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Active B12 Protocol Basics


Senior Member
Dear Freddd, thank you so much for replying!
I take it that you advice me to stick to my protocol (incl the MeCbl) during this amalgam removal. I will do that.
Have you had your amalgams (if you ever had any) removed yourself Freddd? Have a great day!


Senior Member
Forgot to ask something -
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I am still with a GP as I still have not been admitted to see a specialist (despite several referrals) However, I want to ask my doctor for a lab work up, in relation to being on the methylation protocol, which markers should I specifically ask for? Meaning which lab markers should be specially useful when working with this protocol? I need to suggest them myself as my doctor is nice but totally clueless. Please help!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Dear Freddd, thank you so much for replying!
I take it that you advice me to stick to my protocol (incl the MeCbl) during this amalgam removal. I will do that.
Have you had your amalgams (if you ever had any) removed yourself Freddd? Have a great day!

Hi Moshi,

I would take some extra selenium before and after an amalgam removal now. I have been taking selenium for decades in any case. I would not discontinue the Active B12 protocol. I do take extra MeCbl and AdoCbl before and after nitrous oxide because it permanently oxidizes both active b12 and in deficient people can cause serious problems.

Amalgams have a lifetime, perhaps 20 years more or less before needing replacement. So I have had most of the amalgams I used to have replaced by composites or crowns in a couple of instances, but not for the sake of amalgam removal. I considered it but those advocating such were 100% wrong on everything else they told me and as I know now, their theories were totally bogus, at least as far as my problems and their fix were concerned. Also, I worked in the group health care business reviewing 100% of plan data. In looking at the data, and going over it with dental consultants supervising plans and there is no evidence beyond chance of it doing any good.

If anything, at the time anyway, the results were more negative than positive. Further the dentists doing it, often had a poor record for professional judgment and did a lot of dubious things and often churned crowns each 5 years (the minimum period insurance would cover) and had much higher rates of doing crowns instead of fillings and appeared to do considerable financial motive procedures. I have been out of that business for 12 years now for health reasons so who knows what is going on now. There were often complaints that some of these dentists would do a $600 crown instead of a $50 filling (old prices) quite routinely. Wholesale replacement was considered a rather dubious practice generally and rarely made any significant difference in medical costs in the years following. There was no visible benefit in reduced utilization looking at long term follow-up.

If I were reviewing such things now I would look at the pattern of the persons illnesses to see if the practitioner was working from some theoretical basis rather than financial gain.

For instance in my own case, looking at my utilization record following active b12 protocol, looking at those indirect indicators, my pharmacy costs are reduced from $1500/month to under $60/month. My total doctor visits went down from 20 or so a year to 4 per year. My chiropractor visits went from 2-3 per week to zero per year for the past 9 years. My symptoms (unfortunately not included in most medical or insurance records) reduced from over 200 to about 25. Whole classes of drugs have disappeared from my pharmacy utilization; no more asthma drugs, no more anti-nausea, no more antihistamines, no more sleep disorder drugs, no more congestive heart failure drugs, no more anti seizure drugs (used for control of neurological pain), no more anti-inflammatory drugs and very reduced benzos, very reduced Reglan (still some due to potassium problems).

For the most part, amalgam removal made no difference, or at least no decrease, to a persons utilization profile. It's very obvious looking at utilization how a person is doing, no matter what they say about how they feel. A lot felt ripped off since insurance wouldn't cover such and they spent thousands of dollars with no satisfaction. Complaints against providers increased. I changed dentists as did my partner a few years ago after the 3rd significant dubious professional lapse of judgment, not including a lie, between us. He lied to me about a redo for a botched job, among other things. As I am my own "plan" manager and consultant I pay attention to all the things I did in the course of my consulting and plan review. I expect high professional standards and judgment from my practitioners.

There are some unethical practitioners out there of many varieties and I call it fraud or intentional injury when I see it. It was part of my job to spot such from the data and patterns of complaints. I have had one MD prone to fraud, I complained to the state DOPL and found out he was already under investigation. He lost his license a couple of year later. He had a lot of red flags. I had one urgent med doctor stitched me up after a mishap that attempted fraud and I called him on it on the spot and he didn't do it. I have had one really nasty sadistic and unethical dentist and the other mentioned above. This is in a 40 year period during which I have had 4 dentists. The first one I really liked but he had to stop practicing after getting hit by a car and unable to continue practice. Then the next two bad apples and then the most recent has been great so far. We tried to eliminate the worst 1% from the plans we were supervising each year. So, I would suggest being careful.
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Senior Member
Dear Freddd, many thanks again for replying, and for giving all the info + your take on things.
How much daily selenium would you recommend taking? I've been taking 100 mcg daily for the past 6+ months now, I'm guessing I should up this dose now?
Well you are not the only one, as you are well aware, that have great mistrust in the medical profession at this point, we have all been screwed over one way or the other, I too have been horrendously mistreated, wrongly diagnosed, misunderstood and disrespected, even put on pharma that has made me worse etc. Still yet not such bad experience with dentists as you have....however I am super nervous about my upcoming amalgam removal as this dentist is new to me. I have chosen one of the very few "amalgam specialists" in Stockholm, I know that this dentist just have the "basic" security measures in place (ventilation, clean-up suction, rubberdam) but I would probably have to go abroad to find a dentist using more security measures....anyhow,
I am not expecting to be miraculesously cured after amalgam removal, but I can no longer stand having it in my mouth!! They've been there for 32 years now and I feel that my teeth are cracking (they're expanding?). I really hope that this will not be a decision that I will regret.....


Senior Member
I have one question: should I be taking MeCbl during amalgam removal?
I am currently taking 2,5 mg sublingual MeCbl daily, should I stop doing this before my dental work and resume the protocol sometime after....sorry if the topic does not fit the thread but I am desperate for info as I am not able to find it anywhere... thanks!!!

Hi Moshi,

Methylcobalamin is also a strong anti-oxidant, so it is of great value to take it also while you get your amalgam removed. I haven´t read much in this thread, so you have probably got advice before, but this is mine :). There is a lot of experience in Sweden from amalgam removal and MeCbl injections as people have benefitted from MeCbl before (might depend on genetics that also caused the intoxication from mercury). They who had MeCbl injections seem to recover better after the removal. My guess it is because we have decreased methylation without MeCbl and with this added, the methylation works. More glutathione is produced and glutathione will bind to mercury. Best of luck!


Senior Member
Dear Helen, thanks for you input *tack* What you're saying makes perfect sense, still, reading advice about NOT taking B12 during amalgam removal freaked me out a bit. Bottom line is I trust you and the other experts in this forum way more! :)


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Dear Freddd, many thanks again for replying, and for giving all the info + your take on things.
How much daily selenium would you recommend taking? I've been taking 100 mcg daily for the past 6+ months now, I'm guessing I should up this dose now?
Well you are not the only one, as you are well aware, that have great mistrust in the medical profession at this point, we have all been screwed over one way or the other, I too have been horrendously mistreated, wrongly diagnosed, misunderstood and disrespected, even put on pharma that has made me worse etc. Still yet not such bad experience with dentists as you have....however I am super nervous about my upcoming amalgam removal as this dentist is new to me. I have chosen one of the very few "amalgam specialists" in Stockholm, I know that this dentist just have the "basic" security measures in place (ventilation, clean-up suction, rubberdam) but I would probably have to go abroad to find a dentist using more security measures....anyhow,
I am not expecting to be miraculesously cured after amalgam removal, but I can no longer stand having it in my mouth!! They've been there for 32 years now and I feel that my teeth are cracking (they're expanding?). I really hope that this will not be a decision that I will regret.....

Hi Moshi,

I take 200mcg a day of selenium, and have for decades. I don't know that the acceptable range is. 200mcg is the size of the supplement I decided on decades ago when I researched it.
Sorry, I have no idea. carnitine, made of two amino acids is very helpful.
No problem, I will try to add it independently.

I want to report that my stomach was upset this evening and worsening to nausea, and it was only preceded by an Active B12 Lozenge but hours prior. Initially, it was almost like hunger. I searched and was reading a person's blog about Freddd's protocol and I got the idea that a Metafolin would help, which I took, and it did almost immediately. My stomach upset was gone in about 20-30 minutes.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I recently got my b12 levels checked and they came out normal. Would this protocol not be optimal for me?

Hi Xhale,

The "normal" levels are meaningless in relation to treatment. When the damage is already pretty bad , they tell you the house is burning down. These tests in no way predict lack of effectiveness of MeCbl, AdoCbl, l-methylfolate and carnitine. Only a trial is decisive. If you have the symptoms of CFS/FMS/ME the certainty of response to these 4 items is nearly 100%. The biggest complaint is how extremely powerful the responses are. The responses typically cause some induced deficiencies of other vitamins and minerals and must be managed carefully. Low potassium can be dangerous or deadly. One must be fully prepared before starting this.
Thanks freddd. I just recently bought the Country Life b12 and the jarrow b-right products.... which I now see you no longer recommend. Would it be best to toss both of these?


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thanks freddd. I just recently bought the Country Life b12 and the jarrow b-right products.... which I now see you no longer recommend. Would it be best to toss both of these?

Hi xhale,

The Country Life Methyl B12 5mg product # 6304, I am testing currently is a conditional 5 star in my opinion at this time. I'm still about 20 days away from a full trial, but so far so good. The Enzymatic Therapy 1mg B12 infusion (MeCbl) is as long time 5 star product. The Anabols Natural Dibencoplex (AdoCbl) is a 5 star product as well in my experience.

So which Country Life b12 do you have? As to the B-right I found it to be an excellent product except for the folic acid to which I respond with paradoxical folate deficiency. The problem is when one is starting the protocol. If methylation starts up as it usually does, and as usual the person has paradoxical folate deficiency, the question then remains is it caused by the folic acid blocking the methylb12 or is it donut hole paradoxical folate deficiency that one would get with methylfolate or both? A high percentage of folks here have folate affecting polymorphisms. So one would have to stop the B-Right, got to a different b-complex without folic acid or folinic acid or CyCbl and try only l-methylfolate and titrate to sufficiency before going back to the B-Right to see if it stops healing and re-establishes folate deficiency symptoms.

You could put it aside and try it later, after you have healing and folate sufficiency well established, assuming you do, and see if it stops your healing or not. What I found was that with the folic acid I needed about 12mg of Metafolin to work not as well as 4mg of Metafolin worked without the folic acid. That amounts to about $1.30 a day extra for Metafolin to sort of overcome the folic acid. It took some careful timing for only 12mg to do so. I wasted more than a year of not healing well figuring that out.

I use NatureMade B-Complex with C, product number 1338 for a b-complex and add whatever other separates I might want plus the Metafolin and the MeCbl and AdoCbl.
Hi xhale,

The Country Life Methyl B12 5mg product # 6304, I am testing currently is a conditional 5 star in my opinion at this time. I'm still about 20 days away from a full trial, but so far so good. The Enzymatic Therapy 1mg B12 infusion (MeCbl) is as long time 5 star product. The Anabols Natural Dibencoplex (AdoCbl) is a 5 star product as well in my experience.

So which Country Life b12 do you have? As to the B-right I found it to be an excellent product except for the folic acid to which I respond with paradoxical folate deficiency. The problem is when one is starting the protocol. If methylation starts up as it usually does, and as usual the person has paradoxical folate deficiency, the question then remains is it caused by the folic acid blocking the methylb12 or is it donut hole paradoxical folate deficiency that one would get with methylfolate or both? A high percentage of folks here have folate affecting polymorphisms. So one would have to stop the B-Right, got to a different b-complex without folic acid or folinic acid or CyCbl and try only l-methylfolate and titrate to sufficiency before going back to the B-Right to see if it stops healing and re-establishes folate deficiency symptoms.

You could put it aside and try it later, after you have healing and folate sufficiency well established, assuming you do, and see if it stops your healing or not. What I found was that with the folic acid I needed about 12mg of Metafolin to work not as well as 4mg of Metafolin worked without the folic acid. That amounts to about $1.30 a day extra for Metafolin to sort of overcome the folic acid. It took some careful timing for only 12mg to do so. I wasted more than a year of not healing well figuring that out.

I use NatureMade B-Complex with C, product number 1338 for a b-complex and add whatever other separates I might want plus the Metafolin and the MeCbl and AdoCbl.

I am using the Jarrow 5mg for my Methyl B12. The country life product I got is Country Life Active b12 Dibencozide 3mcg, with Folic acid. I saw it recommended in your older thread. Seems like this is the wrong one?

Also some other questions.... I got the Solgar Metafolin, how many pills of those should I be taking a day? Is the jarrow methyl b12 only once a day? Also should I take all these pills together and with food or does it not really matter?

Thanks for all the help dude. Just wanna make sure I'm doing this right.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I am using the Jarrow 5mg for my Methyl B12. The country life product I got is Country Life Active b12 Dibencozide 3mcg, with Folic acid. I saw it recommended in your older thread. Seems like this is the wrong one?

Also some other questions.... I got the Solgar Metafolin, how many pills of those should I be taking a day? Is the jarrow methyl b12 only once a day? Also should I take all these pills together and with food or does it not really matter?

Thanks for all the help dude. Just wanna make sure I'm doing this right.

You might start on these since you have them. They are not as effective as the other brands mentioned. The folic acid in the CL Dibencozide could cause plenty of us problems but it will get AdoCbl into your system. One takes enough Solgar Metafolin to correct mfolate deficiency symptoms which usually start after initial small doses. I have taken as many as 40 of the tablets in a day. Right now I take 10-15 a day in 2-3 doses. You need to get some of the other 5 star brands and make sure you have plenty of potassium tablets on hand. I have needed as many as 30 a day or as few as 15 a day.