On what protocol? The body is using methyl B12 all the time and needs it. Some older protocols suggest hydroxo B12, but that's because it was more available in some places, particularly the UK. HB12 is also recommended when someone cannot tolerate additional methyl groups in mb12.
Does it happen equally with MB12, which offers methyl groups, which HB12 does not?
I made no assumptions but provided factual information and asked questions.We've been over this before. Everyone I talked to that has trouble tolerating B12 says the exact same thing: the form of B12 doesn't matter, any form of B12 is hard to tolerate.
You shouldn't assume that everyone has the exact same experience as you have. Everyone is different.
Sorry, not sure what ACC is. I used Thorne Research 5-MTHF, MethylGuard Plus, P5P, Neurochondria, as well as Designs for Health Magnesium Malate and Xymogen ALAmax. I used the DMSA and DMSO prescribed by my doctor. It still took a long time.@Learner1 Thanks! Forgot to specify it: ACC protocol. What methylation nutrients did you use?
As for the ACC; I'd like to start with DMSA 12,5mg, my amalgams were removed 2 years ago so I was also wondering whether I can already take ALA with it. Were you using Living Supplements' DMSA? They have all dosages availbale to make 50% increases.
Tho I'm also getting concerned about mercury specks below the new fillings, that means I gotta take a bite-wing x-ray, seems like we just can't catch a break, each problem leads to another one and so on.
From what I've seen, the Cutler protocol is meant for do it yourselfers who have no doctor supervision and it's meant to keep them out of trouble. I spent about 3 years chelating mercury at much higher doses of the chelators and ALA than the Cutler protocol under an expert doctor's care and on a full methylation protocol. I think I'd be dead from toxicity long before I finished the Cutler protocol - it's just too slow. Additionally, as one chelates, the metals seem to come out one at a time, so even though I got rid of virtually all the mercury, I then needed to get rid of lrsc, arsenic and tin. Cutler is aimed mostly at mercury@Learner1 ACC stands for Andre Cutler Chelation, sorry I'm just giving for granted everyone in here knows about it for some reason. You pretty much used the main components of it; DMSA/DMSO followed by ALA plus the supplements. Thanks for the detailed list, appreciated!
Glutathione doesn't interfere with methylation. What happens is that if one has metals or other things to detoxify, the body uses up nutrients faster, do the whole process must be more robustly supported.My theory is that, in the presence of mercury and maybe other heavy metals the CBS SNP will upregulate as an effort by the body to increase glutathione but it interferes with methylation so this causes problems in those of us with compromised methylation cycles and it causes toxic sulfites to build up. High dose b12 also seems to have contributing to solving this issue for me as I no longer need large doses of molybdenum.
I currently take 1.8-2.4g a day of ALA. It helps my energy and is effective at pulling toxins out of mitochondria.Wow 300mg ALA is quite something (edit: just read ALAmax has 600mg), very interesting, thanks. Yes, I'm pretty sure methylmercury was what Rich mentioned in his famous sweden talk.
Did you have to change something or stayed on DMSA&ALA for that? How do you know you were pulling out those other metals? Several hair tests?I then needed to get rid of lrsc, arsenic and tin.
I have lousy detox genes, old mercury fillings leaching into my system, eating canned tuna maybe 1-3 times a month over a long period of time, and living near a concrete plant that was found to be exhausting mercury into the air.@Learner1 if I may ask, do you know how you got so toxic? Besides your amalgam fillings, were there other sources for this toxicity?
I'm asking as I feel this could be very important lesson for us all.
It might be wise to look for a functional medicine doctor who knows chelation who can advise you. Everyone is an individual, with different toxic loads and different genetics.I see, thanks a lot again and glad you got over it. Did you have to undergo chemo?
Getting a doctor's help is a rather big issue here I feel. Had my eyes on the two-per-day Life Extention as it has minerals in the form Greg suggests, was worried about the 25mg ALA but, I understand now it's not a massive dose provided I get all the other components to help the body get rid of these toxins.
I'll probably bother you to know what was the timing of your cycles like. I get that is dose-dependant probably, I like these throw-everything-at-it approach tho, pass me the term. Just can't wait to feel better.
Unfortunately being into lifting weights in my days meant having canned tuna likely 1-3 times a day.eating canned tuna maybe 1-3 times a month over a long period of time
It might be wise to look for a functional medicine doctor who knows chelation who can advise you. Everyone is an individual, with different toxic loads and different genetics.
Basically, once you know what yoxins you need to get rid of, the strategy is to set up a conveyor belt to mobilize it and get it out of you, preferably working backwards from the point of excretion to where it's stored. (When clearing a traffic jam, the cars at the front go first, then the cars behind them, and so on, til the back of the jam clears...
So, you start at the intestines - lots of water and fiber going through which helps move the toxins out, then backward through transsulfuration, glutathione production and recycling, then the methionine cycle with the B12, then the folate cycle. Then adding the ALA, and the appropriate chelator. This can be a daily routine over a long period of time.
That's the general theory, though different toxins use different detox processes, so using the appropriate approach for each toxin is necessary. (Phase I CYP450 enzymes, then the 6 Phase 2 processes: acetylation, sulfation, glucuronidation, glutathione conjugation, methylation, and glycination.)
If you start detoxing too fast and get nasty headaches or a sick feeling stomach or intestines, my doctors have me high dose curcumin, which cleared it out fast. I used to get IV curcumin, but it's not available in the US right now, so, after testing a dozen "high potency" brands, I found Designs for Health CurcumEvail was 3-4 times stronger than anything else.
Typically, only one thing will come out at a time - I had chelated mercury for over 3 years, then platinum for a year, then found I had arsenic, which had never shown up on a test, start to come out, then lead, then cadmium, then tin. This has taken several years, so, it becomes a lifestyle. This is why I'm not s fan of Cutler - it's too slow and focused mainly on mercury - while one is plodding along with that, the other toxins can be causing mischief....
Hope this helps... B12 is great stuff, but it needs the other co-factors to get the job done...
It's a phase 2 detox agent that increases glutathione.Curcumin is a Methyl Donor ?
Oof ... Sorry to hear. Best to work regular detoxing into your lifestyle and plan to live with it awhile!Absolutely, these posts have been a gold mine.
Unfortunately being into lifting weights in my days meant having canned tuna likely 1-3 times a day.
Don't even wanna think about it.
It's a phase 2 detox agent that increases glutathione.
For more info on the many properties of curcumin see the attached.
Oof ... Sorry to hear. Best to work regular detoxing into your lifestyle and plan to live with it awhile!It should be worth it in the long run - good luck!