I found the regimen suggested in this Thread by self-experimentation, logging on a daily basis the supplements i was using, my symptoms and various other parameters.
Ah right, so you were working backwards from experimental data, trying to find the best biochemical theory that fits your data.
I did a similar thing when I was suffering from severe generalized anxiety disorder: I started testing hundreds of supplements, and noted down every supplement which had some ability to reduce my anxiety levels. Then I started reading about the various metabolic pathways that each supplement acted on, in the hope of finding a pathway common to all or most of the supplements, that might explain their anti-anxiety effects.
After a year or so, I realized that most of my anti-anxiety supplements reduced brain inflammation (neuroinflammation) in one way or another. So I started to think that brain inflammation might be causing my anxiety symptoms. This tied in to new research about brain inflammation and immune activation being linked to various mental conditions, such as depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, OCD.
Once I hit upon this theory of brain inflammation causing my anxiety symptoms, I was then able to find further supplements and drugs that were anti-inflammatory, and found that some of these also had an anti-anxiety effect.
I think you have already seen
my thread of the anti-anxiety effects of N-acetyl-glucosamine, turmeric, flaxseed oil, etc.
I am looking forward to learning about your data science techniques.
Such a data science technique could be useful for people trying to work out why a supplement helps them. Often people on this forum notice that several supplements or drugs will improve one or more of their symptoms, but usually they cannot figure out
why these improvements occur, so they may post a thread on the forum asking if anyone has a good biochemical explanation. Then people may respond with their guesses as to what is going on biochemically.
As you certainly appreciate, once you hit on the what looks like the right biochemical explanation, you can then try other supplements and drugs that work on the same biochemical pathway, and this may further improve your symptoms.