Is it any cheaper for you to buy it from UK Amazon and have it delivered to Norway, @deleder2k? I don't know if you have to bear in mind any customs charges, like you would if you were buying from the US.
I have tried branch chain amino acids and also whey protein but after a few days they make my brain very hyper and give me an inability to sleep properly. Its as if they mess up my neurotransmitters which seem to be quite well balanced on a daily basis without anything else added.
I wonder if it could be due to my genetics? (I cannot metabolise glutamine properly it gives me terrible migraines again I think this is genetic because of a SNP in the enzyme that converts it to GABA.)
My blood tests always show I am below the range in protein even though I eat around 90g daily and as I am quite small that should be a large daily intake but it doesn't seem to be reflected in my blood tests.
@Sasha - BCAAs cut my PEM recovery time in half. They consist of leucine, isoleucine and valine. Unfortunately they have not extended my activity window (the amount I can do before triggering a crash), but the cut in recovery time is fabulous. I've been taking them for about 2 years now.
I've been taking lysine for a long time for herpes viruses.
I know I'd be worse off without these amino acids - amino acids can be very effective for specific things. said:It's well established that branched-chain amino acids (particularly leucine) stimulate protein synthesis, and might do so to a greater extent than a normal protein on its own. BCAAs also increase synthesis of the cellular machinery responsible for carrying out the process of protein synthesis.
Is it any cheaper for you to buy it from UK Amazon and have it delivered to Norway, @deleder2k? I don't know if you have to bear in mind any customs charges, like you would if you were buying from the US.
Thanks, Mary.
I didn't know what BCAAs were so looked it up! Here's the info for others:
Just that soy is one of the strongest goitrogens (bad for the thyroid), and best not eaten in excess.I'm having a go with soya protein, just with the intention of bumping up my protein intake. I've been using soya milk, tofu etc for years, so assumed it would be OK. I've been off dairy foods for years because of gut issues. (and gluten grains).
I had a look at the amino acid profile on the soya protein packet there is 6.8g Leucine and 5.4g Lysine per 100g. Less than in whey powder which according to Sasha's figures above is more like 9g and 7g per 100g.
Any comments?
Just that soy is one of the strongest goitrogens (bad for the thyroid), and best not eaten in excess.
Have you ever taken N-acetyl-cysteine? I have had a reaction similar to what you describe with NAC, and cysteine is a standard amino acid present in whey formulas. When I used NAC it made me so ill. It was like it put its finger directly on whatever is causing my ME and started jabbing wildly. I am convinced that if I had kept taking it I would have died.