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i feel like crap today!

okay, there. i said it. my face is burning. my head is exploding. my feet are freezing. and everything in-between hurts.

it's not the first day i've felt this way. it certainly will not be the last.

i'm not saying i am any worse than anyone else, nor that i'm not far better off than many. but i just needed to say it to others who totally get it. not that Jesus doesn't get it, nor that He doesn't hear...but sometimes i feel a need just to say it to people who get it. weak people, like me. so i did.

now that i've gotten that off my chest...i can say that Christ's strength is perfected in weakness....therefore i accept it and choose to trust.

i still feel like crap...but better. so thank you for listening...and understanding, my invisible co-sufferers.


It takes such faith to affirm the truth of God's love in the midst of the really wretched days. Thank you for sharing. It helped me today.

Lord, please bring tangible healing to RestingInHim today...surprises of joy. Of course I pray for healing, but also for grace to cling to You during the "in between" until that healing comes. Amen.

Thank You for saying that.

It means I can say a simple SNAP, I've also been feeling crappier than normal of late.

Yep, it makes me feel a bit better saying it too.

dancer;bt492 said:
It takes such faith to affirm the truth of God's love in the midst of the really wretched days. Thank you for sharing. It helped me today.

Lord, please bring tangible healing to RestingInHim today...surprises of joy. Of course I pray for healing, but also for grace to cling to You during the "in between" until that healing comes. Amen

thanks so much, dancer. it's not only good to know you're listening, but even better to know you were blessed! and thanks so much for your prayer. our Lord answered, enabling me to complete writing a message i've been preparing for an event tomorrow!

don't know exactly how the "friends" thing works...but would love for you to be on my list!
flybro;bt493 said:
Thank You for saying that.

It means I can say a simple SNAP, I've also been feeling crappier than normal of late.

Yep, it makes me feel a bit better saying it too.


yea! so then...it isn't just me! :D not that i'm happy you're feeling lousy too...but it's sure good to know i'm not alone.

i pray you are encouraged today and feeling much better soon.


would love to add you as a friend....tho i'm not totally sure how that works

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