Will You Be Getting the Covid Vaccine?

Will You Be Getting the COVID Vaccine?

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On a side note, my dad and sister both got their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine earlier today and so far, neither of them have had any problems. They are both in excellent health and have never had any problems like me even though we share genetics. I am the unicorn :confused:

Congratulations to your Dad and sister!

I'm the screwy one in my family too.
My dad did have something where he would get a cold and then it would turn into cough that wouldn't go away. The doctors eventually concluded that he was "allergic" to his own immune response.
Short course of steroids tampered it down.


Senior Member
Update. I'm 5.5 weeks out from my second dose of Moderna and have had no noticeable effects from the vaccine other than a very profound sense of relief and that I have the freedom to enter public spaces.


Haven't been on the forum in ages due to mental health problems with the lockdown, but am better now and can share my experience with the Pzifer vaccine.

I have avoided taking vaccines for over 20 years since I had a hospitalising reaction to a travel jab. Not 100% convinced of the long-term safety, or efficacy against all variants, of any of the covid vaccines either. But because I couldn't take the isolation and paranoia anymore I did some deep-dive research and after deciding that Pzifer was definitely better than the Astra-Zeneca, I had the first jab three weeks ago. So far so neutral. Nothing more to report than the usual sore arm. I actually think my immune system is so sluggish that my T-cells can barely raise themselves out of bed, so any reaction might take even longer or may have happened and been extremely mild.

Anyway, I'm fine ATM and for all my fellow UK sufferers who are undecided, I think now's a good time to get jabbed if you want a choice because they seem to be giving people the option now. When I arranged the jab through my GP I was ready for a fight to refuse and demand the vaccine I wanted but they actually gave me appointment dates with options on which type I wanted to have. I'm guessing this is due to to the problems with the Oxford jab and younger adults but I'm way past that age-range and was still given the choice.

Good luck all and will be back to log my experiences of the second jab.


Senior Member
I decided to be vaccined with Biontech/Pfizer. I wasn't sure if it was a good decision. I have several issues, and I feared a worsening (which is what I fear most). 10min after the jab my arm got sore. I got a light periodic paralysis attack, most probably from all the excitement (epinephrine is a trigger), which resolved fast with potassium. I felt worse for one day (mostly exhaustion and headaches), I had a painful arm for 3 days, and my muscles were/are worse (weaker, burn faster as usual). A bit like I've overdone it. On day two, for ca. 2 days, I felt an overall improvement of exhaustion, energy, and headaches. I felt "turned up". I never thought to fall into the "improvement camp", and I'm very relieved. Since side effects are milder after the first Biontech dose and worse after the second, I'm quite curious about what will happen after the second dose.

I am not vaccinated out of conviction, to be honest. I still think the evidence base is not that good (although it is much better now, since millions of people have been vaccinated) in regard to side effects, including longterm effects. My impression is that, mostly, people with more severe side effects are left alone. There is far too much hype and propaganda vs. science. In case of mRNA vaccines, though, it is that mRNA is destroyed pretty fast in the body, if I'm informed correctly. So I wouldn't expect any longer effects in that regard.


Senior Member
I had my 2nd shot 3 weeks ago, and it seems I have more side effects than after the 1st. 2 days ago I realized a pretty swollen, painful lymph node at the back of my head; I didn't even know I have lymph nodes there. Also, I have paralysis attacks much more often. This hasn't resolved so far.

I called a medical line, and they said it's well possible these are side effects. The man also said he heard it very often that side effects remain for weeks. E.g. his wife developed tiredness which hasn't resolved after 6 weeks. My brother was sick after AstraZeneca for 6 weeks (flu-like symptoms).

This doesn't say the vaccines aren't safe or effective. I just think it changes the individual risk-benefit-ratio.

What puzzles me a bit: mRNA based treatments have been researched for years (e.g. for spastic paraplegia), but never reached permission. Why not? And why now? I really don't know much about that.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I must be 8 weeks out now. All my current difficulties began after my second shot. I gradually lost the gains I had made and have yet to get them back. Am quite nervous about the September booster and subsequent boosters which I am sure will ruin my further.

While I'm operating about 1 level gain higher than I have in years since I got the second shot I've been very unsettled and my body hasnt really fully calmed down. Like when I first got ME all those year's ago the second shot seems to have triggered something which has ultimately brought back an old symptom: dizziness. Doesn't really feel like OI to be honest but something else in the brain. In terms or viruses I'm not really clear on which ones might cause dizziness like this. I don't think anyone is.

My fatigues better than it has been in awhile but I feel lethargic, run down (feels like adrenal fatigue) and like I need a few months off from life to really properly rest.

While I can't be sure all this is due to the second covid jab. I felt worsening of my ME symptoms directly afterward. 24 hours and then slight worsening every 24 hours. But very slow onset it took about 10 days to get very sick. At any rate I'm struggling to really know what to do. Apart from aggressive pacing of course.


Senior Member
I had my first shot of Pfizer a few days ago. I got a sore arm which is now disappearing, but my breast tend to tingle intermittently. My breast, however, have been growing really quickly recently so tingling may not be vaccine related.