This is a clip from a comment made by dogperson about toxic copper and iron stores in the liver and how it relates to B2.
A 90 pound German shepherd client, age 9, had severe niacin deficiency, as observed by the black deposits under the skin. All his life, he was very aggressive and required additional training to keep him under control. His tan fur also turned an orange color, which the breeder told the owner was just like all the others from his lineage, not knowing this was a sign of inability to use copper. Everywhere he licked turned a plum or bronze color.
The dog was started on just 2 doses of B2, at 6.25mg/dose. He very slowly and gradually was increased to his current dosage of 25 mg. of B2, 8 times a day and twice during the night for the past 3 months. If we increased his dosage too quickly, he would again become extremely aggressive and agitated, the discharge from the ears would worsen, he could not stop itching and chewing at the black spots on his belly and his stools would turn orange and very loose. Currently, he continues to improve as his black deposits are fading, hes stopped having a black discharge from his ears, he no longer licks and chews at his groin and can now be peaceful when at the grooming salon where the owner works. His retest chart indicates that his stores of B2 have not begun to improve. However, his iron and copper indicate much better usage by the liver. Better usage = elimination as well as ability of the liver to manufacture more carrier proteins to work with the extra iron. His manganese level is coming up, indicating that he has enough B2 to convert Folic acid to its active form, which activates choline, which allows the liver to store manganese. When you can retain manganese, the ER structures in the liver keep healing and as they heal more iron and copper can be released.
We have two female cotons. One of them has had a reddish black build up of something around her genitalia, and the other one doesn't. I never asked the vet what it was, nor did the vet ever comment about it, but since once of them didn't have the buildup, I didn't think it was normal.
When I started to take B2, I started to give my dogs small amounts once or twice a day. When I was grooming her a couple of weeks later, the buildup had decreased very significantly. Now it's almost completely gone. I think that's pretty amazing.
I'd like to thank dogperson again, for information that I have not seen anywhere else.