@Learner1. I did a hair mineral analysis last year and tested high in Aluminum (12.5 ppm and range was 0-12) and moderately high arsenic. Lead, mercury, and others were relatively low, although they were still traces. I've never done a formal detox before. Maybe it's the aluminum being excreted?
Arsenic is the #1 worst toxin and can seriously impact ATP production, causing profound fatigue. Worth getting rid of...
As we detox, metals aren't all excreted together, there tends to be a priority of what gets excreted in which order.
You may not see all the toxins you have, they may be sequestered in different tissues, as well as deep in your mitochondria, and get released at different rates and through different mechanisms.
I had little lead showing up for 5 years, but now, because I've gotten rid of other metals, and we're getting stuff out of my mitochondria, the lead is showing up on my tests and I'm having lead toxicity symptoms as I'm getting rid of it.
A hair mineral analysis will give different results than a provoked urine test. The hair test shows what's excreted only in hair over time.
With the urine test, you're usually given a chelating agent, EDTA, DMSA, and/or DMPS, which provokes your body into dumping the toxins. So, you can see if the chelating agent will work, and then measure progress over time. Unfortunately, it doesn't measure how toxic you are, just how much is coming out, which ideally, you want to get down toward 0.
Under the care of an excellent naturopath, I've been chelating on and off over the past 6 years, first mercury, then platinum, then arsenic, then lead. I still have aluminum, which hasn't budged much yet.
All the happy detox solutions all over the web do little for me.
It's taken chelating with DMSA, DMPS, EDTA, and PolyMVA at different times, depending on what we were going after, ALONG WITH robust oral and IV nutritional support, with methylation and transsulfuration pathway nutrients, activated charcoal, a high fiber diet, and a lot of curcumin.
As for the methylation nutrients, it sounds promising that you're doing better with the MB12. Once you start using it, you'll probably start pulling folate out of your folate cycle.
When this happens to me, I start to feel edgy and depressed. That's when I start taking MTHF. I already take a B complex and multivitamin with some (600mcg) but then add 1mg. But I'm taking closer to 10mg of B12 daily, which would be an 8-1 ratio.
But, the ratio would depend on your genes and environmental factors. Some people need a much higher ratio of folate to B12 and vice versa. Knowing your genes and testing methylation nutrients would be useful. Too much folate (or too little) can be very bad.
You'll need more if you're chelating, which is not an easy process and will stress your methylation and glutathione production.
I'd highly recommend having a professional help you. You can make yourself quite ill doing this yourself.