Why are B12 supplements making my symptoms so much worse?


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Not the yolk alone, why would that make a difference?
Stomach acid turns meat into liquid, but raw egg yolk is already liquid, so it will pass through the stomach quickly thereby preserving it's goodness. (that's the difference)

I've had a fantastic improvement lately by making some of my meals only raw egg yolk, see this post.

The yolks are safe to eat raw because the egg white protects the embryo against bacteria.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Do the whites tend to contain something people don't react well too?
Yes, egg white is designed to both feed embryo and defend against animal predation by making the predator hurt in some way - so they're less likely to do it again.

But humans are clever and we know that cooking denatures the protein (turning it white) and that usually makes it okay, however it can still cause irritation (anxiety, itchy skin, diarrhea) in some people, including me.

I think egg white (even when cooked) would be a problem for all of us here because ME/CFS is likely an auto-immune condition and it is theorized that all auto-immune diseases begin with leaky gut syndrome.
Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a proposed digestive condition where the intestinal lining allows bacteria and toxins into the bloodstream. Symptoms include diarrhea, bloating, and fatigue. There is no standard treatment but dietary and lifestyle changes may help.
Source: Leaky gut syndrome: What it is, symptoms, and treatments

Just because you don't notice any issues with eating egg white, doesn't mean it's not a problem for you. If your body is overwhelmed with all sorts of inflammatory foods and that's your normal, your not going to notice any extra inflammation. It's not until you adopt an elimination diet to remove inflammatory foods for say a month, before reintroducing foods one by one, will you learn what is causing your harm.


Senior Member
Not the yolk alone, why would that make a difference? Do the whites tend to contain something people don't react well too?
1. yolks are easy to digest especially if they are still runny, its like 30 minutes until the body makes use of it
2. whole cooked egg and only egg white take like 8 hours to digest
3. avidin in egg whites which binds some or a lot of biotin depending on how cooked they were, the harder the less active avidin (mostly a problem when consuming raw egg(whites), raw egg yolk is fine).
4. the whites seams to be more allergenic as the yolks, so people might tolerate yolks but not whites

also most nutrition is in the yolk, and majority of the protein. people think the egg whites is where the proteins are, thats not correct, most protein is in the yolk , as is everything else.

i sometimes get problems from eating whole eggs, digestion. you need a lot of stomach acid to get those proteins down. i can easy it with vinegar, or i just eat the yolks, no problem here.
what i do is boil them so that the white is completely hard, and the yolk is a soft ball. when i chew it it melts. also its easy to extract the yolk, i can just peel off the whites around it.
you might offer the cooked egg whites to some animals.

you can also eat the yolk raw, one way to do it, is open the egg and give it into a half full glas of water, now you can fish the yolk out with a tablespoon and eat it.
it might not be possible to separate the whites perfectly from the yolk though. so if a person is really sensitive to the white, its better to cook it and separate it later.

before eating eggs always make the float test, if it floats up its bad. if it stands up but stays low, i would not eat it raw but cook it, if it lies on the ground like a stone its good and fresh, you might eat it raw.
(remember, only dead fish are on the top of the water stream)
also put it shortly under the water beam, that might reveal cracks. if it has minor visible hair line like cracks, do not consume it raw.
i would also do this test in general with eggs even if you hard boil them.
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I've done the calculations, to get daily B12 value from raw egg yolk alone, you need 6 eggs per day from a 600g carton of a dozen eggs.

  1. Crack 6-12 extra large eggs into a bowl being careful not to break the yolk sack.
  2. Separate the yolk from the white. Remove white string (if any).
  3. Rinse the yolk under running water to remove residual white.
  4. Puncture yolk in mouth to drink contents and discard any white you feel.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each egg yolk.
Dispose of egg white by blending with water and spreading in your garden as a fertilizer.
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3. avidin in egg whites which binds some or a lot of biotin depending on how cooked they were, the harder the less active avidin (mostly a problem when consuming raw egg(whites), raw egg yolk is fine).

I think albumin? I've had this. I was taking raw egg whites and became weak and short of breath. One biotin supplement and it improved. Definitely something to watch out for.


Senior Member
I think albumin? I've had this. I was taking raw egg whites and became weak and short of breath. One biotin supplement and it improved. Definitely something to watch out for.
avidin is the biotin binding protein. albumin is another protein used for transport of different things. both are in eggs, but in regards of biotin only avidin should be the problem.
you can be allergic to egg albumin though. if you get a immediate reaction that bad you must be either severely biotin depleted or allergic to some parts of eggs, which isnt uncommon, that people are reacting to the whites.
btw biotin is also involved in allergic reactions so maybe it did help with that.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
The downside of cyanocobalamin is its poor bioavailability which results to a poor conversion rate of just 1% of the free cyanocobalamin. It also requires the presence of a cyanide molecule and while the amount of cyanide is not dangerous, it does require the body to expend energy to convert and remove it.
Cyanocobalamin (synthetic B12) was created for vegan/vegetarian who refuses to eat animal products.

Now everyone who takes that poor substitute for B12 suffers. Just eat liver and prevent some of it going to waste.
B12 increases SAM-E which iirc metabolizes niacin and therefore increases demand for niacin, which causes the typical “overmethylation” symptoms.

Taking niacin however only is compensating for some b12 related side effects through meeting the increased demand for Niacin alongside lowering b12 which lowers the increased demand (niacin lowers b12).

This whilst helping to compensate, will only exacerbate b12 related side effects in the long run through increasing demand for riboflavin which b12 itself also increases demand for. This will inevitably lead to functional b12 and niacin deficiency.
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