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Very sad news from Denmark:

K2 for Hope

ALways Hoping
Jacksonville, FL 32258
Thanks for keeping us updated. I went to the websites. I forgot I don't speak Danish.... Ah, how well my brain works... I wish there was more we could do. I am so glad we have this forum to get this kind of information and possibly be able to do something for all of us....

Thanks again.


Senior Member
Just FYI, from what I know, if people decide to write anyone in Denmark, it is probably OK to write it in English. Many people in Denmark speak/ read/ write English, especially in cosmopolitan areas. I've had family who visited Copenhagen and the language barrier was not much of an issue.

Also, it may be that we are short of information here and some things are confidential/ lost in translation but why does the Danish gov't need to interfere? Even with psychiatric disorders, at least in the US, people, especially adults, cannot be forcibly placed into any situation unless they are deemed a harm to themselves or to others. Is the situation that she is not "complying" with medical orders from someone other than her GP, not able to eat due to ME but the gov't is thinking this is a psychiatric rather than medical reason, etc.? Most first world countries have some rules they abide by although we have seen those rules incorrectly applied with ME.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Even with psychiatric disorders, at least in the US, people, especially adults, cannot be forcibly placed into any situation unless they are deemed a harm to themselves or to others.

Someone can be viewed as at risk and risk of harm to themselves .. if they just arent looking after themselves well.
Staying in bed all the time and not getting up, not bathing (so unable to keep good hygiene.. the article said her mother couldnt even touch her to bath her).. could possibly be viewed as not being able to look after oneself and hence at risk of harm to oneself.

I dont know about that case but just want to point out how "at risk" and deemed "at harm to oneself" may be judged. Neglect of oneself can also be seen as harm. No doubt they do think she isnt looking after herself nor is capable of it, if they dont believe in ME and think its mental. They'd probably view her mental illness as being severe in such a case.


iherb code TAK122
I have sent e-mails to the Danish Board of Health and the Health Ministry, has anyone got the e-mail address for the Danish Ambassador in the UK?


Senior Member
I doubt KDM is licensed to practice in Denmark. Or can a doctor in the EU practice anywhere in the EU?


Senior Member
i think he can do it anywhere, as he does home visits in europe for the severely ill


Senior Member
This is the latest update I can find on Karina from the facebook page - ME/CFS Forinings - Danish ME/CFS Association,
dated May 25, 2012.

Good news! Karina is getting her first intravenous treatment at home today, on May 25th!Actually, this afternoon, she is already getting the salt water drop!
On Wednesday the 23rd, an appointed doctor and Dr. Isager visited Karina’s house. The appointed doctor told Karina’s parents that there were no further plans to remove Karina from her home and that they would work on getting the IV started in the home right away. It still seems unreal to the family. They have been through so much. They send their thanks to all of you who wrote and posted about Karina. They are sure it helped.


Senior Member
Thanks for posting this, Nielk. It's such a relief, and a joy to know there has bees some positive outcome..


iherb code TAK122
Copied from the facebook page - don't suppose there is much we can do at present we need to be ready to support the Danish ME Association though.

"Karina removed from the home. On February 12th, the police and officials from the municipality unannounced removed ME sick Karina Hansen from her home in Holstebro, Denmark. Both Karina and her mother, who was present, each opposed to the removal in the strongest possible way. Yet, Karina was transferred to Hammel Neurocenter. Karina's mother and relatives have been prohibited from contacting her for the next 14 days. They are now informed by a daily phone call from a doctor at the center, who does’nt even know the disease, but says that the center is working together with the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and their knowledge of ME. The case is now handled by Karina’s lawyer. The ME Association in Denmark is following the further development and will keep its members informed here at" www.me-foreningen.dk


Senior Member
the center is working together with the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and their knowledge of ME.

"Functional disorders" is code for "psychosomatic disorders". She's being treated as if her ME is a psychological problem. This is horrible.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
... and no functional disorder has even been proven, indeed they don't even have basic biomarkers. This is right up there with evil spirits and demonic possession as causes of disease. The inquisition used to incarcerate people for suspected demonic possession, witchcraft and the like, all for their own good of course. Have times changed?

Instead we have a history of functional disorders being disproven. Quite a long history, with lots of disorders including MS, lupus and diabetes. Their defence still is that ME has not yet been dispoved to be a functional disorder, and they happily ignore all the biomedical evidence.


Bundle of purpliness
Another update from the ME Foreningen - ME Association, Denmark Facebook page:

"27th of February 2013: Rebecca Hansen from the ME Association in Denmark tries to visit Karina at Hammel Neurocenter. The ME Association was under the impression, that the visitation ban for Karina had been lifted.

The department in which Karina lies has got 3 locked doors, and Rebecca is let into the center by a PIN code. She is denied access to see Karina on the grounds that the psychiatrist Nils Balle Christensen has extended the visitation ban by 7 days, because he was on vacation. Rebecca Hansen did not get a medical explanation as to why she could not visit Karina. Karina was not asked if she wanted a visit from Rebecca.

The family and the lawyer have not yet received a treatment plan for Karina and this means that they do not know which treatment Karina receives. The lawyer has approached both for the neurocenter, the municipality and the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders several times in writing without receiving any answer, now after 14 days. The ME Association follows the further development and will keep its members informed, at www.me-foreningen.dk"


Senior Member
Sth Australia
horrific, this is a world wide issue happening at times to our sickest. I honestly dont know how the medical profession can get away with locking up ME patients like this when it is said that there is no known cause for ME (including a psych cause). This stuff is just proof on the issues Wessely has caused by tainting this whole illness towards it being a psych one. This could happen to ANY of us if we got sicker, we are all at risk.

Im glad she has got a lawyer!!!

Then there is Brian still locked away as far as I know in England due to severe ME ....

There needs to be some org which people can dontate too who will help those who are severely sick, who find themselves in this situation eg help advise their lawyers no matter where in the world they are, help them to get a suitable lawyer etc etc.


Senior Member
Many years ago, this could have been me.

Psychotherapy or counseling are indeed no more scientific than exorcism. While claiming to be looking for causes of disease, such "treatment" is nothing more than a case of trying to ward away fictional demons (HYSTERIA, etc.) rather than seek any real physical cause. It is baffling how such psuedoscience is so widespread in this age, supposedly one of innovation and progress(!). The psychiatry industry shows up as a corporate or political instrument to silence opposition; given that every single person can in theory, get diagnosed with any psychiatric disorder they fabricate.

These are physical wounds, and no amount of bullshit a therapist/counselor will say is capable of healing them.