Will You Be Getting the Covid Vaccine?

Will You Be Getting the COVID Vaccine?

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@Sushi - Did you get it yet? I'm waffling again.

@2Cor.12:19 I had been curious if you ended up getting the vaccine and glad I stumbled across your post. I decided definitively that I will not be getting the vaccine. I was curious though, what are the issues re: the vaccine that you are waffling about at this point? Also, has your nephew fully recovered now from COVID or does he still have lingering symptoms?


Senior Member
@2Cor.12:19 I had been curious if you ended up getting the vaccine and glad I stumbled across your post. I decided definitively that I will not be getting the vaccine. I was curious though, what are the issues re: the vaccine that you are waffling about at this point? Also, has your nephew fully recovered now from COVID or does he still have lingering symptoms?
@Gingergrrl I’ve waffled a lot but have decided to get it after hearing from others here and following Cort Johnsons side effects poll on Health Rising. My age group just opened and I’m waiting for appointments to open up. My husband has had both shots and felt pretty lousy for a couple days but is fine now.
My concern wasn’t with the vaccine itself, but with my previous horrible reaction to a flu/pneumonia shot 20 years ago that sent my nervous system into a tailspin. It wasn’t an anaphylactic reaction. I believe getting COVID poses a much greater risk for me.

Thank you for asking about my nephew. He’s back to work but still has issues. But I’m so thankful he’s still around.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just received the following email from a close friend today. He's an acupuncturist who' been watching the covid-19 vaccine story very carefully. He's mostly sharing his observations. It does appear however that adverse reactions may be more numerous and serious than what's currently being reported.

I have had a little hesitancy, as they say, with these new experimental gene-based vaccine-treatments. I’ve done my best to understand the 20 year history of prior coronavirus vaccine development (all failures) and how these mRNA vaccines are supposed to work; what was learned from animal testing done in parallel with the Phase III trials, and the adverse events recorded prior to Emergency Use Approval by the FDA; how the tracking of adverse reactions is being done (more not done than well done, sorry to say), and the slow progress in plans for better tracking (a system called BEST--but it won’t be ready for months at the earliest).​
In the meantime, we’re on a wait and see basis. We feel well prepared in terms of proven methods of daily preventive medicine, and thus not too concerned about viral infection. High level Vitamin D/magnesium being the cornerstone, with zinc and a zinc helper, nebulized hydrogen peroxide—a substance the body makes--etc. I have been tuning in to people I know and their experience with the vaccines, not scientifically rigorous of course, just observational, yet it does track with what the Phase III trial results told us to expect.​
One friend had a couple hours of visual hallucinations and a brain disconnection where she couldn’t type or think clearly for 20 hours, and now she’s feeling okay but skipping the 2nd shot; her partner had his whole arm go numb for hours; another friend had serious shoulder pain for two days. Today I had scheduled a call with a person I network with, and she was in the hospital with her father, who has been having periodic seizures since his first vaccine shot (had none before), but sadly the doctors didn’t even want to know that seizures had begun soon after his first shot. The graceful, energetic older woman who ran a local raw juice bar was forced to get the shots for her work at a long term care facility, and ... she regretted it, and looked horrible. And other folks are just fine. Not everyone has problems.​


Senior Member
@Gingergrrl I’ve waffled a lot but have decided to get it after hearing from others here and following Cort Johnsons side effects poll on Health Rising. My age group just opened and I’m waiting for appointments to open up.

I hope you will be able to get an appointment soon and please let us know how you do with the vaccine. I am very curious to hear how others with autoimmunity do with it. Do you know if you will get Pfizer or Moderna? And I guess J & J is about to be approved, too?

My concern wasn’t with the vaccine itself, but with my previous horrible reaction to a flu/pneumonia shot 20 years ago that sent my nervous system into a tailspin. It wasn’t an anaphylactic reaction.

I wonder if your prior reaction was to the adjuvants in the flu vaccine? I have never had a flu vaccine in my life but I had a neurotoxic reaction to Levaquin in 2010 and (back at that time) I had several doctors tell me that I should NOT get a flu vaccine.

Thank you for asking about my nephew. He’s back to work but still has issues. But I’m so thankful he’s still around.

That is great news and I am glad that he is okay.


Senior Member
I have significant concerns as to the possibility of human cells incorporating the spike mRNA, considering it's delivered in what is basically an exosome, and it has been proven that the cytosol human cells has endogenous retrotranscriptive ability.
As well, the encapsulated mRNA does not trigger the usual innate PAMP receptors, and will not co-stimulate the T lymphocytes, possibly leading to an aberrant immune response


Senior Member
I hope you will be able to get an appointment soon and please let us know how you do with the vaccine. I am very curious to hear how others with autoimmunity do with it. Do you know if you will get Pfizer or Moderna?
I wonder if your prior reaction was to the adjuvants in the flu vaccine?
@Gingergrrl - I just got an appointment on Tuesday with a state event they're holding at the park. Yikes! I don't know which vaccine they have as it's the new shipment from the federal government that was delayed due to the weather across the US. All of the vaccines in our area have been Moderna and it's the one my husband got.

I have no idea why I had such a bad reaction to the flu and pneumonia vaccine. It came on immediately after leaving the drs office and I had to turn around and go back. It triggered a serious form panic disorder affecting my ability to stand up and I ended calling an ambulance twice. I've been on beta blockers ever since. (21 yrs now) I went to several doctors and no one could explain it. I discussed it with my current doctor, whom I love, and she made the point that those were flu and pneumonia vaccines and that the COVID vaccines are different so, perhaps that won't happen again.

The thing I keep telling myself after reading my brains out, is that no matter how bad of a reaction I have, and even if it triggers a nasty ME relaspse, it’s highly unlikely the vaccine is going to kill me. But Covid might. And even if Covid doesn't do me in it's known to cause serious long term organ damage for a lot of people. I personally know several people who were healthy and younger than I am who are now dealing with permanant lung, kidney, and heart problems. So, I'll put up with whatever miserable side effects the vaccine brings. And besides, I don't want to spend the next year or however long it takes to achieve "herd immunity, hiding in my house. I miss my kids and grandkids!
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
The thing I keep telling myself after reading my brains out, is that no matter how bad of a reaction I have, and even if it triggers a nasty ME relaspse, it's not going to kill me.

Hi @2Cor.12:19 -- Not to try to influence your decision on whether or not to get a covid vaccine, but thought I should mention that people are dying from it. Last I heard, the CDC had the death count at 600+. Lots controversy on what the actual numbers are. -- Best...


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
@2Cor.12:19 - Here is a quote from the CDC about the deaths after vaccinations....

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination

  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.

  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.

  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.

  • To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.

  • CDC, FDA, and other federal partners will continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
Over 63 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through February 21, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,099 reports of death* (0.0015%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports.

A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.

The bold was done by the CDC.



Senior Member
Hi @2Cor.12:19 -- Not to try to influence your decision on whether or not to get a covid vaccine, but thought I should mention that people are dying from it. Last I heard, the CDC had the death count at 600+. Lots controversy on what the actual numbers are. -- Best...

@Wayne - Absolutely. Which is why I’m getting it. (Hope you didn’t misunderstand my comment- I meant to say that the vaccine won’t kill me even if it causes nasty side affects. I reworded it to make that clearer - hopefully 🤪)
@ljimbo423 Good data link. Thanks!
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Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
@Wayne - Absolutely. Which is why I’m getting it. (Hope you didn’t misunderstand my comment- I meant to say that the vaccine won’t kill me even if it causes nasty side affects 😃)

Wayne is actually saying in that post that the vaccine caused the deaths. But if you look at my post above yours. The CDC says there's no evidence that the vaccines caused any deaths.


Senior Member
Wayne is actually saying in that post that the vaccine caused the deaths. But if you look at my post above yours. The CDC says there's no evidence that the vaccines caused any deaths.
Oh.... Brain fog strikes again. I appreciate the link. Out of 63 million doses, even if those represented two doses per person which would represent 31 + million people, you would think a certain amount of them would die from some sort of cause. I’m glad the CDC is following it carefully.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@2Cor.12:19 - Here is a quote from the CDC about the deaths after vaccinations....

Hi @ljimbo423 -- Color me skeptical :rolleyes:, but I don't believe the CDC's position on deaths related to the covid vaccine are particularly reliable. They seem to be saying there have been zero deaths so far, which doesn't make any sense to me--especially since I've read several articles on relatively young people with no health conditions dying from it.

But as I said, I'm not trying to influence whether or not somebody gets a vaccination. Just trying to put out a little information here and there as I run across it. For myself, I think the vaccine poses far more dangers than a covid infection.


Just ran across the following death numbers from an article on the CDC website:

First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring — United States, December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021

During December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021, a total of 13,794,904 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered in the United States; 8,436,863 (61.2%) doses were administered to women. VAERS received 6,994 reports of COVID-19–associated adverse events during this period. Among all reports, 6,354 (90.8%) were classified as nonserious and 640 (9.2%) as serious, including 113 (1.6%) deaths.​
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Senior Member
Our county health officer explained how she made the decision after weighing all the risks.

You have a 1-2 chance out of 100 of dying from COVID-19.
(and 5 out of 100 chance of being hospitalized from COVID-19)

and a

1 out of 1,000,000 chance of dying from the vaccine.