Fozzaw, I don't know if you are aware of this, but boron seriously depletes B2. B2 is an antidote to boric acid poisoning.
Wow, now I wish I had read the whole 40 pages better. I didn't know Boron binds B2 either. I took it every day (3-20mgs) for arthralgias and because it seemed to give a slight clarity and I was probably deficient in Boron (based on diet at the time). Could help explain whatever B2 deficiency I might have had or its ineffectiveness. Thanks
Boron, found richly in green vegetables, fruits, peanuts and legumes, has high affinity for cis-diol functional groups found in nucleotides, sugars, as well as in vitamins such as riboflavin. For the first time, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the negative ion mode was utilized to observe the complex formation between boron and riboflavin. In addition, fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate whether boron can affect the binding affinity between riboflavin and riboflavin binding protein from chicken egg white. The results of this study can help support the conclusions made from previous work in which a correlation between boron exposure and riboflavin deficiency in chicks and hens was demonstrated. The results of this work are relevant for the treatment for human riboflavin deficiency that causes dry skin, photo-sensitivity and inflammation of the lining of mouth and tongue.
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