Oh, Mary! So sorry for your non-vacation! I hope to get to do something enjoyable soon And can at least catch up with your family through Zoom...
I've just been reading an article about mega-dosing thiamine and how it purportedly can help so many different things, including energy, sleep, SIBO etc too - I saw your other thread about high dose thiamine. I just read this article which was extremely interesting:
Mega-Dose Thiamine: Beyond Addressing “Deficiency” (eonutrition.co.uk) I'm currently taking 400 mg thiamine but am going to start increasing it. It sounds too good to be true! But increasing your dose might help your insomnia, though I'd go slowly. Apparently mega dose thiamine can help with neurotoxicity, which can cause severe insomnia.
I would be very careful about megadosing thiamine, particularly the type that EO is pushing and makes a profit off of. It's best to test and see if one is short of thiamine first.
I did well on 750ng benfotiamine for three or four years, and then reading all that stuff about mega dosing thiamine, and all the stuff about allithiamine, TTFD, And that's supposedly it gets through the BBB when benfo doesn't (which I don't think is correct) I started asking those folks what the dosing equivalent would be, and nobody could give me a straight answer, just "Try it, Great stuff!!!"
So, against my better judgment, I decided to try 300 mg a day of Thiamax. Within a week, I got neuropathy down the front of my legs, complete with painful nerve zaps. Unfortunately it took me another couple weeks to figure out what had done this, with daily pain and nerve zaps, until I finally realized it and stopped. I took no thiamine for a few days, then gradually built my way back up to my 750 mg dose of benfotiamine, which I think actually does get through the blood brain barrier, and eventually most of the neuropathy went away, and the nerve zaps stopped pretty quickly.
I've heard since, but I'm not totally sure, but it could be that this happened because of the oxidative stress I have and problems with keeping enough glutathione around. But none of this was any of the literature from the people who are pushing the high dose thiamine and the Thiamax.
So, just as with too much vitamin C, too much of other nutrients can backfire, particularly if one is just taking them and doesn't know what ones needs are...
Lesson learned the hard way.