I think I'm ready for this. Guess I will need to a few days without my much needed daily can of coke. Is Coke Zero, alright @Sasha?
Since I have a huge problem with dairys I dont think whey is the road forward for me. But a combination of rice and yellow pea have a similair profile.
Well, you say you've tried it before, but the fish can be a big short-term confounder. I got gigantic doses of omega-3s from salmon without realizing (bad math), and it peters out, but it has more anti-inflammatory activity than paracetamol. I kind of doubt paracetamol has very significant anti-inflammatory effects, rather it's a liver toxin and most likely the whey increases glutathione and helps your body deal with it. Other fish like sardines are super high in purines and increase uric acid and I think that affected me.Just wanted to revive this thread with a spot of extra anecdote. Whey has been helping me subtly, and I've just collected some more evidence that lifting my intake may lift its impact.
I just went on an international holiday, which is something I do each year. Normally I lie in bed and sit in cafes rather a lot while my beloved gets out and about somewhat more than me. This year I got a big tub of whey delivered to our hotel. I started dramatically increasing my whey intake and lo and behold, I was able to be out and about a lot more, slept less, and I notched up over 10,000 steps for 6 days in a row at one point, a level of activity I haven't achieved in some years.
I was eating two to four 31g scoops of the whey powder per day. At one point I went too hard and fell into what felt like the start of a deep crash, but mysteriously was out of it just a few hours later.
Now, this is just anecdote, and these pages are full of people who've misunderstood what is making them better and worse. In order that you can take the above attribution of cause and effect with the appropriate size grain of salt here's a list of other things I did differently
Still, all of these things are ones I've tried before, and none of them have ever worked super well before, (and none are suggested so strongly by recent research!)
- Different food: Japanese food is much lower in fibre, higher rice and fish than my usual diet. (Also I ate more chocolate and peanuts than usual (higher in lipids?).)
- Extra beta blockers: I ramped my dose up to 50% more than the doc recommended (30mg per day)
- Not being in my house: possible mould avoidance.
- Extra paracetamol. I have a theory that taking panadol before doing activity limits inflammation and reduces after effects. I applied this theory diligently while I was away and tried to take paracetamol daily.
- Afternoon naps each day
Anyway, I hope I don't become one of those guys on forums who insists on some dumb cure that worked for them, and annoys everyone elseIt will be interesting to see the effect of continuing increased whey intake now I'm back in real life.
the fish can be a big short-term confounder. .
@Murph it will be interesting to hear how you get on back home. I had an amazing holiday in Japan in 2007. I was mild then, but even still, I coped amazingly well. It was my most hectic holiday with ME and I don't remember having to pay afterwards.
ate more chocolate and peanuts than usual
I reckon that the daily snaps are very important; last year I traveled with my kid and I was taking naps every afternoon, I felt much better and capable of doing lots of stuff.Just wanted to revive this thread with a spot of extra anecdote. Whey has been helping me subtly, and I've just collected some more evidence that lifting my intake may lift its impact.
I just went on an international holiday, which is something I do each year. Normally I lie in bed and sit in cafes rather a lot while my beloved gets out and about somewhat more than me. This year I got a big tub of whey delivered to our hotel. I started dramatically increasing my whey intake and lo and behold, I was able to be out and about a lot more, slept less, and I notched up over 10,000 steps for 6 days in a row at one point, a level of activity I haven't achieved in some years.
I was eating two to four 31g scoops of the whey powder per day. At one point I went too hard and fell into what felt like the start of a deep crash, but mysteriously was out of it just a few hours later.
Now, this is just anecdote, and these pages are full of people who've misunderstood what is making them better and worse. In order that you can take the above attribution of cause and effect with the appropriate size grain of salt here's a list of other things I did differently
Still, all of these things are ones I've tried before, and none of them have ever worked super well before, (and none are suggested so strongly by recent research!)
- Different food: Japanese food is much lower in fibre, higher rice and fish than my usual diet. (Also I ate more chocolate and peanuts than usual (higher in lipids?).)
- Extra beta blockers: I ramped my dose up to 50% more than the doc recommended (30mg per day)
- Not being in my house: possible mould avoidance.
- Extra paracetamol. I have a theory that taking panadol before doing activity limits inflammation and reduces after effects. I applied this theory diligently while I was away and tried to take paracetamol daily.
- Afternoon naps each day
Anyway, I hope I don't become one of those guys on forums who insists on some dumb cure that worked for them, and annoys everyone elseIt will be interesting to see the effect of continuing increased whey intake now I'm back in real life.