Can I ask if you're still doing Fredd Protocol supplements or if you use hydrocortisone or anything else for adrenals?
Have never used hydrocortisone. Mostly I fit the low cortisol profile but at times things go awry and I start producing too much. I am in a too much phase at the moment.
Also in a too much adrenalin phase (fairly common for me but getting a bit out of hand).
I'm mildly hypothyroid with low level anti-thyroid antibodies - untreated at present - just can't tolerate even low level slow release T3 though I intend to revisit that.
I've stopped and restarted Freddd's protocol (well my version of it - never could see the point of SAMe and TMG) several times over the last 12 months or so as benefits have petered out and I've been trying to identify depleted nutrients (or other problems).
In the most recent iteration I have identified minerals (Ca, B, Mo, Mn) and B2 as being limiting and repleting those has brought back the benefits.
BUT my responses are now different and I am much more sensitive and need less to get benefit. I seem particularly sensitive to carnitine and adoB12 and have reduced these doses considerably - sometimes have dropped off entirely as I try to get my sympathetic nervous system under control.
I'm feeling pretty good on 1 pumpMeB12 and moderate folate (dropping to 5 mg was a bit drastic, had to go to 10, but that is much better than 30-40 mg), tiny amounts ado, no carnitine (plus a host of background nutrients) - BUT the sympathetic over activity is not improving and I haven't quite got a handle on what is really driving it. I intend revisiting ado and carnitine.
My feeling is that this new sensitivity is somehow good and may have something to do with introducing LDN. I've tried stopping it and found the sympathetic system got out of control so it's certainly doing something, though don't really know why my sensitivity to B12 etc has increased.
I'm sorry to hear about your deterioration. I'm not as debilitated as you but I can relate to reversals in benefit from the protocol. I've had several.
In general it seems to be from some other nutrient becoming limiting. Quite a while ago I thought I had identified boron and B2 as limitations and for a while, increasing doses of these helped a lot. Then everything stopped working and nothing I tried seemed to make a difference.
I just cut back on the big doses of DQ since they weren't helping and hibernated for a while and regrouped.
It was discussions with
@MacGyver (who had originally persuaded me to try high doses of boron) that prompted me to try boron and calcium in combination. I had stopped the high doses of B since they were making me worse and had tried Ca alone as a possible depleted nutrient - it too made me feel worse.
The combination was electrical - suddenly things started working again and I was again getting benefit from the DQ, though I had to redefine dose all over again.
I also had to take huge doses of B and Ca, especially Ca, for a while, as though I was filling a near bottomless well. I just kept swallowing it until more made no difference. I then cut right back - somewhat arbitrarily - but continued a moderate dose. I don't really understand the basis for the combination need - ie why one helps me tolerate and get benefit from the other.
Getting B2 to really work was much more difficult. I have been taking fairly high doses of riboflavin forever but clearly to not much effect.
I think Greg's idea that high folate need means we are not making FAD is correct. Sublingual FMN and increased Mo and Mn seemed to be the key for me (I was already taking a lot of Se, some iodine etc). I still haven't separated the two minerals so can't say if there is a difference, but recently tried cutting back on the fairly high doses - this was a mistake. I'm not convinced I have this going well yet but it is going.
I relate this story not because you are likely to encounter my peculiar depletions but more to illustrate that keeping the DQ going can be difficult (or B12/B2 according to Greg).
Your need to add even more B12 suggests inefficiency in use. Something else is becoming limiting. Finding what this is can be difficult and frustrating but it is worth persisting with.