Unfolded Protein Response and A Possible Treatment for CFS


Senior Member
Since many of you are asking, I wanted to update you regarding my attempt to talk with Dr Ron Davis.

As it seems i did not even get a reply from him. I did not expect that to be honest, especially since i have included in my E-Mail mentions of Medical Topics Relevant to CFS that were made over a year ago on this Thread and they were later mentioned both in Naviaux and Fluge Studies . The same thing (=no reply) happened with a PR Member whom i contacted on February the 22nd -one day before contacting Dr. Davis- and who works as i was told with Dr. Davis.

There is no reason to disclose who this person is i think. All i wanted was to give an update but also tell things exactly as they happened.

If you feel that there should be a second attempt with Dr. Davis then i think it should be done by many of us and not just one person. Please PM me if you want to arrange this.

If you believe that there are other researchers/organizations that i could talk to please let me know.
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Senior Member
If you feel that there should be a second attempt with Dr. Davis then i think it should be done by many of us and not just one person. Please PM me if you want to arrange this.
Please don't harass researchers. And you have yet to put forth a coherent hypothesis, much less demonstrate how it is relevant to his research. And keep in mind that he is very much focused on ME, whereas you are apparently targeting a broader chronic fatigue state.


Senior Member

This is your point of view of what "harassment" is. Not mine.

Also a group of people have every right to send one E-Mail to the same Researcher, as long as the language used is a proper one and no Threats are used.


Senior Member
Also a group of people have every right to send one E-Mail to the same Researcher, as long as the language used is a proper one and no Threats are used.
Have you been following the posts from his wife and a visitor? He's horribly overworked and exhausted, and you want to burden him more to get some attention for a pet theory that doesn't even make sense.
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Senior Member
@Jesse2233 Thank you!

Actually i emailed Dr Davis yesterday and i am waiting for an answer from him.

You can find more details about the methods that are being used for this Research here :


Dr Davis is very busy and really you shouldn't be contacting a researcher directly. Go to the OMF site and familiarize yourself with what they are doing and who they are working with and ask yourself if your research applies -- http://www.openmedicinefoundation.org/

If you think you have something to offer, find the contact person and send them an email of enquiry because that is part of their job and it's proper protocol to do so. The contact person is listed at the bottom of the page. If you want to be viewed as a professional is best to use the contact email as your step in the door rather than sending random emails to Dr Davis and members here who are associated with him.


Senior Member
Dr Davis is very busy and really you shouldn't be contacting a researcher directly. Go to the OMF site and familiarize yourself with what they are doing and who they are working with and ask yourself if your research applies -- http://www.openmedicinefoundation.org/

If you think you have something to offer, find the contact person and send them an email of enquiry because that is part of their job and it's proper protocol to do so. The contact person is listed at the bottom of the page. If you want to be viewed as a professional is best to use the contact email as your step in the door rather than sending random emails to Dr Davis and members here who are associated with him.

OK so go to OMF, and find the relevant person. Actually, i had no idea about the OMF and what it does. Very inspiring...

That's Great info there, Thank you.
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@mario, I have done a lot of lab tests for my pfs during last years. The pattern of strange values I have found is fixed and I have compared it with other pfs users to be sure to have a valid statistic.
Please note also that I have repeated the tests many times during last two years, and it is always confirmed.

The costant strange values are:

- lower level of platelets count compared to before pfs
- low vitamin D and it falls down fastly if not supplemented
- calcium closed to the upper part of the range(also without vit D supplement) (note: I got hypercalcemia during the days of my pfs crash with vit D = 7 pg/ml)
- magnesium urine output over the range

please, can be this pattern coherent with your theory ?


Senior Member
Not new but on point;


Pathway analysis points to a few pathways with high impact and therefore potential disturbances in patients, mainly taurine metabolism and glycerophospholipid metabolism, combined with primary bile acid metabolism, as well as glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism and a few other pathways, all involved broadly in fatty acid metabolism


Senior Member
People on the oxolates group suggest there might be a link w/Gilbert's syndrome

Oxolates are linked into @mariovitali theory because when bile becomes deficient fats no longer break down efficiently and reach lower levels of the gut where they combine with calcium. This prevents calcium from binding to oxolates and moving them from the system efficiently. They wind up contributing to leaky gut and further burden the liver.


Senior Member

Good to know, Thanks. :thumbsup:

Recall what i discuss in the first post of the Thread.

So this happened to you because as you age you handle ER Stress less efficiently. The time has come therefore to use more weapons against it.

I would suggest that you start slow

Unfortunately i forgot to discuss this in the beginning of the thread that while being in this protocol i had days where i felt as if i was about to get sick. It is like my immune system was being re-programmed (?)

So if you had what Freddd discussed as being sick in the beginning (i think that Rich Konynenburg mentioned this as well in his methylation protocol) you will get exactly that with this protocol and some more.

So you could add NAG -just one tablet of 700 mg- on the first day then work your way to up to 3 tablets per day. Then you can add TUDCA (one tablet) and then gradually add one more tablet for a total of 500 mg.

I do not know if everyone will get these "protocol startup symptoms" but you have to be aware for this possibility. Make also sure that you avoid the things discussed.

I also saw you are considering starting Miyarisan. Please be aware that Butyrate lowers TMAO levels and TMAO is good for proper Protein Folding (not discussed in the original post). So try not to mix protocols...

You can also try Alpha GPC instead of Choline bitartate. Probably it has a better and quicker positive effect.

Good Luck to you

So Butyric acid supplements are a bad idea then?