Hi RustyJ, I have been twice looked at by psychiatrists, and one psychologist. Its part of what you have to go through to get disability. Even if you get a disability pension, eventually one of the reviews will be by a psychiatrist or psychologist. I'm not happy about this, but it is a pragmatic necessity. Bye, Alex
That's interesting, Alex.
I saw a psychiatrist when I had a work breakdown in 1998 (mandatory by Workcare) & twice around 2006 (because my Dr thought I was getting depressed at the constant pain & ill health).
2nd Psych. a few years ago, thought I was not depressed, just
very, very angry.
(mind you, that was in the days when no one believed me - except my GP - I was very angry for at least 15 years LOL).
I certainly
never saw a psych. when I was assessed for the Disability Pension in Feb. this year.
My Dr put FM as my primary reason for quitting work & applying for Disability, but in actual fact I had several other conditions which made work impossible. I had about 16 years worth of chiro, physio, acupuncture, xrays, U/S, MRI's, stress echos, heart tests & so on......(apart from having chiropractic for back, hip, shoulder, neck & headache pain since 1980). I am on BP, heart & pain meds to this day.
Although stopping work has reduced the pain meds dramatically. Lumbar spine, pelvic, gallbladder & several other surgeries also contributed to the medical background. And my severe myopia & decreasing hearing in my left ear doesn't help do alot of phone, accounts & computer work any more.
After 6 months, since finishing work, I still get severe headaches & eye pain starts if I overdo the computer time at home (one of the reasons I rarely post/blog on PR now).
No one could claim I didn't have a very, very good case (aside from FM & now, possibly CFS as well).
I had to have a job capacity assessment by an outside company also (not Centrelink).
Perhaps there was no doubt as to the validity of my claim, hence no psych. at that time (of my applic.).
If they had contacted my employer (illegal I think), that would have again beeen presented with all my sick days & part sick days over the last 10-12 years (as well as several episodes necessitating a colleague taking me to the emergency during the work day).
Not sure when/if another assessment would be made in the future. Didn't ask at the time of application 'cause I was too exhausted & in too much pain to do much.
I am much improved (due to rest & pacing), but am going through a bad phase of MCS at the moment.
Do you know what the usual procedure is for psych or centrelink re-assessment is? Is it every couple of years (or what)? Or is it based on the individual circumstances?
I know this pension is only, if you can't do more that 16 hours work in the next 2 years (otherwise one would be on sickness benefits, or the "dole").