Very sad news from Denmark:


Senior Member

Status on Karina Hansen's Case - May 24th, 2013

by ME Foreningen - ME Association, Denmark (Notes) on Friday, May 24, 2013 at 9:50am

Status on Karina Hansen’s Case - May 24th, 2013

By Rebecca Hansen

The following text has been approved by the family.

The severely ill Danish ME patient Karina Hansen is still hospitalized at Hammel Neurocenter in Denmark. Dr.Jens Gyring gave a verbal message to the family that this could continue for a long time, perhaps a year. We have not seen any evidence that Karina is getting better.

Karina’s parents have a power of attorney that gives them the right to make decisions for Karina, also about her treatment. But this is ignored.

The power of attorney was made in May 2012. Karina’s general practitioner declared her psychologically healthy twice in May 2012.

The Danish Board of Health claims that Karina’s lawyer is not her lawyer, as they now state that Karina was not competent when she hired her lawyer in May 2012. The lawyer has represented Karina since May 2012 and received access to Karina’s case at that time on the basis that he had authority as her lawyer. Then, The Danish Board of Health informed her lawyer, that it is true that he had authority at the time of the first failed attempt to section Karina (May 3rd, 2012), but that the power of attorney does not apply to the incident in Feb. 2013, when Karina was forcibly removed and hospitalized.

The psychiatrist, Nils Balle Christensen, writes that Karina is an adult and has the ability to make ”here and now decisions” and that Hammel Neurocenter is doing nothing against her will. But at the same time, Holstebro Kommune believes that Karina needs a guardian and Statsforfatningen Midtjylland has been asked to appoint one for her. This will disempower Karina completely and leave all decisions up to her guardian.

The ME Association, Denmark, contacted the Patient Office on April 19th, 2013 to ask for the name of Karina’s patient advisor. We wished to inform the advisor about Karina’s illness and to offer to bring an ME expert to Denmark to examine Karina. The answer from the Patient Office was that "the case is handed over to the Legal Office in Region Midtjylland."

Karina’s parents and I tried to visit Karina on May 12th 2013, but we were denied access to her. You can read more about our attempt here:

Nils Balle Christensen writes that there is not a ban on visits, but Karina’s parents are still not allowed to visit her. A verbal message was given to Karina’s parents that ”the lawyers” will create a ”document” about the ”visit restrictions.” Karina’s parents expect to get that in the next 7-14 days.

Karina has her mobil phone at the hospital and we have tried to call it many times, but it always goes directly to voice mail.


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Senior Member
Edegem, Belgium
I am aware of a similar case in Belgium. She has a severe case of neuro-borreliosis and neuro-bartonella. She can hardly move, has severe tremors and pain, ... It is a young girl of 14. Her mother does not want to be in the media. She is dead frightened the judge and doctors will lock away her daughter even longer and she will again not be able to see her again for many months. It is a sick world :(


Senior Member
to be locked away with a disease like this???? severe neuro to boot??? WTF this cannot be happening!

i dont understand why ME Is still being treated this way even after all the valctye and rituxan stuff???? how is it possible?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
i dont understand why ME Is still being treated this way even after all the valctye and rituxan stuff???? how is it possible?

This case is an example of one of the reasons why the rituxan needs follow up studies.. (till that is done the possibly of it helping us will be ignored).

WTF.. its been months and she hasnt been allowed to see family, surely this isnt good for ANYONE and that part about them dismissing her own lawyer and her parents power of atourney rights.. incredible.

Maybe someone could get the wallstreet journal reporter who at times reports on ME/CFS to do an article on cases like this one going on around the world when its not even known what is causing our illness.

I think there is a chance thou she could very slowly get better if she's having all her meals made for her, being well looked after and getting all the bedrest she needs without being pushed (doubt if they are doing all that thou). I was in a similar state to her for 9mths (including that pain state where I couldnt be touched by anyone)... if she does get better I guess this case will then be used for how a severe ME/CFS patient was cured by psych treatment!!


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I propose that the ME community starts up a "Trophy of Shame" and our ME communities award it each year to a country who has done had the most terrible ME case abuse for that year, actually get the thing engraved (send a small copy of it to the countries high ups when its awarded to let them know how the ME world community feels). Maybe it would attract some media attention after a few years that we had such a Trophy this community awards. Just imagine something which has 10-20 years of listed terrible abuse around our illness on it.


Senior Member
Just terribly saddened and immense fury at a pathetic (mostly) medical profession this side of the Atlantic. Not proud to be a Brit either equally ignorant.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Re: dorsal root ganglionitis, inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion.

I don't know much about ganglionitis. I am wondering if an autopsy is the only way to spot this? Is there a test or a scan they could conduct right now on Karina to see if she is showing signs of inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion? If so, would that still not be enough to keep her from being committed? I was just thinking that there might be a slight chance that with some evidence they could see, they would not commit her. Maybe I'm not being enough of a realist.


Senior Member
It is so hard to grasp that this is going on today. How can they hold an adult against their will like that and to prevent the family from seeing her? It's outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:alien:

Nils Balle Christensen and Per Fink do not believe that Karina has ME. The doctor we met on
May 31rst receives his information about Karina and ME from NBC and PF. This doctor said that
ME is a “figment of the imagination” and doctors who believe in ME are “imbeciles.” (NBC and
PF are officially in charge of all ME patients in Denmark.)

I don't understand. These two doctors are the ones who treat ME patients but, they don't believe ME exists? In what universe does this make sense?


Senior Member
I don't understand. These two doctors are the ones who treat ME patients but, they don't believe ME exists? In what universe does this make sense?

The universe that is a figment of these two doctors' imagination.


Senior Member
I wonder why Karina's parents cannot just walk in and collect her, maybe with some big badass security types at their side? Is she on lockdown or something? I mean, these are sovereign adult humans. I'm for a SWAT-style rescue!


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I wonder why Karina's parents cannot just walk in and collect her, maybe with some big badass security types at their side? Is she on lockdown or something? I mean, these are sovereign adult humans. I'm for a SWAT-style rescue!

In the US they can present a writ of habeus corpus, requiring them to present Karina to the holder of the writ. Is something similar possible in Denmark? Does anyone know? At that point they can take her away if they have a court order saying they can do so. If these things done to Karina are really against Danish law, then it should be possible. However its likely to be a legal nightmare, and very expensive for the family.


Senior Member
In the US they can present a writ of habeus corpus, requiring them to present Karina to the holder of the writ. Is something similar possible in Denmark? Does anyone know? At that point they can take her away if they have a court order saying they can do so. If these things done to Karina are really against Danish law, then it should be possible. However its likely to be a legal nightmare, and very expensive for the family.

It is appalling to me that there can even be laws governing a person's....personhood. Who gave doctors the authority to make life-altering decisions for another human being, without, or worse against, their consent; decisions regarding their body, their mind, their will?
I cannot accept that these two false "authorities" can hold this young woman against her will and against that of her family and counsel.

When did doctors become all-knowing power figures who can enforce their favorite personal ideologies on patients--who by the way didn't even chose them as doctors in the first place?

Unless she is literally under lock and key I would hope her family would lose the fear of whatever so-called repercussions (social? legal?) and just go get her. Then the idiotic system can piss-contest all they want whilst Karina is safe at home.

It is horrifying that all this is occurring to a *severely ill* person, *because* she is ill, at the hands of people who have decided that it is up to *them* what kind of ill she is. Totally horrifying.