Alternative Non-Surgical Possibilities for Addressing CCI/AAI or Other Serious Neck Issues


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yeah, I was thinking something like this. It's a non invasive halo vest. Seems expensive though. However if we could get something like that then we could gain quite a bit of info on whether this is our problem or not. This seemed to work for @jeff_w . Problem would be positioning it right.

Anyone know of anything similar?


The only way out, is through.
Also, noteworthy and interesting, upon doing some research magnesium and vitamin c are both hugely responsible for healing ligaments and so forth and I have been very low on both since becoming severely ill a few years ago. Over the winter I stopped taking everything after a bad crash from a detox supplement last August and the results have not been well. I wasn't on much.

In the past 3 weeks, I have SLOOOOOWLY been reintroducing transdermal magnesium (best method of absorption) and I am having easier heart rhythms (severe pots and bedridden) AND after taking it sometimes I start feeling much more head control on its own for like 10 minutes at a time, like I do not have to hold my own head up....which that was one of my first severe symptoms having to hold my head up and vertigo, etc.

I am not in a position to seek out a CCI diagnosis but nonetheless have MANY of the symptoms of it so it is something in that family and I am not suggesting supplements could be a cure. I have been on the is road too long to know better.

I do think there is a correlation to my extremely low vitamin levels and everytime I would try to kill 'lyme' or ebv I would get in a more severe state probably because I was not having the nutrients and resources to battle a front when what I should have been doing is building myself up.

Keep in mind my magnesium levels are always 'normal'. I also think there has to be a variety of ways to address these type of head/neck issues bc different people have healed in a variety of ways. I am not yet able to do excercises on my head/neck because I need a lot more to stabilize first.

In 2013, I really thought this exploratory surgery was going to be the big kahuna on my urinary tract and pelvic area and cauterizing infection all related to cfs/lyme.....and it did bring my body a great remission for nearly 2 years but unfortunately things started happening again after some normal life stress and the same situations came back despite following every post surgical advice and other remedies. I do not say that surgery cannot be a wonderful tool....but just that I think I would like to explore all options of how people can help heal these types of neck/head situations after viral infections especially. Especially in people like me whom have a lot of issues with anaesthesia.

Would love to hear any stories people collect of others healing from these issues and how they went about it directly or indirectly.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So thought I'd start a thread that focuses on possible non-surgical approaches that might be helpful for various neck issues, particularly the ones that have already been especially helpful for me.

@Wayne ...I"m excited to look at what you've posted here! Like everything points to the neck this week, what with Jen's remarkable recovery announcements, etc... (is there something in the current transit which relates to NECK/Brainstem? I Must check!).

My spine has defects. Visible at two years old. No fixing these defects. I've suspected they contribute to: not flowing here...for sometime now.

But excited to check out: what helped you, as maybe I can deploy some of this!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member

so: Taurus , ruled by Venus- is considered to be involved in: the neck.....(Aries is head)

The neck, ears, mouth, teeth and vocal cords fall under Taurus. Taureans — like the bulls that represent them — often have sturdy, thick necks and mellifluous voices, but might be prone to sore throats and neck strains.

So: my natal chart would entirely predict: my Venus is- affected. Happen to have a Venus Sole Dispositor.

All the parts above have lots of anomolous symptoms here.

Not to go too: woo: but at this moment- Jen writes her Memo: "I am in Remission". Cort produces his article. The internet is abuzz. Phoenix Rising folks are: Rising. Many new threads on: necks, Atlas, CCI, etc.

Its also ME Day, ME Week, ME Month.

So I check the current transits: in my chart:

Sun leaving Taurus today
Venus in Taurus now, for most of the last several weeks
Uranus in Taurus now

How Woo!


Senior Member
Yeah, I was thinking something like this. It's a non invasive halo vest. Seems expensive though. However if we could get something like that then we could gain quite a bit of info on whether this is our problem or not. This seemed to work for @jeff_w . Problem would be positioning it right.

Anyone know of anything similar?

I asked a PT friend and she said you'd need an experienced PT to put it on properly. They might not want to do it without MRI scan. It's £1150. Jeff got the invasive halo with instruction and fitting iirc.

I would have loved to try this, instead of searching for the CCI savvy PT who could do manual traction. Still interested to hear other opinions.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I asked a PT friend and she said you'd need an experienced PT to put it on properly. They might not want to do it without MRI scan. It's £1150. Jeff got the invasive halo with instruction and fitting iirc.

I would have loved to try this, instead of searching for the CCI savvy PT who could do manual traction. Still interested to hear other opinions.
Yeah, I'm not in a position to through down £1150 on that but I am looking for something similar. I just purchased a neck brace with an air pump to extend the back. I got like an inflatable cushion neck brace last year but it seemed to tilt the hole head up which is not what I want. Hopefully this one will just extend the back of the neck.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
but I am looking for something similar

This type of thing? (this is like three blow up neck pillows, hooked together and is not expensive)

If its this type of thing, or some other version of : collars, neck things: I am thinking that having a silk scarf would be a really good idea. To protect the neck skin, which is quite sensitive, from: itchy weird plastic or polyester ......

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Hopefully this one will just extend the back of the neck.

Thats a very serious: major neck bracing set up there. Must be womens and men versions.

I am rather liking the idea of trying the three pillows link above: for in the evening when I feel more neck wobbly. But its obviously very low tech and likely not effective if one has a serious CCi issue.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I got like an inflatable cushion neck brace last year but it seemed to tilt the hole head up which is not what I want. Hopefully this one will just extend the back of the neck.

Here is a link to a variety of neck traction devices.

Regarding: door traction: anybody use this? So your standing? Most of us cannot stand up for very long, curious how that would be deployed?

There has been an Ad cycling in Facebook for some time: of neck traction that can be used lying down, hooked onto your doorknob. This may be: the wrong type of traction for our issue...not sure. Its like you neck/head is held in a looks relaxing.


Senior Member
@Wayne mentioned Perrin Technique osteopathy. My daughter (16) has been having Perrin treatment for about a year now and I feel like its been one of the most helpful things she's done. Was rough to start with but after about the first 3 or 4 sessions she started seeing really good improvement. It's slow, though. Positives are that it is very inexpensive compared to some of the other options being talked about here. I'm in the UK and daughter has never even had any imaging done so far.

About a month ago, daughter was the best she's been since she got ill about 2 years ago. PEM had greatly improved. OI was getting better and better. Pain, including headache was disappearing. (I also credit PEA supplements with helping this. Relieves neuroinflammation, so also possibly intracranial pressure.) I guess her immune system must have normalised enough for her to get her first cold in 2 years and everything went back to the worst of the worst. Bed bound, extremely light sensitive, unable to walk due to extreme OI/POTS.

So, I decided to try some Diamox I'd ordered a while back to see if relieving intracranial pressure might help. I'd read some of Diana Driscoll's stuff about using Diamox to treat POTS successfully. It's counterintuitive for POTS because it's a diuretic and everything you're "supposed" to do for POTS is the opposite, but at this point I felt I had nothing to lose. She'd fainted that morning trying to get out of bed ad was pretty much bedbound.

I gave her 1/4 tablet (62.5mg) with little hope of any response. Within 10 minutes she was noticing sensations in her neck and head. Twinges. Fluid shifting, I guess. Within a half hour the girl who had earlier fainted on the floor was walking out to the garden saying she felt much better. It seemed crazy. All this was accompanied by a ridiculous amount of urination, but luckily she was no longer too dizzy to get to the toilet. She took 125mg before bed that night and again, shortly after, her neck was cracking and she was getting random short burst head pains here and there as something seemed to be shifting. Urinating loads to the point where it was getting her out of bed at night. The next day her light sensitivity and headache was gone and her POTS symptoms were completely under control. The *symptoms* were under control but her HR was still going up to 155. She was active and alert. Basically a 180 degree turn around from the day before. Later in the day when her headache started building up she asked for another dose. She never asks for her meds, so it was surprising. The frequent urination had settled down by this point.

Next day I came home early afternoon and found her with all her shades open and writing a practice essay for an exam she's hoping to take (!!) Out in the garden loads. Doing her laundry and hanging it on the line. Over the next few days she seemed to need the Diamox less, so we went down to twice a day. By about day 4 we started noticing that she was extremely fatigued. Sleeping very late and tired all day. Later in the day she started getting tingling in her fingertips (a known side effect) and also complained of stabbing chest pains. At that point we decided to stop the Diamox both to see if maybe she just needed a "blast" of it to clear fluid rather than a maintenance dose and also to wait until we could consult with a doctor. And that's where we are now.


Senior Member
Apparently Dr. Diana Driscoll has had success not just with POTS symptoms, as I observed, but with eliminating POTS altogether. This seems so counterintuitive as we're all told we have low blood volume and all the therapies are aimed at increasing it. I came across someone talking about this on one of the EDS forums and they brought up the Monro-Kellie hypothesis. If I understand correctly, in relation to POTS, this basically says that the increased pressure in the skull would make the brain lower blood/fluid volume in general as a protective mechanism. When you lower the intracranial pressure (if that's your issue, of course) it takes the your body around 5 days to regulate the blood volume throughout the rest of your body and get back to equilibrium. Then the POTS starts to go. This happens with astronauts returning from space. They have POTS when they return because of the pressure/gravity situation. It takes 5 days for their systems to normalise.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Rufous McKinney Yeah the 3 pillows one wasn't what I was looking for. It raised my chin up. I am looking to keep my chin tucked and raise my head from there.

I have been perusing amazon and ebay these past 2 days looking at various traction devices and neck/back braces. I already have accumulated some over the past year but none really work how I want them to.

I have tried the over door traction but similar problems.

Crazy idea but how hard would it be to create a DIY halo. Doesn't have to be perfect. Just lift your head up enough to tell if anythings happening. Maybe take a sparring or cyclists helmet and some metal pipes and prop them up on a chest /back plate thing.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Crazy idea but how hard would it be to create a DIY halo. Doesn't have to be perfect. Just lift your head up enough to tell if anythings happening. Maybe take a sparring or cyclists helmet and some metal pipes and prop them up on a chest /back plate thing.

love the creative solution: let us know what you further find out. Wonder what being an R2D2 would be like (the major braces, I saw online).

Lots of ideas for new deployments! And I will: put on my Rare Earth Magnets....these really help the cervical area. I wear them when I"m in more pain. I think I should wear them: more often.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Wonder what being an R2D2 would be like (the major braces, I saw online).

Suddenly: the image of the movie Afflicted, redone, with folks wearing R2D2 cervical devices, all cured. Maybe then it could win an award for best Sci Fi (I know its not funny, but yet it somehow is rather).:_:_


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
Wouldn't an inversion table create short amounts of decompression in the cervical spine? I was thinking of trying one, not going fully upside down but just enough to feel a decompression effect.

My neck is really sore today anyway, I used a foam roller on my neck and back some days ago and now everything still hurts. Especially my neck. Putting anything behind it for support does not agree with it either.

I like to sleep on my back with no pillow, kind of mimics the long flat neck/chin down position.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@BadBadBear I bought an inversion table about 3 months back for £60. I have only used it once because I want to lose more weight first.

I went fully upside down thinking I would be okay getting back up right. I was not okay getting back upright.
Took massive amounts of effort that significantly worsed heart symptoms. I did get back up but only just. I had a headache the whole next day. Perhaps only being slightly inclined will be much better.

I figure if I lose weight and have something near by to help hoist me up I should be alright.


Senior Member
I decided to do the MRI first. The traction I need to see if it works is too dangerous to DIY. Plus would probably need custom sized collar due to small adult frame. The Neck Saviour I have for just stretching the neck is also too wide, though it has a side for shorter necks. Also, I have shoulder pain that needs PT and I don't want to experiment near that area.


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
@sb4 That is scary! I have access to one, and yes, went too far over the first time. Fortunately had someone to help me back up. I could see how that would be terrible if it happened alone! Maybe a board with one end just propped up enough would be safer to test it out with. But I am afraid of what my autonomic nervous system might do even in that case (freak out). Would have to try it for just a short bit and build up if my body would allow it.