i dont know the product, cant say. usually a b complex has like 50mg to 500mg.
i still would get a high dose in addition. you might play around a bit.
i for example do it like this:
- b complex like 3x RDA - 20x rda of each vitamin, includes 500mg biotin, b12 = 300ug adenosylcobalamin
- i take extra 2500-5000mg biotin
- i take extra 1 drop with MHA B12, 1000ug in total
- i take extra 20k-40.000 iu vitamin D a week or 4000-5000k a day
The bad thing about the food is basically any fatty meat causes reflux.
that sounds like too less acid and / or gallbladder.
take 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar in the middle of your meal. thou any vinegar will work.
betain hydrochloric acid while you are eating. there a protocols for this, idk dosage. take too much it gets worse, take too less nothing happens. rule is too start with low dose, and increase until you get more acid reflux, and then cut back to the previous level were u didnt get it.
you might also try some digestive enzymes, those are from fungus or pig.
Proteasen, Amylasen, especially Lipasen
too less stomach acid is a common problem, especially for vegans and vegetarians. you need more.
also you could have too less LIPASE coming from pancreas. need to take that as well.
usually that kind of problem comes if you eat to less good fats like cholin and others.
or with pancreas insufficiency (i doubt that in your case), or gallbladder problems.
try the eggyolks only without protein. is much easier on the stomach. you dont even need to cook it. just buy organic freerange pasture raised eggs, clean with water, then put contents in a glas with a bit water, fish the yolk out with a spoon.
check the eggs before with the floating test, if they fall down in a glas of water they are good, if they float or stand up do not eat them raw. if they float = direct garbage.
Not sure whether I mentioned but I actually went for a 3 mile run and lifted weights the day that I ate the liver as an afternoon snack
this basically in my logic rules out any persisten strong deficiency, because those need to regenerate red blood cells and this takes weeks and month.
but this is good news, you maybe can be fixed easier and faster than i did think at first.
And not some refeeding / methylation serious issue.
if your doctors did ecg (especially 24h) and visualization, ultra sonic of heart and didnt find anything. i'd say you have nothing which will kill you anytime soon.
Thank you thank you thank you! This forum has been (and you specifically have been)
dont thank yet, a hefty invoice will come later