I apologize in advance for a long post, but issues always seem to overlap, these relating not just to the oils, but general methylation as well.
I continue to trial the B-12 Oils, the Basic MeB12 Oil, and I have had many an email conversation with Greg and learned a lot from him and this site.
When I use the oils, they are easy and terrific and mouth-saving, but if I use them more than one day in a row, something goes awry. Or perhaps over-stimulates. My sleep deteriorated badly over the past several days. The last two I used the oils and felt terrific during the day, but at night I pretty much stopped sleeping at all—even with bits of valium or Ambien, which I hate to use. I know
@Johnmac has said some in his family had partially sleepless nights, and that he felt euphoric for the first week on the oils. I was undoubtedly somewhat euphoric, as I found myself washing the kitchen floor last night after spending two exhausting hours cooking. I believe
@ahmo has also said the oils seem to be the equivalent of 10-15mg of MeB12 lozenges. Perhaps since I have only titrated up to 5mg MeB12 or so, I’m not ready for theconcentration the oils offer. Or, as Johnmac says, since they chug along for about 36 hours, maybe I ought to use them every other day, and/or scrape away half of the blob before rubbing it in.
I’d increased my B2 levels, something Greg advises, to about 60mg/day, and stopped MeB12 and Folate for about a week, though Greg didn’t say this was necessary. I just wanted to see exactly what the B2 was doing. It was clear that it helped with muscle tightness, particularly what I’ve been calling my tight face, though I now recognize this as nothing more than a continued neck muscle tightness from the back to the sides and front, very hard, very sore to the light press. It was also clear (I think!) from bowel issues, that I still needed Folate.
As I increased the B2, my potassium requirements increased as well. (Although I know some people’s decrease
@Athene*) And when I added in the MeB12 and Folate, I noticed most of all that they had a much stronger effect than they had before, that by having the B2 as a base, I was actually
getting or
receiving the B12 and folate in a way that I hadn’t before. Good enough.
But potassium symptoms—the irregular heartbeats that do respond to K+ began to appear throughout the night. More at night than during the day, possibly because the body at rest does more healing work? I was up drinking about 300mg of Potassium gluconate in a big glass of water at least twice a night. Which meant that I was up to pee
often. Of course, anticipating your heart going into irregular rhythms is no way to relax and go to sleep. So two questions:
1. Those of you who need potassium supplementation, how do you take it during the day? Do big doses in the day allow for the night to pass without supplementation? I’ve been drinking the concoction a half hour or more before a meal, thus arriving at the end of the meal ready to take my Folate (as per Fred’s dictate to take it an hour away from Folate). If I do this 3-5 x a day, no problem, but I can’t do it another 2x during the night. I’m getting that uncomfortable bolus at the base of my throat, that harbinger of GERD, or REFLUX.
2. If you take your potassium with your meals so that you can take more of it at a time (and the truth is, with adrenal and gut issues, aren’t we supposed to limit what we sip at a meal so that our stomach acid can become sufficient and heal us?), then when do you take magnesium? Or don’t you? Magnesium is one of the things I titrated up on a few years ago and it has been very helpful. It’s an antagonist to potassium, right? In fact, I was reading just the other day on another thread (
http://forum.bulletproofexec.com/index.php?/topic/2078-bulletproof-magnesium-thread/), that low magnesium gave
@mgk headaches and neck and shoulder pains. She also noticed that her magnesium needs increased with increasing B12 use. On the other hand,
@Sherpa felt that what he perceived as potassium needs may have been a need for AdoB12, which
@mgk had postulated--those muscle twitches some us get at night before or during sleep, which are one of the many side effects of MAO inhibitors, and very likely, our MAO+/+ snps, that we’re treating with B2.
As to the GERD/REFLUX issue, thanks
@Johnmac for the Chris Kesseler link. It’s comprehensive and excellent. I’ve had a hard time in the past tolerating Betaine HCL. But who knows. Kessler apparently has a low dose supplement. There are 5-6 articles that begin here:
My sleeplessness might also relate to high glutamate in my diet, specifically the raw cabbage I’ve been grating into my salads at lunchtime—very high, I’ve read; and, sad to say, the wonderful bone broth I’ve been making and adding to my breakfast soup—this from the gelatin. Apparently hard for those with leaky blood/brain barriers and sensitivities to MSG to tolerate.
@Gondwanaland. Greg’s recommendation to eat 3 Brazil nuts/day, to help convert thyroid T3 to T4 (I think it is) may, for someone with normal thyroid like me, hype up a gland that didn’t need hyping.
I’ll just have to keep experimenting.
For the moment I feel a bit beat up.