B2 I love you!


Although it includes an unspecified amount of folate, it also contains folic acid. The folic acid might block the folate.

I can't see any co-enzymate B-complex with just methylfolate and no folic acid. I am limited to iherb as I am in Australia but out of curiosity, does such a co-enzyme B-complex exist?


Senior Member
I can't see any co-enzymate B-complex with just methylfolate and no folic acid. I am limited to iherb as I am in Australia but out of curiosity, does such a co-enzyme B-complex exist?
Also Jarrow's B-right. I think most B-complexes will include either folate (good ones) OR folic acid (cheap ones). The one you listed is the first I've seen which contains both :p


I don't prefer B-right because it only has half of the B-complex as conenzyme and the remaining are not.
1 - I do feel that the B2 has somehow changed something in the immunity.

2 - I think that glutamates are reinforced by anything that is exciting for the sympathetic nervous system.

On rethinking the whole thing, all of this theory may revolve around superoxide dismutase and GSH, that is, antioxidants in general. This was prompted by your post back a while ago and this person's post :

B2 Supplementation -> More Manganese Transporters + Manganese Supplementation -> More Manganese -> more manganese SOD

On the other hand:

Less Glutamates -> More Vitamin K2 + K2 Supplementation -> More tolerable levels of Vitamin D (due to less problems with calcification) + Vitamin D Supplementation -> more manganese SOD production according to this paper

As an extra bit:

B2 + Riboflavin Reductase -> More NADPH + Glutahione Reductase -> more Glutahione

Any thoughts Asklipia?


Senior Member
On rethinking the whole thing, all of this theory may revolve around superoxide dismutase and GSH, that is, antioxidants in general. This was prompted by your post back a while ago and this person's post :

B2 Supplementation -> More Manganese Transporters + Manganese Supplementation -> More Manganese -> more manganese SOD

On the other hand:

Less Glutamates -> More Vitamin K2 + K2 Supplementation -> More tolerable levels of Vitamin D (due to less problems with calcification) + Vitamin D Supplementation -> more manganese SOD production according to this paper

As an extra bit:

B2 + Riboflavin Reductase -> More NADPH + Glutahione Reductase -> more Glutahione

Any thoughts Asklipia?
I agree.
Thoughts? There are many ways to describe reality, but in the end it is most probably the same reality.
Thank you for this. I think you are right. I came to it by experimentation. Because, in the opposite way of many who are waiting for some authority to decree what is good or bad science, I have started with MY authority. Because I have a life-long practice of observation, I know exactly what is going on.
It is fun (and horrible too!!!) to read history of medicine and so-called "sciences". Others experimenting happily on weakened bodies.

If something really works, soon there is a theory to prove it!
For a time.
This has worked for us. Most probably I agree for the reasons you state.
The question remains : even if we have found a way out, WHY did it happen? WHAT to do so it does not happen again? This is my focus these days. And HOW to stop others from suffering?
Maybe the last one is a bad sign : healthy people don't care a fig bout the sick. I still do. I am still sick?
Lots of good wishes and thanks for your input.


Senior Member
A small update on our journey with Riboflavin (former updates along this thread):
And our teeth went on feeling fine, which I take as a sign that we do not need any K2 any more.

Asklipia What happened to your teeth? I just tried this B2 thing at the beginning of the week and I've got 2 spots, under crowns I think, that are suddenly very hot/cold sensitive. This what happened to you?


Senior Member
Asklipia What happened to your teeth? I just tried this B2 thing at the beginning of the week and I've got 2 spots, under crowns I think, that are suddenly very hot/cold sensitive. This what happened to you?
This is a sign of lymphatic activity. It happens from time to time when the amount of lymph directed there is more important. Sometimes due to renewed thyroid activity.


Senior Member
Hi, I have a question.
I was doing the b12 protocol but it suddenly stopped working. I found out I have a b2 deficiency( I have chapped lips, dry eyes) When I take b2 alone I feel mild detox symptoms, like tiredness, orange stool but nothing more.
Whenever I take b2 with b12 and folate I feel really wired, depressed and I can't think clear. (I don't feel like this when I take the b12 and folate alone)
Has anyone an idea why I feel like this?


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I had B2 problems when I began as well. Rash on my face, swollen split tongue, capillaries encircling my pupils and a rash "down below". I wasn't absorbing it properly - your urine should turn "vitamin B yellow" to signal that you are getting enough. As well as oral, I take the RDA by injection.

Not positive why B2 is contributing to your symptoms. It is used in at least 3 places in energy production though. There seems to be a subset of us who have a hard time dealing with the extra oxidation that goes hand-in-hand with pushing the mitochondria. This was my issue at any rate.

My symptoms were similar to yours and carnitine-l-fumerate seems to have helped with this a lot. I have not had a full-blown post-exercise ME crisis since I began this. So mB12 then mfolate, then adenosylB12 and finally carnitine. BTW, I could replicate these types of symptoms with acetyl-l-carnitine which is guaranteed to ruin my day. Too bad because it scared me off CLF unnecessarily. brad

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
How much B2 are you taking? I was advised to start with 6.25 mg (1/16 of a 100 mg capsule), then work up to 4 doses per day before increase the size of the dose.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
OK, here's the thing...I was exhibiting all these signs of B2 deficiency and I thought to myself, "when did my urine stop being Vit B yellow?". I decided to take B2 until I pee'd yellow. It was 18 caps the first day and 16 the next. In the end, a course of probiotics got me down to 100 mg x 3 and now I take 100 mg x2 daily. Any less and I get parathesia (tingling) on my left jawline where the rash started. brad


Senior Member
@stridor...what strains/brands of probiotics did you take? Just curious. After my latest bout with TMG (which I had to stop because of GI tract issues) I'm ready to experiment some more with probiotics so looking for suggestions. Any you could throw my way are appreciated. PM me if you think it might derail the thread. Thanks!


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Also, would anyone care to advise which form of B2 is better:

Riboflavin 5' Phosphate capsules http://www.iherb.com/Thorne-Research-Riboflavin-5-Phosphate-60-Veggie-Caps/18434


Coenzymated B2 sublingual http://www.iherb.com/Source-Naturals-Coenzymated-B-2-Sublingual-60-Tablets/1036#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=coenzymated b-2&rc=153&sr=null&ic=1

or are they essentially the same thing just different oral delivery forms?

I would choose the hypoallergenic one (Thorne) of those two brands, simply because I seem to be allergic/sensitive to magnesium stearate. Also am sensitive to Peppermint flavouring.

I'm currently taking "Nature's Own" B2, no additives.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I haven't been able to take probiotics since I had my colon taken out but I gravitate towards human-derived as there is the hope that the gut can be successfully repopulated. I used Genestra HMF (human micro flora). Bacteria from other sources are tolerated for 2-3 days and then the immune system deal with them. So yoghurt and such is fine but you need to take it daily forever. HMF is taken daily for a month and then you see how you did. Has to be refrigerated.


Senior Member
@merylg, thanks for the feedback!

@stridor...I never really thought about it that way, but that would account for some of my relative lack of success despite many courses of probiotics over the years. Thanks for the tips!