Unfolded Protein Response and A Possible Treatment for CFS


Senior Member

I will post soon a new Thread with a complete hypothesis since new Topics came out from my Research.

Since that post will not be associated with any Treatment, i will post it under the "Latest ME/CFS Research" section and i will notify everyone interested by posting in this Thread too.
@mariovitali; I many of the symptoms you listed on the first page and I used finasteride briefly around the time that I began having these heath problems.

Do you still take the same protocol from the first page or the abbreviated one in your signature? I notice it hasn't been updated since 2015.

How long after being on the protocol until you noticed improvement in symptoms / how long until complete recovery?

thank you


Senior Member
No the regimen has changed since then, i will probably have to remove the one shown in my signature.

As soon as some things are sorted out i will post the latest findings of my research.

Also, it seems that i am not able to PM you, so please PM me when you get the chance.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hey could somebody explain how TUDCA gets from the gut to helping the retina. Does it physically travel there? Or is it working it's magic via the liver?

TUDCA is consumed
It makes it's way to the intestines
It's reabsorbed by the liver
... (then what?)

Does it enter liver cells as TUDCA or is it broken down into something else? What happens after ?


Senior Member
Has anyone here had recent success taking Jarrow Bile Acid Factors and TUDCA?
I tried TUDCA but cant say I noticed anything of great benefit when I was taking it, but looking back at that period, I did have better health so maybe it was more subtle or quite possibly one of the other supplements I was on back then. Jarrow bile acid factors is one of the few supplements were I notice a definite benefit. I have also taken another brand of ox bile to save money, but the coagulated acids in the Jarrow formula are superior for me.I am able to digest meals with plenty of fat in them when I take this, and generally have better health after I have taken it....a month's lag in noticing better health, which is quite possibly from improved absorption of fatty acids/fat soluble vitamins over the prior period.

I have noticed in the past when I have taken high quality milk keifer (double ferment) that I see dead flukes in the toilet, and its quite possible they are effecting my gall bladder/bile Flukes are generally associated with liver but I dont have any pain there (pain is where my spleen is on opposite side). I have had difficulty putting on weight as well as steatorrhea, but the doctors weren't not that interested. There are many stories out there of people who have their gall bladder removed with surgery where their doctors give them zero advice for life post op and or info on supplements that could improve their QOL. I am about to try a vet drug for fluke eradication.


Senior Member
Dear All,

Please find below the first post of the series regarding the use of Machine Learning, Network Analysis and Natural Language Processing to identify relevant Medical Topics to CFS, PFS and more.




Senior Member
I have a question as well. My labs showed that I was SEVERLY deficient in EVERY single fatty acid. Could this somehow relate to a TUDCA deficiency? Because if my body isn't making enough bile, then how can it convert fats into fatty acids?
The single nutrient that helped me by increasing bile flow is Molybdenum. Pretty hard to take it though




Senior Member
As to molybdenum, the BodyBio drops can be titrated. I started with a single drop in a quarter cup of water and took a teaspoon. And so on and so forth. I now take 150mng a day or more in tablet form...
I have 75mcg capsules which I opened and took like ~10mcg the 1st time, then ~30mcg the 2nd time, then I had glutamate exposure and renal colic with nausea. Moly experiment is suspended for a while now. I hope I will be able to tolerate moly foods again soon though, because there is no melatonin without it :wide-eyed: and IBS-C comes back with poorly digest food etc :meh:

When you read around about the soils being depleted of minerals, think Moly first... I read a study about soy crops where Moly levels varied from 100 to 3,900 ppb in different but close by places. I am pretty sure I get no Moly from vegetables, just very little from green beans perhaps. In legumes, only chick peas give me a noticeable amount of Moly (I avoid soy though due to salicylates and oxalates).


Senior Member
What boosts heat shock protein 70
Is the idea of this thread that low Hsp70 Leaves you with unfolded proteins
Mine reduction would come about following FOXC1 FOXO1A
Is it a proteopathy I wonder
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Senior Member
Los Angeles, CA
I believe that the Researchers who saw CFS as a kind of Amyloidosis and discuss Unfolded Protein Response have hit Bull's Eye. The analysis shows (but of course can't confirm) that there are so many common features between Amyloidosis and CFS.

The same -possibly- applies for the Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) and also for Permanent side effects of Accutane (Depression, Brain Fog, Neurological Problems).

The fact that i recovered from a Condition spanning more than 7 years is not a coincidence. I tried hundreds of Supplements and Medications, injected HCG for Hypogonadism, received Thyroid Medication...i was a mess. And within 2 months everything normalized.

I am running several other types of Analysis and i will post them here to discuss.
@mariovitali I was researching hereditary amyloidosis and this feed came up. Do you have any information on this condition? Thanks


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