Update on Karina.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Did the doctor actually help with this? The point is, we may go to the doctor, but just not mention ME, due to the risks that can pose of being labelled as mentally ill, which can prevent at least some of us from getting any help at all, and in the worst case of being treated as Karina is.

I didnt actually go to a doctor when my ME pain was at its worst as I was completely bedridden by that point so incapable unless I called ambulance.

All my other symptoms in the past had been ignored and I'd been told by doctors "there is nothing we can do for CFS" and not knowing better back then, I believed them.. I thought I had an illness in which even the symptoms were not treatable.

It wouldnt work if I went to a doctor for treatment and didnt mention ME as they would wonder what the heck was going on (I actually have tried that 2-3 times).. for one Im in a wheelchair, so they want to know why. 2/ Im on a lot of drugs so they'd want to know why?.. if you refuse to tell them what medications you are on, they could well prescribe something which cant be taken with your current medications.

They'd end up wondering why on earth I have so many health conditions.

Ive had doctors turn me away refusing to treat me as they say they dont feel comfortable to do so and "you need to go to your own doctor".. with just getting a little of my history eg what drugs Im on (im on 7 prescription drugs for things) and seeing me is enough to concern them about what they are dea ing with and feel out of their league.

The home call out doctor even refused to treat me as he felt uncomfortable as he could see I had a lot of health issues without me even mentioning ME/CFS. (that was one of the times I avoided saying it). He also said to me "see your own doctor".

When my own doctor was away on holiday for a month and hence i had no choice but to see a different one, that doctor too refused to refill one of my prescriptions (my benzo sleep drugs) and told me to wait till my own doctor got back. He too I didnt mention ME/CFS too (thou maybe he saw it mentioned in the clinics notes).

So in my own case not hiding I have ME/CFS hasnt helped.. unless I went without the wheelchair (but then Im likely to collapse at appointment and need hospital), but then I also cant wait in the waiting room at clinics usuall due to the MCS.. and I cant hide that as they would wonder why on earth I wont sit in the room and wait etc etc.

If Im waiting too long I can start shaking as well and then they'd ask what was wrong there too. My illness is too severe for me to be able to fake being normal.
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Senior Member
This is a rough translation with thanks to Michael Evison of the document that records the sacking of the Danish Health Director. It makes quite shocking reading but just maybe this will cast a ray of hope for the Hansen family and lead to Karina's release.

(Apologies, but I cannot find a link to the story.)

After the scandals: Health's director fired
Health Minister sack Else Smith after numerous scandals
By Peter Korsgaard

Health Minister Nick Haekkerup (S) has sacked Health's Director Else Smith. It confirms press officer in the Ministry Thomas Bille Winkel to Ekstra Bladet.

It is the last time many scandals concerning the Agency's limping supervision of the country's doctors, which has led to the sacking, writes the Health Ministry in a statement.
"We need to get cleaned up and modernized Health. We have spent years - changing directors and ministers - seen a number of cases that have created uncertainty regarding the supervision of the Danish health. Cases that have made people uncertain about the supervision of our health care system works well enough", says Health Minister Nick Haekkerup message:
"Since I became Minister of Health, I have always said very clearly that I will do whatever it takes, to get cleaned up in these things and to restore confidence in the Board of Health".

And there have been a number of cases, which overall makes me think the time has come to more fundamentally address this, so we get a properly cleaned up and modernized Health service.
It is only a few months ago that Vagn Nielsen and supervision chief Anne Mette Dons got sacked, but now the time has come for Else Smith.

The most recent case concerning the supervision deals with a brain injury psychiatrist. Dr revealed that the psychiatrist worked despite the fact that the Agency for several years had been warned about the psychiatrist's work. The brain-damage psychiatrist came to be involved in both deaths and several cases of severe mistreatment.

Read the Drs statement here:
The case is far from unique. Ekstra Bladet has previously revealed how Slagelse doctor Carsten Bøttcher prescribed massive amounts of addictive drugs to patients, despite the fact that the Board of Health on several occasions had been warned against his careless with prescription pad.
Pellet Amok: prescribed for several years of consumption.
The previous year a Dr could tell how the North Jutland psychiatrist Arne Mejlhede, for years prescribed insane amounts of drugs and error-treated patients.

Also in this case, the Board of Health had repeatedly been warned without that you had done something.
The many revelations of the lame supervision has among others contributed to the then Minister of Health Astrid Krag (S) called for an independent review of Health. It came last summer and contained 57 specific recommendations. It was especially internal communication, as it limped serious.

OVERVIEW: Health Protection Agency's controversial cases
According to Health Minister Nick Haekkerup (S) is a large number of problematic cases in the National Board of Health, which has led to Thursday's firing of the Agency's Executive Director Else Smith.

Here an overview of some of the cases Else Smith's time as director since August 2010:
* February 2015: It appears that a brain-damage psychiatrist for years have been allowed to work, even if the Board of Health was repeatedly warned about the psychiatrist's condition. The psychiatrist's work leads to deaths and serious medication errors in children.

* June 2014: The European Regulators Association (Epso) points out that the Board of Health's supervision, among other things doctors can do better, and that cooperation between the Agency's medical officers and the central monitoring unit is not functioning optimally.

* April 2013: A nordjysk psychiatrist prescribed for years large quantities of medicine and error-treated patients. Also in this case, the Board of Health had repeatedly been warned, without doing anything.

* May 2013: A sick donor is allowed to donate sperm to a sperm bank and donate a total of semen to 64 pregnancies. A hole legislation that was first amended in 2012, was to blame for that man donating semen. Board of Health recognizes that the law has been too lax.
* March 2013: It appears that a number of mothers received the drug misoprostol, although it may lead the fetus to die or suffer brain damage. Health has not responded quickly enough to warnings from professionals about side effects.

* November 2012: A doctor from Slagelse prescribed for a period of large amounts of addictive drugs to patients, although the Board of Health repeatedly warned against the situation.

* March 2012: National Board of Health criticized because it was not on, but doctors in Danish Orthopaedic Society, who were the first to respond to the use of so-called metal-on-metal hip prostheses for fear of serious side effects.
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Rebel without a biscuit
Just throwing out a thought here. Maybe this is a complete non-starter but. . . what if we wrote a petition letter that said all the signers are now boycotting Danish goods until there is action to investigate the incarceration of Karina. Just another angle to get their attention.

It wouldn't mean much to do that here in Canada but in Europe/UK and maybe US it might have an impact if we could grow the numbers.

Would the letter need to be written in Danish?