I've been on Freddd's B12 protocol for about one month and I'm a bit perplexed. I've had me/cfs for about 9 months and my illness has been progressive; slowly building up during the months. It can still be regarded as mild and I'm able to work full time, but my occupation is far from mentally and physically demanding. I suffer mostly from PEM, lack of energy and mental fogginess.
I take all the vitamins for basic healing such as "Jarrow Methyl B12", "Source Naturals Dibencozide B12" (sublingually for 30+ minutes) and "Solgar Folate".
I started the protocol on a rather low dose (1500 mcg of Methyl B12, (approximately) 1500 mcg Dibencozide and 400 mcgs Folate evenly split each day". I also take the recommended (by Freddd) amounts of B-complex, vitamin C, D and E, potassium, kalcium, magnesium, l-carnitine and omega 3.
There was never any talk about potassium deficiency or methyltrap as far as I could determine. I felt a moderately painful headache upon taking the B12s but it wore off quickly and only returned each time I increased the dosage. It was fairly evident the B12 were the sole reason behind the headaches. I have also felt, during this month, that my aggressiveness and bitterness have increased quite radically. My libido has been increasing as well. My PEM, energy levels and mindfog remain unchanged. I haven't felt that "mental clarity" I've been reading about.
My dosage at the moment is: 7500 mcg Methyl B12 and Dibencozide and 1200 mcg Folate split on three occasions each day. I haven't felt any B12 related symptoms for a while now and even when I miss the potassium the symptoms never seem to worsen. It feels like I've hit a plateau and I'm uncertain what my next step should be. Perhaps I've increased the dosage too fast or maybe I'm taking the B12 incorrectly.
Since my condition is mild I never expected to experience the dramatic "detox-like" symptoms experienced by people here that's been suffering with a severe case of me/cfs for years. I hope the explaination for my lack of symptoms really is that easily explained, but I still fear I'm missing something about this protocol.
Perhaps my confusion is exaggerated, but it would be interesting to know if your experiences corresponds to mine in some way.