He is about twice as smart as me and is able to explain how a B2 shortage may trigger CFS.

The first time I took B12 my tongue swelled up and cracked and looked like raw meat. The second time I had the cracks at the corners of the mouth, large capillaries circling the pupils, and the typical rash on my face and privates. Both times I had been taking B2 but not enough because I was not absorbing well.

My story fit Greg´s theory well. The second time, I would not take no for an answer and decided to take B2 until my urine turned ¨vitamin B¨ yellow, It took 18 capsules of 100 mg and the next day it took 16. A round of probiotics got it to where I only needed 300 mg.

Currently, I take 16 mg a day but every now and then I get tingling in my left jaw where the worst of the rash was and I will be increasing to 24 mg.

The only breathlessness that I had was before I started the hydrocortisone. It was like someone had stolen the oxygen from the air and I just couldn´t seem to get enough air. I would lose my breath speaking and have to stop. Likely a huge relief for the people around me.

I take it with the body-building that you do not have CFS or a very mild case?


Senior Member
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Thanks for the link @renski . This supports a lot of the other conventional wisdom about the importance of B2. It also shows that many of the "experts" can change direction on a dime and offer different advice than they had offered only a short time before. So take your liver with a grain of salt ;-)
So b12 brought out the b2 deficiency?? I wonder if this whole time I’ve been chasing folate deficiency has really been b2 deficiency. The more b12 I take, the worse the angular cheilitis gets, water retention, and other symptoms. But increasing folate with it doesn’t really improve anything. The one time I took extra folate and b2 I had the lowest blood pressure in a doctors office of 120/70. Record low for me.

I drink a lot of water because I like to. A habit I developed over 18 years when I first got into health and fitness. What does the urine color change mean?

Well, it’s in my multi. If I am able to get used to it I would prefer to keep taking it in the morning, but if not, then I’ll have to switch multis so I can take it at night.
Does B2 rise blood pressure for you?


Senior Member
Does B2 rise blood pressure for you?
No, I’ve had a lot change since my last updates. I’m just taking 6mg b2 in my Thorne 2 per day, but only taking 1 cap with an extra 400mcg methylfolate and doing awesome. My blood pressure isn’t great, but under 140/80 most of the time and 120/80 in the doctor office the other day. 150mg CBD per day has been great too.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
@Antonello I am not sure. Likely going to find out soon though because some recent changes in diet have increased B2 absorption. I will be cutting back soon and I will be interested to see. I take it that you have associated higher BP with B2?
@Antonello I am not sure. Likely going to find out soon though because some recent changes in diet have increased B2 absorption. I will be cutting back soon and I will be interested to see. I take it that you have associated higher BP with B2?
I have low blood pressure and I'm looking for a way to increase it. B2 doesn't help. Some people mentioned B1 for low blood pressure so I'm experimenting with it