What Can I do to tolerate a B Complex? My body loves/hates it

@whodathunkit Thanks for pointing that out! I did learnt that in the last few days reading here ^_^

I have another question: what would be better the active form of Bs or the sublingual ones? (is it the same?) Is there any brand that do them sublingual?


Senior Member

B12 is best done as sublingual, except don't put it under your tongue, put it between your teeth and gums and hold for 45 minutes or more. That's length of time is necessary to get a good amount into your bloodstream. Putting it under your tongue causes the lozenge to dissolve too quickly, and a good concentration of the vitamin is not achieved.

Best brands for methylcobalamin are Country Life 5000mcg (Prod. No. 6304 on the back label) and Enzymatic Therapy 1000mcg.

As to the others...I don't know. I only tried one sublingual other than the mB12. It was a B2. It tasted like ass. I mean, really REALLY bad. :confused: So I won't be doing that again.

Everything except the B12 I take oral. Others may like sublingual. Wish I could tell you more.
Ok sorry I found put that yes you can have both the active form in a sublingual tablet. Like this one:

Source Naturals, Pantethine, Sublingual, 60 Tablets. Les than 10€ on iherb.com

Looks good, right?

For the ones that tried sublingual tablets: will I be able to.cut them in.several.pieces?


Senior Member
Ah!!! I did not find that low-dose panthenine on iherb! I could only find a big honking dose of 250mgs. Even though it's sublingual I'm going to try it! Hopefully not all of them taste as bad as that B2. Thank you, @BlueberryNights! :D

Yes, you should be able to split the tabs. Some of them crumble so you might not be entirely happy with your results, but they should split.
@whodathunkit very helpfull. I didn't know how to do a sublingual.

I understand about the taste. But it worries me to buy a normal tablet (active form) and not tolerate it well or whatever because it has to go through my liver that maybe is not working as its best. Dont know...

The Bs I had I did munch them to try to do a homemade sublingual. They tasted horrible and bitter.
@PeterPositive Thanks!

I will write down all the info from.thus post and will try something as soon as I can.

Im thinking too on making my own electrolyte drink as lately seems like I need one. Yesterday I had that "flu" like symptoms: dry irritated eys and throat, sore muscles, a bit headache...

I have been dreaming tonight of coenzimated Bs and stuff. Brrrrrr.....

Thanks all!
For my AF, my NP has me taking 1/4 tsp Licorice extract in the mornings. She wanted me to take 200 mgs B-5 Pantothenic acid but it amped me up too much. I'm experimenting with a lower dose.

I forgot to ask... how long did you take the licorize? What about the thing that says it should be no taken for longer periods than 2 weeks?
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Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Stick with natural co enzyme activated versions of the b vitamins and stay away from the B6 for now, you may be having toxicity symptoms. Do not go too high with doses either, there is no real need for that anyways. Do not take any version of b vitamins with synthetic b12 or folic acid either. Break capsules down a bit or empty out powder to get lower doses.

This should fix any issues most notably the b6 toxicity or folic acid issues, the rest don't have any real toxicity limits though it is never a good idea to super dose these things because there is no real need.

Some people need b6 like those with Pyroluria but you don't know your current levels so get a blood test of your b6 levels before using even P5P supplements again, and if you wanted you could also test for pyroluria because it is good to know if this is an issue either way.

B vitamins are antagonistic to each other so always keep things balanced. The only doses that could be pushed higher are b12 in methyl form and Folate in methyl form but these function differently then other b vitamins as they are used in methylation, though some do assist in by products of methyl processes. These two however are the two driving power house sources of methylation in the human body.
@Martial thanks for camming back to give me more info! I have been trying to.find in the forum "natural co enzyme b vitamins" and I cant find any brand that is "natural" What do you mean by that? Natural made from.food souce? Coul you advice me any natural brand?

In that research I found this post: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...ex-vitamin-this-is-the-best-i-can-find.28790/

Where @adreno an others recommends good labs like Douglas or Thornes. But it doesn't say if the are natural.

I think you are spot on, on your answer as I have been feeling intoxicated. Yesterday I stopped everything even the magnesium and calcium. I went early to bed. I had potassium from bananas and orange juice..Some liver at night.

I'm feeling a bit better today. At least not that "flu" feeling.

I agree with everything you say but what about B5? I was planning to take it (starting slow) in bigger quantities than the rest of Bs, as expert drs. in Adrenal.Fatigue say it important for the recovery.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Sure it is called Country Life Co Enzyme, you can find it here

http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/country-life-coenzyme-b-complex-caps-30-veggie-caps/cf-1121?sourceType=sc&source=FG&adGroup=40-60&keyword=CF-1121&cm_mmc=Google Shopping-_-Product Listing Ads-_-40-60-_-CF-1121&gclid=CLvmyvH5m74CFQmSfgodwZUADQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

Though again check your b6 levels before using a b6 supplement or P5P again, you don't want to risk toxicity, it would be better to get the rest as stand alone versions which doesn't add up to much anyways for now. When you find out if you can use b6 or not then supplement a complex vitamin again, hope this helps.

Edit. Nevermind it does not have what I previously thought and contains folic acid, your best bet would be the B complex by Thorne which contains the active versions

This one specifically

@Martial Ok! Great. At least now I have a plan ^_^

I will buy all the Bs separetly (not the B6) in the actve form
Will start really slow
Will check what type of test do I need to know about my B6
Will buy licorize extract
Will keep doing vit C

I like having a plan!

Thanks guys!


Senior Member
@PeterPositive Thanks!

I will write down all the info from.thus post and will try something as soon as I can.

Im thinking too on making my own electrolyte drink as lately seems like I need one. Yesterday I had that "flu" like symptoms: dry irritated eys and throat, sore muscles, a bit headache...

I have been dreaming tonight of coenzimated Bs and stuff. Brrrrrr.....

Thanks all!
I've had those symptoms too for weeks : dry eyes and throat
I thought those were b2 deficiency symptoms but a b complex did only make it worse.
I've had those symptoms too for weeks : dry eyes and throat
I thought those were b2 deficiency symptoms but a b complex did only make it worse.

There are lots of types of "dry"... My grandma has Srojen Syndrome (bad spelling) and I have dry eyes and throat generally. I wasn't refering to this type.

I was talking about a strong feeling like you are getting the flu. Low temps that feels like high temps, irritated eyes and throat, sleepiness... etc