It seems to cut through brain fog and fatigue like a knife through butter. I have to wonder if it's possible to be tyrosine deficient if you have malabsorption issues?
Could it be modulating the immune system somehow?
Tyrosine is one of the best influences that are helping me. It took one week until I felt somehow clear and strong.
When I don´t take it for a couple of months I feel worse. Useally I take it late evening, but only by accident, it works as well to take it in the morning.
I know of the effects on nerves, the situation seems a bit difficult. It has shown to be re-uptake-inhibited by blocked dopmine-transporters from nitric oxide. So it shall be to much at the first glance (and I think it is indeed in my case). On my very bad days I even had sometimes telefonrings and clockalarms that obviously hadn´t occured in reality (which I managed to know).
Because there might be to many synapses coming and going, or there might be such feedbacks from the cortex, the dopamine might be not in balance with itself, i.e. here to less, there to much. I think tyrosine does some balance, thanksfully. Only half a year back from now I could reload a ring and an alarm when I took 1000mg instead of 500mg tyrosine a day, I tried only twice for being shure enough. (Since longer time ago I am improving from a diet.)
All that makes sence assuming that the brain wants to learn on all that nitric oxide. Therefore the trials of dopamine to cheerlead the cortex. But with such a help all over the time the cortex now lacks some direction coming from the dopaminesystem as well.
Furthermore, epinephren is connected to dopamine (if I am remembering right, there are two different pathways).
Epinephren is coming out to low under nitric oxide - So already one more there is a lack of balance.