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Healing gut

This is to help remind me what and how I’m doing it because sometimes i have so many Things up my sleeve I lose track, ha! And maybe it will remind someone else too … or maybe someone wants to add things they are doing in comments.

We all know gut health is important with this illness. Many of us have been through the wringer and on this gut healing journey a LONG time. And for me, who is allergic to most every probiotic strain I’ve tried…. Healing is rarely as simple as my practioners have alluded to fit me, ha!

Things really went off the deep end with my gut in 2007 after psychiatric drugs for anxiety. I developed terrible esophagitis and gastritis and was 90 lbs. doctors were not that concerned I couldn’t eat that much😅 even though I lost 40 lbs in 4 months on an already thin frame. It was a wild realization I was kinda on my own!

In 2018-2019, things about shut down. During a tele health session with an alternative practioner, he said it’s like your digestion is barely working. They wanted me to get checked for cancers etc but from what everyone could tell, it was this illness. Although, I couldn’t do anesthesia for scopes etc at time so not everything was able to be tested.

Anyways, fast forward through many more gut woes and i am here. I’m a far ways from where I would LIKE to be medically but I somehow managed to come from the abyss. I can now tolerate over 40 foods!! And mostly digest them. Eating isn’t perfect but it’s not the level pain and agony it used to be every bite.

I will do a few parts series here to share some things I think have assisted me. I mostly have not been able to tolerate supplements. I have talked about other things that have helped in other blogs so I’m not extensively covering everything but suffice it to say, we can start a little cook book here for gut healing strategies. Feel free to add in comments ✨

To start,

Bone broth.

Sounds super simple but it was a part of our ancestors diets for eons. The canned broth we have nowadays isn’t quite the same unfortunately although I hear some are starting to make healthier options.

Bone broth is full of glycine which decreases inflammation in your gut and improves the tissues that line your gut. Bone broth also contains gut healing gelatin of which is helpful for our collagen too. Many of us have collagen issues here (viruses and bacteria LOVE to eat through the stores we have).

It contains important amino acids which many of us here NEED. They are important for building protein in the body. Bone broth is also high in minerals which i always find my body does best with whole food sources v. Supplement forms of minerals.

Some say none broths are high in histamine. I have many histamine issues and have not done well on the diets. The cause was more extensive for me. Healing the infections creating the histamine chaos. Eating 7 foods that I wasn’t allergic to for nearly 4 years was life sustaining but not ideal at all I found for the nutrients my body needed. Obviously make your own choices and decisions about whether or not to include bone broths in your diet.

Here are some I like to make. For a long time I had no access to this process but things have changed past 2 years with helpers at times etc. I like to put in a crockpot when I can and for animal broths, on low 24-48 hours. Optimizes the nutrients. Veggie broths I find need only 24 hours max. If you do not have a crockpot you can use a pot and stovetop. Just ask a Friend or family member to help you start it in morning and leave on low for however long you like.

Chicken broth:

Get a tiny Cornish hen or a regular chicken. Make it for dinner. Take the carcass and add to crockpot. Add Celtic sea salt. Optional
fresh thyme or sage sprigs, black pepper, carrots, celery. Cover with filtered water. Cool on low for 24-48 hours in crockpot. Remove carcass after letting cool 1-2 hours. Strain all remanants out. Place in fridge to cool. And discard fat layer. Then, take souper cube trays or freezer quart bags. Freeze 1-2 cup portions. You are now set with healthy bone broth for sometime!

Turkey broth:

Same as above. Just freeze carcass after a holiday meal until ready to use in general under 6 months.

Veggie broth:

So nutrient dense! Chop sweet potatoes or a few red potatoes. I like using what I have in hand. Adjust any of these recipes to what you have on hand. Carrots, watercress or kale (not spinach as it’s really high in oxalates for so many of us). Shitake or oyster or button mushrooms. Not portabella fyi. One inch of ginger root (freeze rest to use later). One clove Garlic. Sprigs of rosemary, thyme and sage. Celtic sea salt. Whatever other veggies you want to toss in. Usually ones you are trying to get rid of. Old green beans etc. cook on low 24 hours. Cool. Strain and save scraps but toss twigs that lost all the herbs such as thyme sprigs ). Place in bowl and set aside. Freeze in souper cube trays or freezer quart bags in 1 cup servings. Amazing to add to sliced mushrooms, grass fed butter tad of rice flour and unsweetened coconut milk. Voila! You have cream of mushroom soup. Now, after you rest from freezing, take the veggie scraps and place ins blender or food processor. Purée. Add in ice cube tray. Now you just made your own veggie bouillon cubes! And you didn’t even know it 😀 freeze in larger freezer bag, grab a cube as needed for cooking.

Beef bone broth:

Get some beef bones. A friend found someone locally had s huge bag they were giving. Away for free in local community group after they processed a cow and didn’t need them all. Just throwing ideas out there. Add beef bones to crockpot, cover with water. Add sea salt, black pepper and cook for 48 hours on low. Can add veggies if desired. Cool. Can your neighbors dog have the bones? If not, toss and place in fridge. A layer will form of fat. Which I usually discard. Some people use this for other Things. Freeze in 1 cup portions.

When I was at my worst, it was advised i drink 3 cups of warm bone broth a day. Warm fluids are very important in Chinese medicine for healing guts. processed much differently than cold fluids which can dampen the healing process by making your triple warmer have to add more heat to extract what it needs. So, in a nutshell… drink your fluids warm when you can. I could not get this much bone broth in me a day at. The time but adjust and create your own rhythm. Just place a cube of broth in saucepan (best to not use microwave for max. Nutrient assimilation) heat a few minutes and drink in a mug. Happy healing!

Let me know in comments done. Things you like to add to your broth or something you want to share about healing guts.

Gut healing frequencies ✨

Really strange. It’s not letting me share any videos tonight. Google this title if interested in specific frequency: “528Hz | Digestive Organ Vibration | Tibetan Singing Bowls Healing Sound | Meditation | DNA Repair”


I love beef bone broth, but times have changed. A while ago, you were given the bones for nothing. Now they're sold....if you can even find a supermarket with a butcher. Still, you can store your own in the freezer until you have enough to make a beef broth or beef/veggie one. The ice cube trick is a good one, @sunshine44.

You're right...the canned broth is really just water and a beef cube(s) added. However, there are organic cos. that sell this product. That's an easy way of having broth.

We all have "those days" and this is helpful. Thanks!! Yours, Lenora :heart:
Broth was/is a big help - I like collagen peptides as well. Colostrum is helpful from time to time. Peppermint or mint teas seem to help.
I love beef bone broth, but times have changed. A while ago, you were given the bones for nothing. Now they're sold....if you can even find a supermarket with a butcher. Still, you can store your own in the freezer until you have enough to make a beef broth or beef/veggie one. The ice cube trick is a good one, @sunshine44.

You're right...the canned broth is really just water and a beef cube(s) added. However, there are organic cos. that sell this product. That's an easy way of having broth.

We all have "those days" and this is helpful. Thanks!! Yours, Lenora :heart:

Really true Lenora and they don’t include organ meats mostly with chickens these days. Yet, those are so nutrient dense for broths.
Broth was/is a big help - I like collagen peptides as well. Colostrum is helpful from time to time. Peppermint or mint teas seem to help.

Most definitely. Thanks for sharing! I just began colostrum past 2 weeks and am tolerating it in small amounts. So grateful.
funny, i just started today with bone broth and now i discover this recent blog entry. sometimes life seams like a simulation, everything evolving around whatever you do.

i got this german product, which is bio / organic, they even cook the bones for 20hours and it looks pretty traditional. also they tell the amounts of histamin, and claim theirs is almost not measurable.

so i started a bottle today, 350g, drank over the day.
and here comes the problem... this luxurary did cost me today just 6 eur.
if i do this daily i can register for bankruptcy.

what i noticed, my urine ph is much more acidic as usually , which is already high. i just measured 5 . but i took the broth with a potassium capsule of 250mg. usually its around 6 then.
funny, i just started today with bone broth and now i discover this recent blog entry. sometimes life seams like a simulation, everything evolving around whatever you do.

i got this german product, which is bio / organic, they even cook the bones for 20hours and it looks pretty traditional. also they tell the amounts of histamin, and claim theirs is almost not measurable.

so i started a bottle today, 350g, drank over the day.
and here comes the problem... this luxurary did cost me today just 6 eur.
if i do this daily i can register for bankruptcy.

what i noticed, my urine ph is much more acidic as usually , which is already high. i just measured 5 . but i took the broth with a potassium capsule of 250mg. usually its around 6 then.

Ha, reality is a strange thing indeed.

That’s amazing you found a good brand! You sound very knowledgeable on what your body needs etc and it’s inspiring how your work to get it to you despite your limitations.

Meat is acidic, so it makes sense it would temporarily make you more acidic. But, I would guess the nutrients may be well worth it. I used to be real into staying alkaline with the strips etc …. But I don’t know.., for me it was only one piece of the puzzle.

If I think of any ways to get you cheaper broth, I will let you know! Such a shame they don’t have bone broth available to all nursing home residents. Ohhhhhh, you could work on using your voice to get it in the menu!! Haha. Wishful thinking. Do take care.

Symptoms of Both Conditions: Anorexia Nervosa and Zinc Deficiency

  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased sense of taste and smell
  • Nausea and bloating with food intake
  • Problems with the digestion of meat, leading to meat avoidance

Maybe some zinc glycinate?

Vitamins A and D (along with colostrum), support gut mucosal immunity.
Plasma zinc levels increased significantly only in the group receiving the combination of zinc and vitamins A and D (in RDA concentrations not high doses). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11011-006-9023-4

Zinc regulates the gut barrier. The protein encoded by the SHANK3 gene also turns out is regulated by zinc. The gene Shank3 regulates intestinal barrier function (the gut barrier), and also zinc uptake in the gut. NLRP3 overactivation lowers Shank3 levels meaning inflammation lowers Shank3. Shank3 is downregulated by zinc deficiency and inflammation as per what I found in my research. Shank3 by the way regulates the intestinal barrier function and a low Shank3 is shown that it leads to the leaky gut and changes in the microbiome toward a more inflammatory state. Zinc deficiency via Shank3 induces significant taxonomic alterations and decreases overall species richness and diversity in the gut, establishing a microbial profile resembling that of various other pathological states, along with decreases in beneficial short chain fatty acids butyrate and acetate.


Symptoms of Both Conditions: Anorexia Nervosa and Zinc Deficiency

  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased sense of taste and smell
  • Nausea and bloating with food intake
  • Problems with the digestion of meat, leading to meat avoidance

Maybe some zinc glycinate?

Plasma zinc levels increased significantly only in the group receiving the combination of zinc and vitamins A and D (in RDA concentrations not high doses). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11011-006-9023-4

Zinc regulates the gut barrier. The protein encoded by the SHANK3 gene also turns out is regulated by zinc. The gene Shank3 regulates intestinal barrier function (the gut barrier), and also zinc uptake in the gut. NLRP3 overactivation lowers Shank3 levels meaning inflammation lowers Shank3. Shank3 is downregulated by zinc deficiency and inflammation as per what I found in my research. Shank3 by the way regulates the intestinal barrier function and a low Shank3 is shown that it leads to the leaky gut and changes in the microbiome toward a more inflammatory state. Zinc deficiency via Shank3 induces significant taxonomic alterations and decreases overall species richness and diversity in the gut, establishing a microbial profile resembling that of various other pathological states, along with decreases in beneficial short chain fatty acids butyrate and acetate.


Thanks for chiming in with the detailed info!
And I love the gif 🥰☀️
Vitamins A and D (along with colostrum), support gut mucosal immunity.
i am still stuck on the optimal ratios of A to D. weston price in some article says something about 5-10 : 1 , but did not specify what units. if its IU its like 10.000iu A to 1000iu D , if its by mass its like 1000 A to 2000 D.
when i check my blood A levels, those are in the mid high range despite me not taking any A and having taking almost 1,5 mio IU of vitamin D (40.000iu a week for over a year now).
so i somehow get the feeling that i should go low on A and high on D. but D doesnt have the anti inflammatory effects anymore it once had. i could take 5000 iu of D on just one day and my asthma and inflammation visible (redness inflammation around toes visible goes away) goes away for 1-2 weeks. thats not working anymore and i dont know how to fix this. vitamin A is the only thing i dont take, maybe the test isnt accurate.
(also i react somehow with inflammation and increased asthma from anything MCT, kokosoil and palmoil, oliveoil)
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Hi @sunshine44.....the thing about most cases of anorexia is that it usually hits very capable girls and I have to disagree, it's more of an emotional problem. "The Miss Perfect" Syndrome shows up early in life.....and most parents on looking back, see it.

Nothing is ever good enough for these girls, they're truly their worst enemies. They're like glass....if an 'A' doesn't come through, then they are shattered. No one, no parent or teacher could put as much pressure on them as they do themselves.

Now it's different for other forms of eating disorders. Most eating disorders, especially anorexia go with them in some form or another in life. Not necessarily eating, but they may become exercise crazy, have to be in the top job at work......I actually feel sorry for anyone who has it, or anyone trying to deal with it. Any form of eating disorder, really.

As a parent whose child almost died, it's a true nightmare and pressure is the last thing they need. And this was a child who always received plenty of love in the form of lots of hugging, knowing her problems were always open for discussion. It's heartbreaking when your child comes to you and actually asks to go into a mental hospital, believe me.

Yes, the early years were great because of her self-imposed need for perfection in all things. Easy child and the teachers loved her. But the more praise they're given for this behavior, the harder it is for them to keep meeting the same standards. Emotionally as well in every other way, we're all different. Yours, Lenora
Hi @sunshine44.....the thing about most cases of anorexia is that it usually hits very capable girls and I have to disagree, it's more of an emotional problem. "The Miss Perfect" Syndrome shows up early in life.....and most parents on looking back, see it.

Nothing is ever good enough for these girls, they're truly their worst enemies. They're like glass....if an 'A' doesn't come through, then they are shattered. No one, no parent or teacher could put as much pressure on them as they do themselves.

Now it's different for other forms of eating disorders. Most eating disorders, especially anorexia go with them in some form or another in life. Not necessarily eating, but they may become exercise crazy, have to be in the top job at work......I actually feel sorry for anyone who has it, or anyone trying to deal with it. Any form of eating disorder, really.

As a parent whose child almost died, it's a true nightmare and pressure is the last thing they need. And this was a child who always received plenty of love in the form of lots of hugging, knowing her problems were always open for discussion. It's heartbreaking when your child comes to you and actually asks to go into a mental hospital, believe me.

Yes, the early years were great because of her self-imposed need for perfection in all things. Easy child and the teachers loved her. But the more praise they're given for this behavior, the harder it is for them to keep meeting the same standards. Emotionally as well in every other way, we're all different. Yours, Lenora

I am so sorry you and a family member have been on that very difficult journey 🙏🙏

I agree that there are multiple reasons for eating disorders. Like, so many things. It’s rarely ONE thing.

Sending you all the love Lenora 🙏💗
You’ve been through so much and still sparkle like a diamond after all of the years of coal you’ve been through.

Thank goodness your daughter had/has you to go through that very difficult journey to help her get the help she needed/needs.
when i check my blood A levels, those are in the mid high range despite me not taking any A and having taking almost 1,5 mio IU of vitamin D (40.000iu a week for over a year now).
so i somehow get the feeling that i should go low on A and high on D. but D doesnt have the anti inflammatory effects anymore it once had. i could take 5000 iu of D on just one day and my asthma and inflammation visible (redness inflammation around toes visible goes away) goes away for 1-2 weeks. thats not working anymore and i dont know how to fix this.

Generally the research shows using daily lower doses is effective while taking large doses infrequently is not. I have found this also with Vitamin D in reducing Von Willebrand Factor (for reducing clotting). https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/vitamin-d-and-coagulation.91226/post-2449187

One review of 11 placebo-controlled studies showed that vitamin D supplementation was associated with reduced RTIs (OR for combined upper and lower RTI. When vitamin D3 was administered daily it was associated with a significant reduction in respiratory tract infections, while vitamin D3 had no effect when administered in large bolus doses once per month or less often. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23840373

Vitamin D3 supplementation resulted in a significant reduction in the proportion of patients experiencing at least one acute respiratory tract infection. The effect of supplementation was greatest in patients with serum concentrations below 10 ng/ml (25 nmol/L), in other words fixing a true deficiency not high dose. Daily or weekly dosing seemed to be protective, even when baseline concentrations were above 10 ng/ml, but intermittent larger doses were not effective, even in patients with vitamin D deficiency. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/356/bmj.i6583.full.pdf

Vitamin D will lower Vitamin A. Zinc and Vitamin A are needed for the Vitamin D receptor to function properly and those can also be lowered during chronic inflammation/infection.

Vitamin A and D also work in synergy throughout the body including for immunity which is compromised upon loss of Vitamin A, and that Retinoic Acid served to activate the T cells driving these responses. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/219513#1

Example: Retinoid X receptor requires Vitamin A. The RXR also forms a heterodimer with a number of other receptors (e.g., vitamin D and thyroid. hormone). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peroxisome_proliferator-activated_recepto Vitamin D binds to its receptor (VDR) and dimerizes (combine with a similar molecule to form a dimer) with the retinoid X receptor (RXR), which is a retinoic acid (vitamin A) receptor. RXR is needed to activate the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the Thyroid Hormone Receptor (THR) and peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPARs).
Without sufficient vitamin A, vitamin D is unable to properly fulfill some of its functions related to the VDR. [In the cell, VDR binds 1,25(OH)2D, and the complex interacts with the retinoid X receptor to form a 1,25(OH)2D*VDR*retinoid X receptor heterodimer complex. This complex can bind vitamin D–responsive elements in the promoter regions of target genes.] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9790574/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10552-004-1661-4
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Thanks@Sunshine44. Your journey isn't exactly easy, I know and I'm sorry.

I was just glad we were in a position to get her the specialized help she needed. I hope it never affects anyone in your family as reasoning doesn't even come close to helping.

Her gynecologist told her that he had patients who couldn't carry babies to term b/c of anorexia. It destroyed the necessary pelvic structure. That came closest to helping her, but it didn't stay in her memory for long.

I'm sure zinc will help some people with eating problems and it's good of you to be looking out for them. Take care of yourself. And did you do any Xmas shopping for your children? In my mind it's ALWAYS Xmas! Take good care of yourself and I'll send a prayer and lovey to you. :heart: 🙏😊
Thanks@Sunshine44. Your journey isn't exactly easy, I know and I'm sorry.

I was just glad we were in a position to get her the specialized help she needed. I hope it never affects anyone in your family as reasoning doesn't even come close to helping.

Her gynecologist told her that he had patients who couldn't carry babies to term b/c of anorexia. It destroyed the necessary pelvic structure. That came closest to helping her, but it didn't stay in her memory for long.

I'm sure zinc will help some people with eating problems and it's good of you to be looking out for them. Take care of yourself. And did you do any Xmas shopping for your children? In my mind it's ALWAYS Xmas! Take good care of yourself and I'll send a prayer and lovey to you. :heart: 🙏😊

Eating disorders can be so devastating. That makes so much sense about what the gynecologist said.

Just to reiterate, I do not know anything about the ins and outs of eating disorders (beyond that one of my old roommates had one) and I’m not claiming anything in this post here about it. I was simply supporting someone in the comments sharing about it.

Much love Lenora! And thank you for the love 🥰 and yes! The children will be getting some great things this year. I’m very grateful to be able to do this for them ♥️

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