Vaccine-triggered CFS linked to nasopharynx inflammation, and 81% cured or improved by treating this nasopharyngitis


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Pretty convinced I have this due to my feeling inflamed in the throat area when on work calls this single symptom is tons worse post COVId. I've also got very bad noise sensitivity, clearing my throat a lot and have very recently had a lot of phlegm back there. Maybe it will improve my response to season colds as well. As I get them all the time and they make the long covid much worse.

Am also hoping it might improve my chronic allergy reactions but that's prob wishful thinking.


Senior Member
United Kingdom

This is super interesting Journals

This study shows that il-6 is lowered by EAT and il-6 is a huge contributor to allergic response to allergens and of course ebv loves il-6 too and il-6 is raised in long covid patients who don't respond to boosters (iwasaki 2023).

So I'm quite excited about this treatment now. It seems like the most plausible attack vector for the chronic congestion (much milder this week) which I think is due to a reservoir in the tissues EAT gets at. When I take low dose hydrocortisone my symptoms of brainfog almost entirely vanish for an hour. But then I crash of course probably due to immune suppression.

If you search the study for allergies you'll find the il-6 citation for EAT with the relevant paper as well.


Senior Member
Has anyone discussed with Dr Hotta recently or seen recent reports from patients? Didn't we have a forum member who received the treatment in Japan and didn't improve - I can't remember exactly.

Since my onset was temporally consistent with the Hep B vaccine, and I have a lot of postnasal acid reflux issues, it really interests me. If I were less sick I would travel to Japan for it, but if I were less sick I guess I might not need it.
Has anyone tried this therapy with some luck? I’m thinking an about purchasing some kind of zinc spray or nasal rinse. I believe a lot of my CFS symptoms stem from nasopharyngeal inflammation. I can feel it burning back there when I’m in a flare. My neck gets stiff and hurts, my tinnitus worsens, my ears canals burn, I get a headache, and my fatigue and pain worsen
South Dakota
No Q Tips for me, thanks. My way may take time but it’s gentle and effective. I’m using Zinc Status [1 mg zinc sulfate/1 tsp distilled water] while lying on my back, dropping a few drops into each nasal passage and allowing it to run back to nasopharynx area of my throat where mucus formation urges throat clearing and hawking. I know that liquid I drop in my nose when I lay on my back, runs till it drops into the nasopharynx. I can feel it. I’m happy to have come across your zinc application info. I started 5 days ago, repeating once or twice a day. Previous to that I had a sinus cold which phased out with post nasal stuff I could sometimes see but commonly feel. After gargling with 1 tsp sea salt/1 cup water and hawking, I could often dislodge globs from my throat which at first were bloody. Now, since starting the Zinc Status, I’m having less post nasal stuff happening and it’s more liquid. My right ear got fluid in as the cold resolved so I want that gone too. I’ll be experimenting with how many drops I use.


Senior Member
I’m using Zinc Status [1 mg zinc sulfate/1 tsp distilled water] while lying on my back, dropping a few drops into each nasal passage and allowing it to run back to nasopharynx area of my throat where mucus formation urges throat clearing and hawking.

Did you see the warning that zinc nasal sprays can sometimes damage the sense of smell? The olfactory organ is shown at the top of your diagram. Not sure if your dripping method gets any zinc onto the olfactory organ.
South Dakota
Did you see the warning that zinc nasal sprays can sometimes damage the sense of smell? The olfactory organ is shown at the top of your diagram. Not sure if your dripping method gets any zinc onto the olfactory organ.
I did see that warning, but thanks. I would probably have to stand on my head to get drops into the olfactory organ as shown on the diagram. ☺️🙃