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Blog entries by Jody

1 min read
User Blogs
Friday, July 17, 2009 My world had gotten very small. I would look around and see, really, nothing out there for me, beyond my own four walls. Suffocating. Depressing. Infuriating. So I took a leap through the portal of my laptop, into the virtual world of the net. The reason I am...
2 min read
User Blogs
Monday, July 13, 2009 I guess its been a good week. I know it has. Yet I feel unsatisfied. That seems strange to me. I am involved in things that just three months ago would have been beyond my ability to imagine. If youd told me then what the next three months would hold, I would have...
1 min read
User Blogs
Sunday, July 5, 2009 Lazarus! Come forth! Imagine Lazarus, appearing in the opening to the tomb, still wrapped in his graveclothes, a miracle standing before the people and everybody just wandered away leaving good ol Lazarus to unravel himself and figure out his own way back into...
1 min read
User Blogs
Friday, July 3, 2009 Its my husband Alans birthday today. He is celebrating by having an emissions test done on the car, and going to get a licence sticker for it. Birthday dinner tonight is steak with mushrooms, broccoli with cheese sauce, coffee with cream (18 %) and caramel chocolate...
1 min read
User Blogs
Thursday, July 2, 2009 I feel like Rip Van Winkle, after he woke up, looking around at a changed world. I speak of the virtual world of the internet. Two months ago I set out to have my own website and felt rather smug that so much was familiar, even after six years absence. However...
1 min read
User Blogs
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Happy Canada Day, all. Or for the old-time purists like myself, Happy Dominion Day. I am celebrating by starting a real blog. I had my website before I was able to get a real blog going, so had a journal of sorts for the last couple of months. But this is way...