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Brain Fog

So sick today and full of brain fog. The neighbors are doing me in. I finally went over to the office and filed a complaint. It's bad enough that they keep me awake, but when I try to make up for some of the sleep in the morning, they start in again. I told the office people, I just want to get some sleep. Why is that the impossible thing? I should have complained about Brad, too, but I didn't. He's blasting classical music all over the entire floor of the building again. It's awful, he has this thing for funeral music. I don't know why they don't do something about him. People have complained about him. They should really have strict rules about noise in this building.

I had the tachycardia when I walked over to the office today. I really did not belong walking with the blood pressure so low. And I hope they don't get mad at me cause I'm way too sick to have anyone angry with me right now. I'm sure one of them will say something to me at some point. What was I supposed to do, let them keep making me sick? Asking them to turn down the noise at my bedroom wall had no effect on them. Obviously, outside help is needed.

And then I had an appointment, and when I was asked what my prior address was from only two years ago, I had no memory of it at all. That was bad. Total brain fog. I remembered the area, but couldn't remember the address or number of the place. I signed alot of papers, didn't read any of them, could have been signing away my soul and half the planet. It's for my bankruptcy, so I doubt anything harmful was signed. But I was way too brain fogged and sick to read anything.

My worst case of brain fog was a few years ago, I was on my way home, driving, stopped at a light, and I got total amnesia sitting there. Didn't know who I was, didn't know where I was going, didn't know why I was stopped at the light or about to turn left. It lasted alittle longer than when the light turned green. Probably fifty seconds or a minute. I just made the turn, since that's where I was headed. But it was scary. I was not on any meds at the time. This was pure CFIDS. Haven't had that happen since, but I don't feel safe when I drive ever since then.

Too sick to wash the breakfast dishes, so still in the sink. I hate that. I will get to it.

I put alittle coverup makeup on my skin for the appointment and just washing that little bit off is going to kill me.

Laundry will have to wait till I'm more alive, too.

I hurt all over. I'm just so sick today. I can take the pain killer and hopefully sleep. I don't know when the neighbors will get talked to, but I do have earplugs till then. I just couldn't put them on last night or today because of my appointment, I needed to hear my alarm clock.


Good for you! Standing up for our rights with CFS is so hard, due to the CFS.

I have had to wear earplugs for over 10 years now, because my family is so noisy in the mornings and I have to sleep late to have any good hours during the day. But that sounds pretty challenging, to have noisy neighbors like that at night.

Is there good insulation between the apartments? Sometimes builders skimp on that, really apartments should be sound-proofed.
It's just the one wall that's really bad and that happens to be my bedroom wall. I never hear my neighbor that's attached to my kitchen. He's like the perfect neighbor, I never hear a thing. I don't hear the people above me or below me. So it really is the one wall. But that one wall is the room I sleep in.

I did try wearing earplugs in January, but I think I'm allergic to them. My ears were getting red and irritated. Plus, I can't wear them for eight hours a day or more. These people should wear headphones.

I just hate inconsiderate people. I have gone out of my way to be quiet in there for two years because I didn't want to upset them. And I don't use my shower radio because it bugged them when I moved in, so I immediately stopped using it. But they don't show me the same courtesy or respect.
I use a stand up fan set on medium for a constant sound that seems to block out everything for me, worth a try for the low cost!
You wrote:
<<<<<My worst case of brain fog was a few years ago, I was on my way home, driving, stopped at a light, and I got total amnesia sitting there. Didn't know who I was, didn't know where I was going, didn't know why I was stopped at the light or about to turn left. It lasted alittle longer than when the light turned green. Probably fifty seconds or a minute. I just made the turn, since that's where I was headed. But it was scary.>>>>>

I hear you loud and clear. The same thing happened to me once and it was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced.
jimbob;bt786 said:
I use a stand up fan set on medium for a constant sound that seems to block out everything for me, worth a try for the low cost!

They're louder than the fan and two radios blasting white noise. That's how bad it's been. I have a small fan near that wall, still hear them over it. Anything I have tried to block them out hasn't work. Their stuff is louder than anything I have. That's the problem. And if I turn my own stuff up, I have sound sensitivity, so it hurts me like crazy and then I have to lower it. And they were still louder than that anyway. It's horrible. I'm hoping management will have a chat with them now that I filed a complaint.
I haven't had the cognitive problems until the last 2 years and that is the worst. I still have a hard time believing it's the CFS. So many tell me that it is more lyme when you have this kind of fog. not sure. I do know, that it makes me feel vulnerable and weak. There is nothing worse than not having your mind. I hear you about someone being mad at you and you not wanting that. I can't deal with anger because I can't fight. I hope they shut up and have continued to shut up for you!
They didn't shut up today for most of the day. The neighbor talked to his tv, to his wife, on his phone, at himself, I don't know all afternoon and into the night at my bedroom wall, plus having the tv going. He finally shut up at nine tonight and I don't want to do anything to wake the monster up. I'm so grateful for the quiet right now. How I wish it would stay this quiet forever.

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