I think cultural issues are at play too.
From an outsider perspective (and many things in life are double-edged swords of course - so there's much good as well), Scandinavian societies can feel intensely focused on conformity and unquestioning obedience to state experts. Maybe it's akin to how people can behave within a strict religious framework. It's blasphemous to question the state or its holy experts. (Exaggerated for simplicity.)
As far as moving the patient along in order to empty the bed, this happens in socialized healthcare systems.
First though, a person in need of care may never even be accepted as a patient and deemed worthy of care. You can save a lot of money be redefining what care is needed - by denying that care is needed.
I'm also not sure our societies even know what proper care is. In private care, the patient risks being over-treated as there is financial gain for hospitals/doctors/pharma (?) for this. In public care, the patient risks being under-treated as a society will only tolerate "wasting" so much public money on sick people, who as far as I can tell are largely regarded as subhuman.
The system becomes Animal Farm.
I don't believe Karina has been seen as an individual, as a human deserving of human rights. I believe she has been regarded as a specimen. And with the mantra of conformity and unquestioning obedience to state experts also comes the mantra of "for the greater good." So those in power have felt that they have a right to play god, as they believe they know what is best for everyone - and/or don't care and are greedy or crave status. And if society doesn't hold them accountable, they are above the law.
I'm sure that what has been spent on Karina is nothing compared to disability insurances and biomedical treatments, etc. for the tens-of-thousands to millions of Karina's. She was an investment to them - a tool for a "greater" purpose.
Regarding her diagnosis, I believe they ignored ME and labeled her with PAWS - some kind of extremely rare psych diagnosis for children. I also believe they tried (and maybe did) deny her legal representation, saying that she was never sane enough to choose a lawyer.
Maybe one framework for looking at things is that insurance/pharma are ranchers, politicians/doctors (generally/often) are the varying status levels of ranch hands, and we the proles are their cattle to be farmed for profit. Also, those in power try not to spook the cattle [edit - when it fits their purposes], not bc they care about/respect the cattle, but bc calm cattle are easier to control.
As far as liberating Karina - maybe someone should write to "Krysztof Rutkowski" -
http://www.thelocal.no/20111109/action-hero-rescues-kid-from-foster-care and